Top 1200 Prison Walls Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Prison Walls quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
I told my cellmates about the oppression of the whites and apartheid. I helped organize hunger strikes and the like in my prison.
There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a prison; there is no philosophy or ideology that does not think that we live in alienation.
As far as I am concerned I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison than marry again. — © George Sand
As far as I am concerned I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison than marry again.
Stone's Rules exist because sometimes the truth is too painful, and the lies will land you in prison.
Society created the prison in its own image; will history, with its penchant for paradox, reverse those roles?
Jesus Christ came into my prison cell last night, and every stone flashed like a ruby.
Money will determine whether the accused goes to prison or walks out of the courtroom a free man.
Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes hiw own prison.
When the horse was little, Massie had covered the walls with posters of young fillies that she thought Brownie would find sexy.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.
I've probably been spit on more that any person alive outside of, I would say, a member of the prison system.
I will stay in prison till the moss grows on my eye lids rather than disobey God.
It is interesting sometimes to stop and think and wonder what the place you are currently at used to be like in times past, who walked there, who worked there and what the walls have seen.
You yourself are to blame. This weeping and wailing and knocking your heads into corners [against brick walls, as it were] will not do you the least good. — © Swami Vivekananda
You yourself are to blame. This weeping and wailing and knocking your heads into corners [against brick walls, as it were] will not do you the least good.
Books are boring," James said as he wrote. "They line the walls like a thousand leather doorways to be opened into worlds unknown," I offered.
That there is also freedom in captivity, only a prisoner can claim. Coming from a prison guard, this statement would be blasphemy.
A ship in dock, surrounded by quays and the walls of warehouses, has the appearance of a prisoner meditating upon freedom in the sadness of a free spirit put under restraint.
You don't realize how much a dog's presence defines the contours of your home until, in its absence, the walls seem to relocate themselves.
People who avoid the brick walls - all power to ya, but we all have to hit them sometimes in order to push through to the next level, to evolve.
Why would anyone expect Tyson to come out smarter? He went to prison for four years, not Princeton.
By the way, the food in prison was disgusting. Like, baked beans every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I hate hospitals. Even if it's a joyful occasion when a friend gave birth. It's like, 'Oh, look at the beautiful baby.... and all the disease on the walls...'
If you want to know how many prison cells to build, look at the number of third graders who can't read.
But you see, that's the gilded prison of fashion. We're riding in private jets, and meantime I was so incredibly, painfully sad and lonely.
I remember the people I knew in prison; I was very fortunate to know them - they came from 1910, 1920, 1930.
You utter a vow or forge a signature and you may find yourself bound for life to a monastery, a woman or prison.
The closest thing to hell on earth is prison. It's the worst experience I've ever had in my life. Besides death.
The United States has more women and girls in prison than any other industrialized nation on earth.
The only thing I remember writing in prison is a couple of poems for an inmate magazine they did once a year.
Why do people build houses to keep the climate out, then cut holes in the walls to let it in again? I shall never understand.
Envy, like a cold prison, benumbs and stupefies; and, conscious of its own impotence, folds its arms in despair.
The prison psychiatrist asked me if I thought sex was dirty. I told him only when it's done right.
We need to maybe think a little less about the science of building walls and that waste of time and energy and start to understand what is love.
The one public system in which America goes out of its way to provide services to African-Americans is prison.
Prison officers face enormous pressure. The levels of violence inside our prisons are too high.
Tis midnight now. The bend and broken moon, Batter'd and black, as from a thousand battles, Hangs silent on the purple walls of Heaven.
Very few people in prison have voices that go beyond the wall. It's my job to do the work for them because they have no one.
I've had some confrontations after I got out of prison and I'm proud of the fact that I dealt with them differently. — © Immortal Technique
I've had some confrontations after I got out of prison and I'm proud of the fact that I dealt with them differently.
My experience with 'Last Resort' is very different from most of the cast. While they are next to a mountain, I'm always within the four walls of my home.
As always, I am saved by the inability of living creatures to believe anything that might cause the walls of their little mental assumptions to crumble.
Suddenly this is all too hard. I am tired of putting up walls. I want someone with the strength - and the honesty - to break them down.
If I never sang on a record again I can still look at my walls. They are covered floor to ceiling with gold and platinum records from all over the world.
People have separated from each other with walls of concrete that blocked the roads to connection and love. and Nature has been defeated in the name of development.
I'd gotten to the place where I wanted to quit using drugs but couldn't and finally I landed in that prison cell where everything was cut.
The courage of the Syrian protesters is remarkable, for they face prison, torture, or death every time they lift a banner.
What the cops did to Rodney King was wrong, and the officers who beat him should be sent straight to prison.
I went to prison; therefore, I've been rehabilitated, and now I want to get on with my life. I have paid for what I did, end of story.
It was a weird sensation. Like getting caught eavesdropping, or lying, or sitting on the toilet and having the bathroom walls suddenly drop away.
I just want to escape my own body and project sunlight on to the walls for her to see, so she warms up and yearns for my arms. — © Mathias Malzieu
I just want to escape my own body and project sunlight on to the walls for her to see, so she warms up and yearns for my arms.
The lack of space and a growing prison population has strained resources and put pressure on all levels of the penal system.
All social space is suffused with political meanings and agendas, the very stones and walls a kind of testament to the ongoing struggles for liberation and justices.
Children need to have a home. I don't mean a physical four walls and a room. There needs to be an emotional and spiritual and loving place in life. That's what a family is.
I'm feeling pretty good. A lot of people don't know this, but I am not currently in prison, which feels great.
We can't have cellphones, TV, radio or the Internet. If the president died, we'd have no idea. There's no normalcy. It's just like prison, with cameras.
The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer.
Are there other people who, when watching a documentary set in a prison, secretly think, as I have, 'Wish I had all that time to read'?
Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes his own prison.
Man needs spiritual expression and nourishing... even in the prehistoric era, people would scrawl pictures of bison on the walls of caves.
I was an opportunist and got away with things because I was very young, but I went to prison and came out and remade my life.
I never expected the White House to be warm, and the artwork on the walls was extraordinary. I am a fan of the Louvre, but being there it was almost just as good.
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