Top 530 Printed Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Printed quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
No one knows as well as I how much nonsense is printed in books.
Drunken talk isn’t meant to be printed in the paper.
A secret may be sometimes best kept by keeping the secret of its being a secret. It is not many years since a State secret of the greatest importance was printed without being divulged, merely by sending it to the press like any other matter, and trusting to the mechanical habits of the persons employed. They printed it piecemeal in ignorance of what it was about.
The whole process of getting cards printed is so cumbersome. — © Neelam Kothari
The whole process of getting cards printed is so cumbersome.
The printed page was like wine to me.
I think my image gets distorted in the public's mind. They don't get a clear or full picture of what I'm like, despite the press coverage I mentioned early. Mistruths are printed as fact, in some cases, and frequently only half of a story will be told. The part that doesn't get printed is often the part that would make the printed part less sensational by shedding light on the facts.
I think the designs and creativity are limitless with 3-D-printed clothing.
In the average newspaper there is not a complete suppression of stories that the sacred cows don't want printed. But rather what happens is that the stories get printed with stresses, colorations and emphasis that favor the sacred cows.
The Bible is worth all the other books which have ever been printed.
Television can stir emotions, but it doesn't invite reflection as much as the printed page.
Nothing translates worse than comedy into the printed word.
I have always discouraged young writers from self-publishing, by which I mean going to a vanity publisher and spending your hard earned savings - say, some two-three lakhs - and getting your book printed. It's not published; it's printed!
Digital data are more fragile than printed material.
Here in Hollywood you can actually get a marriage license printed on an Etch-A-Sketch. — © Dennis Miller
Here in Hollywood you can actually get a marriage license printed on an Etch-A-Sketch.
Mostly, I worked so quickly, I didn't see the details of a photograph until it was printed.
I feel like I'm addicted to the printed word.
The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences.
We are not going to do ourselves any favors by buying into what's printed in newspapers.
Do not take up cause against the inaccuracies printed about you. They are your protection.
The heroic books, even if printed in the character of our mother tongue, will always be in a language dead to degenerate times; and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line, conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have. The modern cheap and fertile press, with all its translations, has done little to bring us nearer to the heroic writers of antiquity. They seem as solitary, and the letter in which they are printed as rare and curious, as ever.
When the truth does not get printed, damage is done.
My uncle Sammy was an angry man. He had printed on his tombstone: What are you looking at?
Particularly since the computerization of the world, the impact of media has grown enormously. The printed books and the printed media have become less important. Why should somebody read Laozi or Confucius if he can Google?
It has been demonstrated that freemason - in an operative context - is a contraction of 'freestone mason'....The earliest printed use so far traced comes in The Pilgrimage of Perfection - usually attributed to William Bonde - printed in 1536 by Wynkyn de Worde.
The Bodleian Library, next to the Sheldonian, is one of the great libraries of the world. As well as holding most of the books printed in England since the first quarter of the 17th century, it houses priceless printed texts, manuscripts, and collections.
Today we are inundated with such an immense flood of printed matter that the value of individual work has depreciated, for our harassed contemporaries simply cannot take everything that is printed today. It is the typographer's task to divide up and organize and interpret this mass of printed matter in such a way that the reader will have a good chance of finding what is of interest to him.
Nothing was more valuable than the printed word.
Much is published, but little printed.
Life shouldn't be printed on dollar bills.
Comics are printed on paper, which is expensive, making it tough to stay in business.
Nothing wise was ever printed upon an apron.
I love a coloured or printed trouser suit.
Advertising is our printed salesman. It may not be pretty, but it has to be true.
The fairies break their dances And leave the printed lawn.
I would always want printed books.
Nothing chased nightmares away faster than the rustle of printed paper.
It's interesting how powerful, in fact, the printed page still is.
America is the only country ever founded on the printed word.
I saw a headshot with the name 'Emilio Sheen' printed under it and it looked terrible. — © Emilio Estevez
I saw a headshot with the name 'Emilio Sheen' printed under it and it looked terrible.
The printed newspaper is a powerful showcase for news, opinion and advertising.
There is a Book worth all other books which were ever printed.
I think the older you are, the more you're going to cling to the printed word as being sacred.
I don't really read the tabloids, and you never know if what's being printed is true or not.
In writing biography, fact and fiction shouldn't be mixed. And if they are, the fictional points should be printed in red ink, the facts printed in black ink.
The printed page transcends space and time. The printed page, the infinity of the book, must be transcended.
Some day, as soon as a book is printed it will be simultaneously put into digital form. That will be a wonderful research tool, but it will never substitute for holding the book. I feel certain that at least within my lifetime, everyone will still be going to the bookstore and buying printed books. Thank God I'll die before I have to worry about whether the printed book itself will disappear. That's something I don't want to live to see.
Ideals jump across the hierarchies of the printed word.
My childhood bedroom had wallpaper that was printed with clouds and rainbows.
You must be one of the few people with a copy of that. I don't think they printed too many. — © Chow Yun-Fat
You must be one of the few people with a copy of that. I don't think they printed too many.
In a world of intrusive technology, we must engage in a kind of struggle if we wish to sustain moments of solitude. E-reading opens the door to distraction. It invites connectivity and clicking and purchasing. The closed network of a printed book, on the other hand, seems to offer greater serenity. It harks back to a pre-jacked-in age. Cloth, paper, ink: For these read helmet, cuirass, shield. They afford a degree of protection and make possible a less intermediated, less fractured experience. They guard our aloneness. That is why I love them, and why I read printed books still.
What can you say about Guy's cooking that hasn't been printed on a packet of cigarettes?
News is something somebody doesn't want printed; all else is advertising.
I'm not one of those to say Kyoto is not worth the paper it's printed on.
I think printed fiction is what women read.
The printed page seems to have come to something of a dead end for all of us.
The French Revolution printed money because they didn't have any, so they just printed it, and this was a revolutionary step which of course we are still reaping the huge consequences of today. It struck me that this was beginning to happen...there had been scandals where shares had been printed.
There are only two reasons for buying a book, after all. Either we intend to read it, in which case most of us find a printed version preferable, or we don't intend to read it, in which case a printed version is absolutely essential.
Print-based libraries developed in an age of scarce printed resources.
Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.
A critic once described me as an 'amiable beanpole.' I got it printed on a T-shirt.
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