Top 1200 Prison Guards Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Prison Guards quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Many of those people deserve to be in prison; however, some of them do not.
If the population curve is on an exponential growth, and the resources are on an exponential decline, what happens first is you get increases in wealth discrepancy, which means that you get rich pockets of gated communities with security guards outside them, and you get more and more poverty outside that area.
When you're in prison, and we're left to our own devices, you're stripped of everything, and you really get to see who these people are, the good and the bad. — © Laura Prepon
When you're in prison, and we're left to our own devices, you're stripped of everything, and you really get to see who these people are, the good and the bad.
Nelson Mandela is a leader Barack Obama should try to emulate... He could start by spending 27 years in prison.
When you open up the court, now the point guards can see, they can score, and they're not afraid to take shots. Before it was like, 'No, don't take that shot. That's a bad shot. Pound it inside. Pound it inside.' And the philosophy has gone a little bit away from that, because it makes sense to do it the other way.
I'm not excusing crime or those who bring poison into the community, but I do want brothers and sisters in prison to know someone cares.
A man does a lot of praying in an enemy prison. Prayer, even more than sheer thought, is the firmest anchor.
There's an actor in the TV show 'Prison Break,' Robert Knepper, who plays a violent sociopath, and he's just incredible in that role.
I went to this rubbish school. I asked the careers master what he thought that I was going to do with my life, and he said I could always visit criminals in prison.
My main dream - and I'm trying to get 'Living TV' to do it - is to go into prison and interview serial killers, rapists, murderers, psychopaths.
There may be connections between the nearest prison to Oxford these days, HMP Bullingdon, and other institutions of that name. I have yet to investigate these and, on reflection, probably won't.
Heaven lies about us in our infancy! Shades of the prison-house begin to close upon the growing boy.
Bill Clinton presided over the largest increase in federal and state prison inmates of any president in American history. — © Michelle Alexander
Bill Clinton presided over the largest increase in federal and state prison inmates of any president in American history.
The vilest deeds like poison weeds Bloom well in prison air; It is only what is good in man That wastes and withers there.
I'm this superphilosophical kind of person. Stuck in a prison of abstract ideas and overpowering emotions, I have this personality that makes it really hard to survive.
A book becomes a mirror, with the author's face shining over it. Talent only gives an imperfect image,--the broken glimmer of a countenance. But the features of genius remain unruffled. Time guards the shadow. Beauty, the spiritual, Venus,--whose children are the Tassos, the Spensers, the Bacons,--breathes, the magic of her love, and fixes the face forever.
Honestly, I thought I was going to be a kite forever, suffocating inside a little feathery prison. And he had the nerve to make fun!
Oh, what am I for the Frenchman or the Italian? A guy who was in prison, a revolutionary, somebody they once read something about in the newspaper - but not me.
Whoever has a spiritual gift and compassionate toward one who does not have it guards his gift through his compassion. But whoever is proud of his gift loses it through self-opinion.
I have much to say about the pain I've felt and seen inside of prison. It has been an eye-opening and harrowing experience.
The prison scandal is really hurting President Bush's poll numbers. In fact, I hear he's already working on his concession smirk.
The freedom-hating gun-grabbers do not care about reducing crime or saving lives, or they wouldn't be fighting for more gun-free zones where the most innocent lives are always slaughtered. Those squawking the loudest for banning guns from we the people will not get rid of their we-the-people tax-dollar-paid armed security guards.
Like the bright, cool dawn after a night of prison and of thunder, Man can taste that freedom sought so long.
I myself spent some time in prison, so I know the type of trajectory that a criminal offense can put on someone's life.
I certainly didn't emerge from prison regretting anything I ever wrote, nor did I feel remorse for my crime in the least.
Prison Break is so far-fetched, I had to make viewers believe that Michael is capable of making the impossible possible.
Identity is a prison you can never escape, but the way to redeem your past is not to run from it, but to try to understand it, and use it as a foundation to grow.
Stack the cards in your favour, and in a casino, you'll get arrested and put in prison, but in business and in life, it's the right thing to do.
If we continue as we have for the past 20 years in California, in the year 2020, everybody in the State will either be in prison or running one.
2015 was an interesting year for me. After finally getting back behind the camera at the end of the summer to shoot the CW's 'Arrow,' I found myself a couple of months later in a federal building in downtown Los Angeles, trying to convince half a dozen security guards to let me make my EEOC appointment despite my expired driver's license.
Allah guards the justice loving government, even if it is the government of non-Muslims, and destroys the tyrant government, even if it is the government of Muslims.
Our bigs do a lot for us guards to get us shots, to get us shots, to get us open buckets, that they deserve the praise.
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
If the alternative is to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to choose.
In terms of economical aspects, reinforcing those national parks with sophisticated anti-poaching patrols - these poachers are beefed up like the army. In the case of Cameroon, that's a perfect example of the lack of finance. The government could not provide the national park with more guards. Therefore, they lost the majority of the elephant population. I don't want to see that anywhere else.
But that's not the name of a man, it's the name of a mountain! (...) "It is my name," Athos said calmly. "But you said your name was d'Artagnan." "I?" "Yes, you." "That is to say, someone said to me: 'You are M. d'Artagnan?' I replied: 'You think so?' My guards shouted that they were sure of it. I did not want to vex them. Besides, I might have been mistaken.
Our prisons are full of people who are illiterate and innumerate, have been failed by the care system, and often have had a parent in prison.
Prison widens your circle of friends. In my stand-up, I can now talk about things that no one else has the right to touch. — © Craig Charles
Prison widens your circle of friends. In my stand-up, I can now talk about things that no one else has the right to touch.
Never steal anything so small that you'll have to go to an unpleasant city jail for it instead of a minimum-security federal tennis prison.
And so I learned that familiar paths traced in the dusk of summer evenings may lead as well to prison as to innocent untroubled sleep.
People who meet me as an adult are often surprised that I'm alive and have never been in prison or rehab. Sometimes they're disappointed I'm not cooler.
I started to hallucinate and hear voices as clear as crystal. I heard my family in a casual familial conversation I heard Koran readings in a heavenly voice. I heard music from my country. Later on the guards used these hallucinations and started talking with funny voices through the plumbing, encouraging me to hurt the guard and plot an escape.
God's Kingdom is "present in its beginnings, but still future in its fullness. This guards us from an under-realized eschatology (expecting no change now) and an over-realized eschatology (expecting all change now). In this stage, we embrace the reality that while we're not yet what we will be, we're also no longer what we used to be.
I come from Eastside Buffalo and prison cells. That's the beauty about hip-hop. It just brings everybody together.
People aren't wired to be alone. Even in the stressful population of prison, solitary confinement is still considered a cruel punishment.
I would rather be free in my mind, and be locked up in a prison cell, than to be a coward and not be able to say what I want.
Wow. Clearly, I need to find myself an ex-con. Since prison is probably the only place in this city I haven’t looked for Mr. Right yet.
The first rule for escaping prison in the United States is always having someone more important than yourself to incriminate. — © Alan Dershowitz
The first rule for escaping prison in the United States is always having someone more important than yourself to incriminate.
I circumnavigated the globe while I was sitting in a prison. It was wonderful because I kept defeating those walls they put around me.
I have a lot of fans who are in the prison system, where ramen noodles are a kind of staple. Prisoners are always sending me recipes.
I've wanted somehow to convey to you the sensations - the atmospheric pressure, you might say - of what it is to be seriously a long-term prisoner in an American prison.
When I was released from prison 15 years ago, I was given a $25 check and a bus ticket and told to start my life over.
I have somewhere read that conscience not only sits as witness and judge within our bosoms, but also forms the prison of punishment.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best...they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.
I try to walk in the lane God wants for me, working on immigration, prison reform, strengthening the family through my ministry.
History is full of people who went to prison or were burned at the stake for proclaiming their ideas. Society has always defended itself.
Like most people who go to prison for an unfair thing, we become more persuaded in our own beliefs.
What's happened at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq is one of the grossest violations of human rights under the Geneva Conventions that we have record of. It is simply monstrous.
Jesus Christ rose up from the tomb. Well, he's the son of God, and now he's like God's spirit at this point. Why would a spirit need to move a rock? Why not just pass through the rock? But also, why wait for the guards to go to sleep?
We do not have time to play at "oppositions" at "conferences." We will keep our political opponents... whether open or disguised as "nonparty," in prison.
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