Top 1200 Prison Walls Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Prison Walls quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
I have always had plenty of friends, and now at age sixty, I face four walls as a common prisoner.
Each person creates boundaries and walls around the self - this often keeps even happiness at bay.
Adversities such as being homeless and going to prison has made many people stronger. — © Philip Emeagwali
Adversities such as being homeless and going to prison has made many people stronger.
My friend Sally is a nudist. I went to her house. The closets have no doors. The walls are covered with see-through wallpaper.
Long before I became 'rich and famous' I just sat round drinking wine and staring at the walls.
For the whole world, without a native home, Is nothing but a prison of larger room.
Every movement of mine was under the control of the Vietnamese government, a communist country. I was just a prisoner without walls.
Like you, I have been disgraced about what I've seen on TV that took place in prison.
Remember how you used to be able to feel your bed breathing and the walls spinning when you were a kid?
Christians often want to hide behind the walls of the church, where we are comfortable, but sometimes we have to come out of the box.
I used to walk in a bookstore and see all these books on the walls. And I would say, 'Who wants to hear from me? What do I have to add to all of this?'
I'll hit anyone who's seriously threatening my life... that's what happened, and that's what sent me to prison.
A novel is a piece of architecture. It's not random wallowings or confessional diaries. It's a building-it has to have walls and floors and the bathrooms have to work.
The words fire from my mouth like bullets, ricocheting off the walls before I can even register what I'm saying. — © Tabitha Suzuma
The words fire from my mouth like bullets, ricocheting off the walls before I can even register what I'm saying.
The walls that fence our fields, as well as modern Rome, and not less the Parthenon itself, are all built of ruins.
Comedy clubs have brick walls behind the performer. Bricks make you funny. When I'm in front of a fireplace, I'm hilarious.
Basically if you burst into my office the walls themselves will flutter as if alive - maybe that's the reason for all the wings in 'Pure.
I think the most effective managers in the world have a team that wants to jump through brick walls for them.
The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison.
I've always been somebody who was just bouncing off the walls and high tension, hyperactive, you know what I'm saying?
Baby bye Here's a fly, Let us watch him. you and I, How he crawls Up the walls Yet he never falls.
Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers.
The worst of prison life, he thought, was not being able to close his door.
The prison system in Norway is fairly civilized, by world standards, and so are the prisoners and the guards.
Nobody is free… Everyone has a prison. Wife, parents, children, they all make prisons.
In Russia one can be as pure as can be and still lose everything in a flash and end up in prison.
I was terrified to be my true self because I felt that it wasn't enough. But I allowed myself to break down those walls.
The night belongs to beasts of prey, and always has. It's easy to forget that when you're indoors, protected by light and solid walls.
Walls are built up between people a hell of a damn sight faster than--broken down.
The world is itself but a larger prison, out of which some are daily selected for execution.
Dream that you died It takes you out of your mind The black walls of space Take me all the way
I went from staring at the same four walls for 21 years to seeing the whole world in just 12 months.
...we both saw something we liked, a willingness to have no walls, or maybe just an unwillingness to keep them standing.
Angel screeched with fury and despair to the empty walls around her. "I'm human, do you hear me? It hurts!
If you came to my house you would not think an ex-footballer lived there. I've got nothing on the walls or the shelves from my time in the game.
Chelsea Manning got thirty-five years in prison, while I'm still free.
Havana, for all its smells, sweat, crumbling walls, isolation, and difficult history, is the most romantic city in the world.
I had a werewolf morning. Awoke with a rum hangover, imagined blood on the walls, and prayed to god it was mine. — © Randy Wayne
I had a werewolf morning. Awoke with a rum hangover, imagined blood on the walls, and prayed to god it was mine.
Basically if you burst into my office the walls themselves will flutter as if alive - maybe that's the reason for all the wings in 'Pure.'
Satan stations more devils on monastery walls than in the dens of iniquity, for the latter offer no resistance.
The prison life of the past looks in our own time like liberation itself.
When you're in prison, you either embrace religion or you reject it. I embraced it; it was a very spiritual time for me.
I wrote a million words in the first year, and I could never have done that outside of prison.
I was separated from my wife at the time. A lot of people think I wrote it about prison.
For me, prison is a necessary step towards achieving the right to self-determination.
God keepe me from foure houses, an Vsurers, a Taverne, a Spittle, and a Prison.
Walls aren't put in our life to stop us, they are there to test how much we really want somthing.
We have four million pictures of sports events and add 5,000 a week. If I was 14, I'd have them all over my walls.
Wild Eyes was built for speed and I was flying down walls of water twenty and thirty feet high. — © Abby Sunderland
Wild Eyes was built for speed and I was flying down walls of water twenty and thirty feet high.
Our mothers put God first when they fill their highest mission within the walls of their own homes.
As artists we need to stop making work only for gallery or museum walls, or the coffee tables of collectors.
I've always envied Thomas Jefferson's bed at Monticello. It's in a tiny alcove, bound by walls at the head and foot.
In the United States today, the Declaration of Independence hangs on schoolroom walls, but foreign policy follows Machiavelli.
Looking out over the courtyard at the dirty walls, he realized he had no idea whether it was hysteria or love.
The New York action painters want their pictures to jump off the walls and chase you down the street.
Nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.
Seek the ones who never stop caring, who break down your walls, and help you come back to yourself
She doesn't understand that doors, walls, fences, ceilings - they're helpless to keep out what determinedly desires to get in.
We're not in the business of putting up barriers; that's the job of politicians. They're the idiots who want to build walls between people.
Imagination is a licensed trespasser: it has no fear of dogs, but may climb over walls and peep in at windows with impunity.
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