Top 1200 Private Equity Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Private Equity quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Private equity does pay very well, and my counterparts, guys that I grew up with who are still working at a number of firms, all make a lot of money.
If private-equity firms are as good at remaking companies as they claim, they don't need tax loopholes to make money.
Not all private equity people are evil. Only some. — © Paul Krugman
Not all private equity people are evil. Only some.
Private-equity and hedge-fund guys typically come into a situation of mediocrity, where rapid change may result in a profit.
I would much rather invest in stocks, bonds, private equity and hedge funds than watches.
Private equity firms aren't necessarily evil by definition. There are many stories of successful turnarounds fueled by private equity, often involving multiple floundering businesses that are rolled into a single entity, eliminating duplicative overhead.
A good default, like Portugal or Greece, would be very good for the private equity business.
I myself am a private equity investor.
In the '70s and '80s, what private equity did is it changed corporate America. It started holding companies accountable, and for the first time managers started thinking like owners.
It's quite astonishing how much money people make in the hedge fund business and in the private equity field, and how well-off affluent families really are.
A consolidation makes sense only if you can lower your overall interest rate. Many people consolidate by taking out a home equity line loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC), refinancing a mortgage, or taking out a personal loan. They then use this cheaper debt to pay off more expensive debt, most frequently credit card loans, but also auto loans, private student loans, or other debt.
If you have money draining out of the public equity markets, that inevitably affects the private equity market. They cannot exist going in different directions because somehow that will rent the fabric of the universe. It's just not permitted that that happens. Obviously there can be anomalies for brief periods of time but it just can't happen forever.
One thing I'm so grateful for is sidestepping the usual venture capital, private equity route. My friends who have gone that way are many times beholden to their boards of directors, to 'sell' ideas to a team.
Personal brand equity erodes much faster than corporate brand equity. — © John Quelch
Personal brand equity erodes much faster than corporate brand equity.
People in private equity complain that they have so much capital and so few places to invest. But you have lots of entrepreneurs trying to raise money at the low end and find that they can't get funding because of this mismatch. I think that there is an opportunity there.
Aligning private development with community needs for equity and resiliency is one of the most powerful roles of city government.
Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is.
Most of India's 300 odd news channels are making losses and are dependent on dubious cross holding, black money and dodgy private equity investors, both foreign and Indian.
It's very hard for individual inventors to get paid. For the same reason that private equity is valuable - broadly, that's a good thing - in the case of patents, many that own them aren't in a good position to take the next step.
The role of private equity as fiduciaries is certainly to make money.
Championing quality improvement and value in the health care system is a passion of mine, and I'm able to bring about change through private equity activities.
Whether a tops-down or bottoms-up investor in bonds, stocks, or private equity, the standard analysis tends to judge an investor or his firm on the basis of how the bullish or bearish aspects of the cycle were managed.
Nobody in my generation ever started out in private equity. We got there by accident. There was no private equity business - actually, the word didn't even exist - when I started. I got there out of the purest of happenstance and so I think many people find what they really enjoy doing just in that way. So another piece of advice for you is: don't worry too much about what you're going to be doing when you get out of business school - life will come your way.
When I was a CEO, I thought I understood private equity. I didn't. And what I've learned since my retirement, and since becoming directly involved in the world of private equity, points the way to a new career path for thousands of talented senior executives - and a new engine for value creation.
We've got to move beyond the idea that the public and private sectors are at odds. Government has to lay the groundwork for private equity to productively invest in things like education. It's a partnership, not a battle.
Private equity has absolutely no reason to exist. The private equity holder has all the upside and the banks all the downside.
Big banks have long had private equity divisions that put up capital for deals too complex or risky for individual shareholders to finance.
I started a private equity fund and we invest in energy, mining, agriculture kind of things in Africa.
When I retired from Aetna, I became part of the private equity world. It turned out to be a natural fit.
If we dont figure out a way to create equity, real equity, of opportunity and access, to good schools, housing, health care, and decent paying jobs, were not going to survive as a productive and healthy society.
Private equity investors are an integral part of the economy and should be celebrated for making our country wealthier.
I think good private equity investors create a lot more economic value than they destroy.
In the 1930s, there was a stretch where you could borrow more against the real estate than you could sell it for. I think that's what's going on in today's private-equity world.
I delivered lectures, and I was also a consultant for international companies in finance, both private equity and big venture capital funds.
I'm struck by the fact that by and large equity capital doesn't play a big role in new financing; it's either bonds or internal financing but not really equity. And therefore, it's not clear that anything which improves the equity markets has really much to do with the productivity of the economy as a whole.
I've heard that one-half of the students at elite schools want to go into private equity or hedge funds. They want to keep up with their age cohorts at Goldman. This can't possibly end well in terms of meeting these expectations.
My older son works in finance and private equity, which he loves, and Lucas works in film and theater.
Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don't do it. — © Mark Cuban
Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don't do it.
Wall Street, with its army of brokers, analysts, and advisers funneling trillions of dollars into mutual funds, hedge funds, and private equity funds, is an elaborate fraud.
People used to think that private equity was basically just a compensation scheme, but it is much more about making companies more efficient.
If we don't figure out a way to create equity, real equity, of opportunity and access, to good schools, housing, health care, and decent paying jobs, we're not going to survive as a productive and healthy society.
I wanted a CFO with public company experience; I needed an HR department, new office space, and a board which could help me grow the business. Insight, the private equity firm I chose, helped me with all that.
Private equity firms working closely with venture capitalists and technologists may be able to unlock assets that others have not leveraged and build technology cultures to iterate on solutions that make these assets more productive.
I've probably done more venture capital deals and expansion financings than I have done private equity deals. But both are the same. Private equity companies have also built jobs.
The private equity world is a relatively small one. There are currently probably a few thousand professional jobs worldwide. In private equity, that's probably about all there is. So in the scheme of things, the firms are all relatively small.
Being a good private equity investor is more complicated than it seems. I would say that there are a few characteristics that are important. If you look at the skill set that you need to ultimately be a successful private equity investor, at least at the senior level, you have to be, in this business, a good investor. You have to be able to help companies perform and you have to have judgment around exiting investments. If you look at the skill sets there, they include some things you can teach and some that you can't.
I see myself as a private-equity investor that helps rebuild companies. Restructuring is a cottage industry in that there aren't that many serious practitioners.
The lingo used in the space is so arcane and out of date that investors have no context for the discussions. The failure to establish a clear, effective communication system has been the biggest sin private equity has committed.
Infrastructure done right can help working people; infrastructure done wrong is just more money for private equity. — © Tom Perez
Infrastructure done right can help working people; infrastructure done wrong is just more money for private equity.
Private equity has been the purview of super wealthy individuals and institutions.
Founders are usually very stingy with equity to employees and very generous with equity to investors. I think this is totally backwards.
As a CEO, I had significant exposure to private equity, enough that I had in no way bought into the media's caricature: rapacious privateers who destroy companies.
Our economy is a plantation run for the aristocrats - the CEOs, hedge funds, private equity firms - while the field hands are left with the scraps.
It's important that we educate Americans about how hedge funds and private equity play completely different roles.
Sweat equity is the best equity.
We really wake up every day trying to build businesses. That is the goal of private equity. It's a misnomer out there that private equity profits by shrinking companies. In fact, it's just the opposite. Private equity creates value by growing great companies.
STG is a combination of a holding company and a private equity model.
He who seeks equity must do equity.
I think this is also a great time to invest in private equity, helping companies grow from the ground up.
Republicans seem to be gambling that most Americans won't care about a few rich private equity managers if their own taxes go down, their stock portfolio goes up, and economic growth accelerates.
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