Top 1200 Prayer Meeting Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Prayer Meeting quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Like all good things, prayer requires some discipline. Yet I believe that life with God should seem more like friendship than duty. Prayer includes moments of ecstasy and also dullness, mindless distraction and acute concentration, flashes of joy and bouts of irritation. In other words, prayer has features in common with all relationships that matter.
The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A prayer so simple and so rich; from deepest heart, I exhort all to recite it.
Speak, move, act in peace, as if you were in prayer. In truth, this is prayer. — © Francois Fenelon
Speak, move, act in peace, as if you were in prayer. In truth, this is prayer.
The Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing dedication and courage born of prayer.
All during that prison time I really lived by prayer. Be in prayer always, we're told, and back then I was.
I'm just meeting amazing people. I'll go into a meeting with Ant and Dec and just be like, 'This is my life?'
Prayer is not one of the many things the community does. Rather, it is its very beingBut when prayer is no longer its primary concern, and when its many activities are no longer seen and experienced as part of prayer itself, the community quickly degenerates into a club with a common cause but no common vocation.
Prayer must never be answered: if it is, it ceases to be prayer and becomes correspondence.
Who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered.
We often think of prayer as a means to an end. Prayer is the goal.
Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts.
Prayer is spiritual exercise and every act of prayer stretches the soul.
Prayer is a ritual! But at the root of prayer is the idea of complete bowing down in submission to the Will of God. — © Louis Farrakhan
Prayer is a ritual! But at the root of prayer is the idea of complete bowing down in submission to the Will of God.
Prayer is not trying to twist God’s arm to make Him do something. Prayer is receiving by faith what He has already done!
I found myself in a meeting on my 13th birthday, which I really had no idea the enormity of, but I was in a meeting with the CEO of Atlantic Records, who sort of signed me right then and there as I was playing guitar for him.
We can do nothing without prayer. All things can be done by importunate prayer. That is the teaching of Jesus Christ
Prayer, desperate prayer, seems so simple, but it’s a step rarely taken by those in family conflict.
St. Thomas is right. The essential prayer is the prayer of petition.
The easiest way to get touch with this universal power is through silent Prayer. Shut your eyes, shut your mouth, and open your heart. This is the golden rule of prayer. Prayer should be soundless words coming forth from the centre of your heart filled with love.
The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, buy unoffered prayer.
Am I solemn? I had an idea I was grinning from ear to ear." "You look as if you were taking me to a prayer-meeting or a funeral. If that's a grin your ears are very near together." "Should you like me to dance a hornpipe on the deck?" "Pray do, and I'll carry round your hat. It'll pay the expenses of our journey.
There was absolutely zero discourse between me or anybody at the studio with the NFL. None. The only exchange was one-sentence e-mails trying to arrange a meeting, before deciding to cancel the meeting. Period. End of story.
The purpose of all prayer is to find God's will and to make that our prayer
If in prayer I come before a throne of grace, the faults of my prayer will be overlooked.
Prayer is an art which only the Spirit can teach us. He is the giver of all prayer.
The odds of not meeting in this life are so great that every meeting is like a miracle. It's a wonder that we don't make love to every single person we meet.
Frankly, the president, during the first opportunity I had to be in a Cabinet meeting, before we started the meeting, he said, Folks, before we begin this meeting, I'm going to call on General Ashcroft and ask him invite the wisdom and presence of God in what we do. And I thought to myself how ashamed I'd been that so many times in my life I had entered upon great important tasks and I had cheated myself and those that I had served of a blessing.
Ah,” said a voice from the doorway, “having your annual ‘everyone thinks Will is a lunatic’ meeting, are you? “It’s biannual,” said Jem. “And no, this is not that meeting.
There is no way of learning to pray but by praying. No reasoned philosophy of prayer ever taught a soul to pray. We know not what we should pray for as we ought, and if prayer waits for understanding it will never begin. We discover by using. We learn by practice. Though a man should have all knowledge about prayer, and though he should understand all mysteries about prayer, unless he prays he will never learn to pray.
We have not been men of prayer. The spirit of prayer has slumbered among us. The closet has been too little frequented and delighted in. We have allowed business, study or active labor to interfere with our closet-hours. And the feverish atmosphere in which both the church and the nation are enveloped has found its way into our prayer closets.
Pursuing prayer is prayer on a mission. It is diligent, fervent, constant, persevering, determined, and convinced.
Prayer is never rejected so long as we do not cease to pray. The chief failure of prayer is its cessation.
To say a prayer is not enough. One has to believe that it's possible for that prayer to be heard.
Prayer is the supreme activity of all that is noblest in our personality, and the essential nature of prayer is faith.
God answers the prayer we ought to have made rather than the prayer we did make.
Not prayer without faith, nor faith without prayer, but prayer in faith, is the cost of spiritual gifts and graces.
When you're really caught up in writing a poem, it can be a form of prayer. I'm not very good at praying, but what I experience when I'm writing a poem is close to prayer. I feel it in different degrees and not with every poem. But in certain ways writing is a form of prayer.
Prayer is the only way to amend your life: and without prayer, it will never be mended. — © Alexander Whyte
Prayer is the only way to amend your life: and without prayer, it will never be mended.
I find a great deal of comfort and care in my faith and prayer. I'd sooner do without air than prayer.
We do not drift into spiritual life or disciplined prayer. We will not grow in prayer unless we plan to pray.
Hold at least one all-hands meeting every quarter and, to underscore the startup's team concept, make sure at least one additional executive joins you in leading the meeting.
Going to the Sahara Desert and meeting the Touareg band Tinariwen was a life-changing experience. All through that time, I have just carried on learning and meeting musicians, and I keep finding links between different forms.
The highest level of prayer is not a prayer for anything. It is a deep and profound silence, in which we allow ourselves to be still and know Him. In that silence, we are changed. We are calmed. We are illumined. Prayer is meant to dissolve the worldly focus, to dissolve our sense of a separate self, to help us detach from an insane world order. We pray that He might flood our minds. Prayer is like pouring hot water on an ice cube, melting the cold and encrusted thought forms that still surround our hearts.
It is not enough to say prayers: we must become, be prayer, prayer incarnate. All of life, each act, each act, every gesture, even the smile of the human face, must become a hymn of adoration, an offering, a prayer. One should offer not what one has but what one is.
Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian.
Prayer - secret, fervent, believing prayer - lies at the root of all personal godliness.
Prayer is good, but when baked potatoes and milk are needed, prayer will not supply their place.
Persistence in prayer brings results that casual prayer does not. — © Max Anders
Persistence in prayer brings results that casual prayer does not.
If prayer stands as the place where God and human beings meet, then I must learn about prayer.
If you give your life as a prayer, you intensify the prayer beyond all measure.
Prayer and love are really learned in the hour when prayer becomes impossible and your heart turns to stone.
Spiritual reading is a regular, essential part of the life of prayer, and particularly is it the support of adoring prayer.
It isn't a coincidence that prayer was commanded right after the year of sadness. The prayer was the greatest comfort.
Prayer does not demand that we interrupt our work, but that we continue working as if it were a prayer.
Nothing is more important than honesty in prayer. There are no pretensions in prayer, so the best place to begin is wherever you are.
The prayer of the feeblest saint who lives in the Spirit and keeps right with God is a terror to Satan. The very powers of darkness are paralyzed by prayer; no spiritualistic seance can succeed in the presence of a humble praying saint. No wonder Satan tries to keep our minds fussy in active work till we cannot think in prayer.
The most eloquent prayer is the prayer through hands that heal and bless.
One of the most meaningful things we can do as parents is teach our children the power of prayer, not just the routine of prayer.
With prayer, one can go on cheerfully and even happily. Without prayer, how grim a journey!
Inside any important philanthropy meeting, you witness heads of state meeting with investment managers and corporate leaders. All are searching for answers with their right hand to problems that others in the room have created with their left.
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