Top 1200 Price Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Price quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Say that Congress legislates gasoline price controls that sets a maximum price of $1 a gallon. As sure as night follows day, there'd be long lines and gasoline shortages, just as there were in the 1970s. For the average consumer, a $1.60 a gallon selling price and no waiting lines is a darn sight cheaper than a controlled $1 a gallon price plus searching for a gasoline station that has gas and then waiting in line. If your average purchase is 10 gallons, and if an hour or so of your time is worth more that $6, the $1.60 a gallon free market price is cheaper.
Taking B12 is the price of getting to be vegan, the way wearing a helmet is the price of getting to ride a motorcycle and giving up alcohol for nine months is the price of getting to have a baby.
I think you've got to pay the price for anything that's worthwhile, and success is paying the price. You've got to pay the price to win, you've got to pay the price to stay on top, and you 've got to pay the price to get there.
We have never considered any costs as fixed. Therefore we first reduce the price to a point where we believe more sales will result. Then we go ahead and try to make the price. We do not bother about the costs. The new price forces the cost down.
To a value investor, investments come in three varieties: undervalued at one price, fairly valued at another price, and overvalued at still some higher price. The goal is to buy the first, avoid the second, and sell the third.
[T]he price you've paid is not the price of becoming human. It's not even the price of having the things you just mentioned. It's the price of enacting a story that casts mankind as the enemy of the world.
In the kingdom of ends everything has either a price or a dignity. Whatever has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent; on the other hand, whatever is above all price, and therefore admits of no equivalent, has a dignity. But that which constitutes the condition under which alone something can be an end in itself does not have mere relative worth, i.e., price, but an intrinsic worth, i.e., a dignity.
Auctions typically are an opportunity for you to be able to acquire what you're looking for at a lower price; typically, the auctioneer sets the opening price at much lower than the retail price and certain interest develops and as more people come in it drives the price up.
The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change. — © William J. Clinton
The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change.
There is a very personal price to public humiliation, and the growth of the Internet has jacked up that price.
If you want spiritual life you have to pay the price. The price is the four regulative principles.
Everything has its price - and if that price is not paid, not that thing but something else is obtained... it is impossible to get anything without this price.
Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the price of never getting tired.
Whatever passes away is too vile to be the price of time, which is itself the price of eternity.
Everything in life has a price on it - there ain't a damn thing free in America, and football has got a price on it.
You have to pay the price. You will find that everything in life exacts a price, and you will have to decide whether the price is worth the prize.
There is a price to pay for speaking the truth. There is a bigger price for living a lie.
With any method of attaining great wealth, there is a price, and price is not always measured in money
If higher unemployment is the price we have to pay in order to bring inflation down, then it is a price worth paying.
There is a price tag on human liberty. That price is the willingness to assume the responsibilities of being free men. Payment of this price is a personal matter with each of us.
I know the price of lettuce. You need to understand price and value. You buy the best lettuce you can at the best price you can.
If the price of continuing my political career is to be complicit in a really bad thing then that's not a price I'm prepared to pay.
The margin  of safety is always dependent on the price paid. It will be large at one price, small at some higher price, nonexistent at some still higher price. — © Benjamin Graham
The margin of safety is always dependent on the price paid. It will be large at one price, small at some higher price, nonexistent at some still higher price.
Whatever the price, identify it now. What will you have to go through to get where you want to be? There is a price you can pay to be free of the situation once and for all. It may be a fantastic price or a tiny one -- but there is a price.
There is abundant proof that the opening of our ports always tends to raise the price of foreign corn to the price in the English market, and not to sink the price of British corn to the price in the continental market.
My price is five dollars for a miniature on ivory, and I have engaged three or four at that price. My price for profiles is one dollar, and everybody is willing to engage me at that price.
I buy stocks when they are battered. I am strict with my discipline. I always buy stocks with low price-earnings ratios, low price-to-book value ratios and higher-than-average yield. Academic studies have shown that a strategy of buying out-of-favor stocks with low P/E, price-to-book and price-to-cash flow ratios outperforms the market pretty consistently over long periods of time.
Goods move in response to price differences from points of low to points of higher price, the movement tending to obliterate the price difference and come to rest.
If you're going to sell stock and somebody wants to buy it at a price and that price is not a price you dictate, but demand dictates, sell it to them now.
We must be prepared to pay a price for freedom, for no price that is ever asked for it is half the cost of doing without it.
There is a price which is too great to pay for peace, and that price can be put in one word. One cannot pay the price of self-respect.
We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it. It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the U.K.
LABOUR, like all other things which are purchased and sold, and which may be increased or diminished in quantity, has its natural and its market price. The natural price of labour is that price which is necessary to enable the labourers, on with another, to subsist and to perpetuate their race, without either increase or diminution.
Edge also implies what Ben Graham....called a margin of safety. You have a margin of safety when you buy an asset at a price that is substantially less than its value. As Graham noted, the margin of safety 'is available for absorbing the effect of miscalculations or worse than average luck.' ...Graham expands, "The margin of safety is always dependent on the price paid. It will be large at one price, small at some higher price, nonexistent at some still higher price."
Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay just for leaving things as they are, a price for everything.
The price of empire is America's soul, and that price is too high.
Price creates incentive, and energy will be developed if there's demand for it at the price you can develop it.
If true love came at a price, the price would be all worth while if i was spending it on you.
The value of an item—in the mind of a consumer—is simply the difference between the anticipated price and the price on the tag.
I never wanted to compete on price in my history because on price, you don't always win.
Do not seek to be loved at any price, because Love has no price.
Of all the big Internet companies, Yahoo is the most highly valued on a price-earnings and price-sales basis.
The price of success is much lower than the price of failure.
My dad used to tell me, 'Check the price, son.' Check the price, kids, check the price because there is a price to be paid for whatever you do in life, whether it is good or it is bad. Before you do something, ask yourself is it worth the price you have to pay?
Whatever the price, identify it now. What will you have to go through to get where you want to be? There is a price you can pay to be free of the situation once and for all. It may be a fantastic price or a tiny one - but there is a price.
Clearly the price considered most likely by the market is the true current price: if the market judged otherwise, it would quote not this price, but another price higher or lower.
You have to have a product or service that offers customers a unique advantage over the competition. Some people think it has to be price, but only one person can have the lowest price, and the person with the lowest price isn't necessarily the most successful.
Understand there is a price to be paid for achieving anything of significance. You must be willing to pay the price. — © John Wooden
Understand there is a price to be paid for achieving anything of significance. You must be willing to pay the price.
The natural price, therefore, is, as it were, the central price, to which the prices of all commodities are continually gravitating.
The most influential factor in selling a home is always price. Don't build 'wiggle room' into the asking price. There's a price war out there and you have to win it from the get-go.
Everything has a price, including both success and failure. Choose either one and be prepared to pay the price.
I mean, price is price. It's just where you want to spend your money.
People always get what they want. But there is a price for everything. Failures are either those who do not know what they want or are not prepared to pay the price asked them. The price varies from individual to individual. Some get things at bargain-sale prices, others only at famine prices. But it is no use grumbling. Whatever price you are asked, you must pay.
You either believe in Europe at any price: in other words we have to be in Europe at any price because you can't survive without it, or you don't. If you don't it tends to suggest there is a price which you are not willing to pay.
Everything comes at a price. Everthing in your life. The question you have to ask yourself is, what price are you willing to pay?
My price is five dollars for a miniature on ivory, and I have engaged three or four at that price. My price for profiles is one dollar, and everybody is willing to engage me at that price
A common price isn't the lowest price. It will most obviously be the highest price.
The truth is that perhaps everything has a price, but certainly everyone has to pay more price only for their lies. — © Anuj
The truth is that perhaps everything has a price, but certainly everyone has to pay more price only for their lies.
Farmers will not see good days unless their produce gets a guaranteed price. Even a notebook, a pen, or a soap has a price printed on it, but the milk that farmers sell do not have any price.
The value of an item - in the mind of a consumer - is simply the difference between the anticipated price and the price on the tag.
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