Top 1200 Press Conferences Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Press Conferences quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press
Good press, bad press, whatever, only means a lot to me if it's writ by somebody I respect, by somebody I like.
On a serious level, I wouldn't tell the press if I was in a relationship or not. I wouldn't ever reveal that, because it takes you down a certain road... I have no desire to be courting the press with my love life.
It's certainly easy to calculate the average attendance for Perl conferences. — © Larry Wall
It's certainly easy to calculate the average attendance for Perl conferences.
You know, trust in the press, polls show - from Pew and other places - have gone down significantly over the years. Maybe the press doesn't have that much ability to frame people's decisions.
I'm not one who goes for the 'all press is good press' dictum.
I have a private plane. But I fly commercial when I go to environmental conferences.
I think the press gets lazy once a certain kind of image is out there. It just adheres, rather than the press trying to break that down.
Don't let a week go by without conferences with each player, you can't teach it all on the floor.
We bask in sermons, conferences, and books that exalt a grace centering on us.
When you read Western press, you probably get a feeling that all Russian press is censored, there's no freedom at all, we can't say whatever, which is absolutely, absolutely, completely untrue.
I get a little nauseated, perhaps, when I hear the phrase 'freedom of the press' used as freely as it is, knowing that a large part of our proprietorial press is not free at all.
The press frequently sneers at the hype devoted to a superstar, but the press itself is responsible for all the hype.
On a serious level, I wouldnt tell the press if I was in a relationship or not. I wouldnt ever reveal that, because it takes you down a certain road... I have no desire to be courting the press with my love life.
The UN was very media-shy, and its relationship with the press was very controlled; although periodically I spoke to the press, the rule was, only the secretary-general speaks to the press; only the secretary-general makes... So you would see many situations where under-secretaries-general would come in and speak. I opened that, and I encouraged all of them to speak in their areas, whether it was peacekeeping or humanitarian efforts.
This is a massive crisis for the press, and the degree now that the press revs up its scrutiny and its opposition to Donald Trump, as opposed to being neutral and fair to Donald Trump - they will compound their own problem, because Republicans don't trust them, independents largely don't trust them, and the press risks just being credible to only one party in America.
It's so important to the public to get an honest press. The press - the public doesn't believe you people anymore. — © Donald Trump
It's so important to the public to get an honest press. The press - the public doesn't believe you people anymore.
Conferences are just like the poor and the Democrats, they will always be with us.
The failures of the press have contributed immensely to the emergence of a talk-show nation, in which public discourse is reduced to ranting and raving and posturing. We now have a mainstream press whose news agenda is increasingly influenced by this netherworld.
Every part of every song can have a totally different musical sound, because otherwise if I wanted to go from a verse of one song to the chorus of another, I'd have to go: "Uh, okay, press that pedal and then... press that pedal, and then press that pedal off."
So it's not a matter of the military lying to the press, but it's the job of the military to deny the press any information that will provide aid and comfort to the enemy.
As a conservative who believes in limited government, I believe the only check on government power in real time is a free and independent press. A free press ensures the flow of information to the public, and let me say, during a time when the role of government in our lives and in our enterprises seems to grow every day--both at home and abroad - ensuring the vitality of a free and independent press is more important than ever.
I have a private press. I'm a book artist. I publish books of other authors and artists. I do the illustrating. I set the type. I print it myself on my press. I do everything but bind it.
A free press doesn't mean it's not a tame press.
Sleater-Kinney's biggest momentum was from the press - that, second to Radiohead, they got more positive press than any other band in America in the 90s.
There isn't what my father called the cruising hostility of the English press - where they're looking around for something to attack. You don't feel that there's a great reservoir of resentment in the press as you do in England.
Given an opportunity, Modi has violated the freedom of press both in letter and spirit. He destroys freedom of the press whenever he gets a chance.
I'm sure a lot of you had this experience when you're changing. You're growing as a person and people tend to treat you like you were 18 months ago, and it's really frustrating sometimes when you're growing up and you're more capable. It's the same thing with a company and the press. The press is going to have a lag time. The best thing we can do about the press is embrace them and do the best thing we can to educate them about our strategy. But to keep our eye on the prize, that is turning out some great products. the press and the stock prize will take care of themselves.
On the whole, it seems to me that probably the American press is doing a better job of this mediation, so to speak, between the people and the administration than the press of any other country.
Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together," Pulitzer wrote. "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.
Jihad and the rifle alone. NO negotiations, NO conferences and NO dialogue
A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad.
The press doesn't stop publishing, by the way, in a fascist escalation; it simply watches what it says. That too can be an incremental process, and the pace at which the free press polices itself depends on how journalists are targeted.
Press the button, pump the water, build the pressure, push the piston, press the button. It's the perfect job.
I'm very much in support of the free press, but the free press ought to be educational and informative. And I believe they have fallen down recently on that.
There is an attempt to tarnish Turkey by using press freedom when it is in fact measures taken against terrorism, i dispute this. Nowhere in Europe or in other countries is there a media that is as free as the press in Turkey.
Any press is good press.
I'm doing all these interviews with the British press, the Italian press, and others. They all want to talk about this stuff. I don't have a stance; I don't have a go-to thing to say about any of this.
The Ecuadorean and Latin American press is not like the European or North American press, which has some professional ethics. They are used to being above the law, to blackmail, to extort.
I like to do a face steam, so, heat up a flannel, press it onto your face and then press a cold one on afterwards to close the pores. It's inexpensive! — © Georgia May Jagger
I like to do a face steam, so, heat up a flannel, press it onto your face and then press a cold one on afterwards to close the pores. It's inexpensive!
When you lose power, then all of a sudden, the press are lions. When you have power, the press are lambs.
When I go stand up at the podium in front of the White House press corps, I never lie. I never say something that I know is untrue. Credibility is enormously important to a press secretary.
My oldest son, Gary, is a seasoned minister and travels with me for ministers' conferences.
A free press needs to be a respected press.
The corporatization of the press really has hurt the press.
I actually don't read the press. All the writers I admire were significantly reclusive, and I'm still trying to figure out how they got to a place where they didn't have to talk to press.
London owes everything to its press: it owes as much to its press as it does to its being the seat of government and the law.
Obviously, I've seen what the press has done to my cousins. I would never let that rule my life, but I'm not the kind of person to rebel or do things. I don't know. I don't let the potential for bad press dictate who I am, but I keep that in mind. How can you not?
There's a big conservative press unabashedly and for the Democrats and even people to the left of the Democratic party, there's almost virtually no outlets that you can compare with the vast array of conservative press that's out there.
For hard resets, conventions and conferences can be inspiring.
Our most tragic error may have been our inability to establish a rapport and a confidence with the press and television with the communication media. I don't think the press has understood me.
I have been reading the press more regularly than others over 50 years and it seems to me that there are things that have changed in the press that have changed its character.
I go to a lot of conferences and conventions to meet with readers directly. — © Sylvia Day
I go to a lot of conferences and conventions to meet with readers directly.
The future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on.
It is completely irresponsible, if not worse, for members of the media to be calling our press secretary a liar and worse. On Twitter and Facebook and elsewhere. And in articles. That is not the way to start relationships with the press.
Even though the press at times made me completely crazy as they followed me around the hall, and asked tough questions over and over again - now believe me, every politician feels this way - it is a necessary part of our life, and we must have a press that isn't cowed and won't be afraid of ratings if they get put to the back of the room at a press conference.
I didn't know how to do a press release, so I'd call the local Assembly member and say, 'Hey, can you fax me one of your press releases?' 'Which one?' 'Any one.'
In the U.S., free speech and the press are protected by the First Amendment. It has a clarity unmatched by modern legislators and declares that 'Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or the press.'
I want to be the kind of actress where, if I'm in the press, I'm in for the right reasons - for my work. To be in the press about family drama is kind of embarrassing.
Being attacked by the press is not something I see as a problem, but rather a confirmation that I am on the right track. It is even better when they ignore me completely, like the Norwegian press does; that means they are really afraid.
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