Top 1200 Prison Reform Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Prison Reform quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
It's no surprise that Mitt Romney bent himself into a pretzel to disavow the portions of Obamacare that derive from his own reform in Massachusetts.
I don't want to leave prison having been pardoned, but rather with my head held high, with dignity.
Martha Stewart is getting out of prison so today the terror alert was raised from orange to pesto. — © David Letterman
Martha Stewart is getting out of prison so today the terror alert was raised from orange to pesto.
When we didn't succeed at healthcare reform back in 1993, 1994, I went to work with Democrats and Republicans and we created the Children's Health Insurance Program.
Two places in this world make it impossible for a man to escape from himself: a battlefield and a prison cell.
Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.
President Obama and Democrats won a mandate to move us forward with jobs, healthcare reform, equality, and nation building here at home.
Closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a promise President [Barack] Obama made it but has yet to fulfill.
Governments must commit to sound economic and financial policies. This is how we ensure reform in the euro area - and our independence.
Americans need accurate information in order to consider Social Security reform. Too bad the media can't be counted upon to provide it.
We need a smaller, leaner Washington. It won't happen if we raise taxes without any coinciding reform and serious slashing of spending.
My parents divorced when I was 10, but when my father was there, he was trying to create almost like a little prison for me.
I am happy that the urgency to reform our broken criminal justice system has found allies all across the political spectrum. — © Cory Booker
I am happy that the urgency to reform our broken criminal justice system has found allies all across the political spectrum.
The need for comprehensive reform must not blind us to the urgency of addressing the massive debt that's already crushing our young people.
The social side of Washington was to be taken for granted as three-fourths of existence. Politics and reform became the detail, and waltzing the profession
What do people in prison say when they meet new friends? Give me your cell number.
People who love soft methods and hate iniquity forget this; that reform consists in taking a bone from a dog. Philosophy will not do it.
I hope to help the Indian government advance their economic reform agenda, which will benefit India's citizens and the world.
I was an opportunist and got away with things because I was very young, but I went to prison and came out and remade my life.
I would prefer to remain in prison for another 20 years than bargain my beliefs for freedom.
Efforts to reform are often met with resistance because the system always tries to fall back to the status quo and what is comfortable.
I will stay in prison till the moss grows on my eye lids rather than disobey God.
No one doubts that having a criminal record - whether it results in community probation or prison - is a serious handicap.
If bad taste were a felony, every writer I know would've done prison time.
Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison When the door is so wide open?
One of the best movies of the year was 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes.' That's not just an action movie - it's a prison film.
Romney said that his tax reform proposal is 'very similar to the Simpson-Bowles plan.' How I wish it were.
My prison shall be my grave before I will budge a jot; for I owe my conscience to no mortal man.
I was just coming out of prison, I was married, and I had a kid, and I didn't know what to do, so I tried stand-up.
As far as I am concerned I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison than marry again.
You wake up one day and you realize that all these years have gone by and I have this mortgage and I have this couch and I have this life and... is this going to be my prison?
If I pop everyone who calls me a diva then I'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison.
There's a big debate in the U.S. about immigration reform. We need to reflect on who's feeding this country today, why this community has been ignored.
The U.S. government has been preoccupied with health care 'reform,' but this refers to improving access and insurance coverage and has little or nothing to do with innovation.
This great purple butterfly, In the prison of my hands, Has a learning in his eye Not a poor fool understands.
What the Bronx and Queens needs is Medicare for all, tuition-free public college, a federal jobs guarantee, and criminal-justice reform.
I've always been fond of the saying that when it comes to oversight and reform, the federal government does two things well: nothing and overreact.
The Socialists did not want to work with us, so we created an alliance with the FPO, and we are making good policies of reform for our country. — © Sebastian Kurz
The Socialists did not want to work with us, so we created an alliance with the FPO, and we are making good policies of reform for our country.
Don't attempt to reform man. An adequately organized environment will permit humanity's original, innate capabilities to become successful.
Devolutionary reform will not provide a factory, a machine or jobs, build a school, train a doctor or put a pound on pensions.
Halloween Costume I Hate: kids dressed as their parent's poltical beliefs. Oooh! Aren't you a scary health care reform bill!
I'm feeling pretty good. A lot of people don't know this, but I am not currently in prison, which feels great.
As people in business know, if you just sit on your hands and don't progress with the changing environment, you won't reform and improve the existing relationships you have.
You know you've lived in LA to long when what you fear most about prison is a lack of organic produce.
The mellow sweetness of pumpkin pie off a prison spoon is something you will never forget.
Intellectual liberty is the air of the soul, the sunshine of the mind, and without it, the world is a prison, the universe is a dungeon.
We also have to recognize, in addition to the challenges that we face with policing, there are so many good, brave police officers who equally want reform.
In our view, successful reform is not an event. It is a sustainable process that will build on its own successes - a virtuous cycle of change. — © Abdullah II of Jordan
In our view, successful reform is not an event. It is a sustainable process that will build on its own successes - a virtuous cycle of change.
Man, I wouldn't know where to begin on education reform, but one thing we have to do is add teacher accountability WITHOUT stressing standardized test scores.
Even behind prison walls I can see the heavy clouds and the blue sky over the horizon
There is no point saying you believe in economic responsbility and being careful with taxpayers money if public services are a reform-free zone.
If Japanese companies don't reform drastically and implement English as their daily business language, the economy will only continue to contract.
There are lots of statements that have been made and haven't led to change and reform. For me, the broader discussion around racism - education is key.
Common sense dictates the term hot fudge sundae has a totally different meaning in prison.
America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools, build on past successes, and lower college debt.
Prison is essentially a shortage of space made up for by a surplus of time; to an inmate, both are palpable.
I found fame to be somewhat of a prison. The more famous you were, the smaller the cell that you had to live in.
No reform ever came from the bottom, and it was always people who understood how the ruling class worked who turned out to be the reformers.
[On travel:] Who would be so besotted as to die without having made at least the round of this, his prison?
We recognize that real educational reform is essential if today's and tomorrow's children are to live in a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
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