Top 49 Procrastinating Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Procrastinating quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm so good at procrastinating.
The biggest way to be productive is if you're procrastinating on another more important project.
For me, writing is 75 percent procrastinating and 25 percent actually sitting down and working. — © Zooey Deschanel
For me, writing is 75 percent procrastinating and 25 percent actually sitting down and working.
Procrastinating is a vice when it comes to productivity, but it can be a virtue for creativity.
To procrastinate seems inherent in man, for if you do to-day that you may enjoy to-morrow it is but deferring the enjoyment; so that to be idle or industrious, vicious or virtuous, is but with a view of procrastinating the one or the other.
I think backstory is really important to know because I'm all about prep work. I like to do all of my work right away, as soon as I get it. I'm incapable of procrastinating on anything, so I like to do all of the work.
...We need to strive to keep things in proper balance. Good balance comes in doing things in a timely way and in not procrastinating our preparation or waiting to fulfill our responsibilities until the last minute.
Task triage is the habit of making a realistic assessment of what degree of perfection is required for a task at the point of accepting it, so one doesn't need to rely on one's habit of procrastinating to lower the bar.
I have a small circle of great friends who push me when I need it, tell me when I need to pick up my pace, and who make me want to be better. Sometimes, when I start procrastinating and just need to find that pep in my step, I think of how far I've come and how we can all be role models in our every day lives.
Inertia is so easy—don't fix what's not broken. Leave well enough alone. So we end up accepting what is broken, mistaking complaining for action, procrastinating for deliberation.
Who says you need to wait until you 'feel like' doing something in order to start doing it? The problem, from this perspective, isn't that you don't feel motivated; it's that you imagine you need to feel motivated. If you can regard your thoughts and emotions about whatever you're procrastinating on as passing weather, you'll realise that your reluctance about working isn't something that needs to be eradicated or transformed into positivity. You can coexist with it. You can note the procrastinatory feelings and act anyway.
One of the things I'm really good at is procrastinating.
You'll sometimes hear from people that they actually do a better job of getting their work done when they have a lot of other obligations - in effect, it removes the possibility of procrastinating.
We go to the office every day when we're writing - or supposed to be writing. It's not always productive, and there's a lot of procrastinating, just staring at the wall, like any other writing. But we just make ourselves go to the office every day for more or less the whole day.
It is my greatest misfortune to be too lazy, and by the few mortifications I have already set with on that account I predict many evils in my future life. I have always the inclination to do what I ought; but by continually procrastinating for tomorrow the business of today, I insensibly delay, until at the end of one month I find myself in the same place as when I began it.
When you focus on just one thing at a time, without rushing or procrastinating, you cultivate a sense of timeless awareness that creates feelings of calm and well-being.
I'm a big believer in putting things off, In fact, I even put off procrastinating. -Ella Varner — © Lisa Kleypas
I'm a big believer in putting things off, In fact, I even put off procrastinating. -Ella Varner
I got myself a really nice nib pen, with like 15 kinds of India Ink, and tons of different nibs; I think I was just procrastinating, like, once I have the right nib, the book is just going to jump right out of my fingertips... but then it just ended up looking like the shitty drawings that I usually do.
The whole thing of working in all these different mediums, it's just so that I can always be playing hooky from one of them. I can always be rebelling against my boss. Like, I'm supposed to be writing this book, but - heh heh heh - I'm writing a movie, secretly. I'm procrastinating, and in my off-hours I'm working on this movie that I'm not allowed to do, because I'm supposed to be writing a book!
A Winner's Blueprint for Achievement BELIEVE while others are doubting. PLAN while others are playing. STUDY while others are sleeping. DECIDE while others are delaying. PREPARE while others are daydreaming. BEGIN while others are procrastinating. WORK while others are wishing. SAVE while others are wasting. LISTEN while others are talking. SMILE while others are frowning. COMMEND while others are criticizing. PERSIST while others are quitting.
Memorize the selfstarter DO IT NOW! DO IT NOW! can affect every phase of your life. It can help you do the things you should do but don't feel like doing. It can keep you from procrastinating when an unpleasant duty faces you. But it can also help you do those things that you want to do. It helps you seize those precious moments that, if lost, may never be retrieved.
When I write on Twitter, I do other things: I'm working, grading, or reading, and I'm procrastinating, and I'll pop on Twitter and be like, "Hey, what's up? Yogurt's delicious."
If you need five minutes every hour to look at tweets or to just surf the Internet, you need to schedule that into your schedule, allow yourself to do that. Because when people start procrastinating, what they've done is, they've tried to ignore that urge. They try to deny themselves time on Facebook or time surfing the web.
Procrastinating is a habit that I have to overcome.
Tomorrow, the busiest day of the week. I'm a big believer in putting things off, In fact, I even put off procrastinating.
Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating just makes it harder; getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy.
My biggest mistake: not wanting to help myself into thinking I am happy, that change would come about without really trying to change, or wanting to change. Procrastinating about changing. I do want to change.
Procrastinating, fighting and avoiding will only make it more difficult. The way out is to get it done.
I'm learning skills I will use for the rest of my life by doing homework...procrastinating and negotiation.
Apparently, despite my awareness of its pejorative connotation, procrastinating is something I fall victim to quite frequently. I'm not proud of it; I'm just being honest.
I was a very good student. Procrastinating gives me anxiety, and getting a B really ticked me off. Sure, I didn't always want to do my homework, but I actually really liked school. As nerdy as it sounds, I love learning.
I tend to write three to four hours a day, depending - oftentimes very late at night. When I write on Twitter, I do other things: I'm working, grading, or reading, and I'm procrastinating, and I'll pop on Twitter and be like, 'Hey, what's up? Yogurt's delicious.'
I have no point in procrastinating any longer. — © Flora Rheta Schreiber
I have no point in procrastinating any longer.
Live life like you mean it! Stop procrastinating! Do all that you can...with all that you the place that you are...right now! Life is too unpredictable to put things off and not take it seriously.
Cooking is one thing I would love to learn but I keep procrastinating.
Procrastinating is number three on my Stupid List. You still end up exactly where you didn't want to be, doing exactly what you didn't want to do, withe the only difference being that you lost all that time in between, during which you could have been doing something fun. Even worse, you probably stayed in a stressed-out, crappy mood the whole time you were avoiding it. If you know something is inevitable, do it and get it over with. Move on. Life is short.
My writing process, such as it is, consists of a lot of noodling, procrastinating, dawdling, and avoiding.
I observed that the successful farmer worked at his job. He would do his plowing, disking, harrowing, seeding, and harvesting in the proper season and at the proper time, while his neighbor was procrastinating, or off hunting and fishing while the work was still to be done. We must learn to set our priorities straight. No one can be successful in his line of work unless he works at it in the proper season and plays in the proper season.
Procrastination is something you do yourself. You know: "I gotta sharpen these pencils before I start. I got 20 pencils, they're looking kinda dull." Well, the pencils aren't calling you and alluring you and inviting you and offering you anything. They're just sitting there. You're the one who's procrastinating.
While procrastinating is not a flaw, being a structured procrastinator is actually one way of being pretty productive.
Occasionally when I'm procrastinating writing, I'll while away the hours on iTunes. You can just keep going forever and find these bands you'd never normally hear of.
Pause and remember - Stop procrastinating! Wishing is wonderful but action is what it takes to make it happen.
?"I'm a procrastinating underachiever at heart."?
If we accept and internalize the fact of our own mortality, then, by definition, we have to deal with the essential questions of how we live and spend our allotted time. We have to stop procrastinating, pretending that we have forever to do what we want to do and be what we long to be.
I'm learning real skills that I can apply throughout the rest of my life...procrastinating and rationalizing.
You've got to realize that the world's a test, You can only do your best and let Him do the rest. You've got your life, and got your health, So quit procrastinating and push it yourself.
I found the sections on aging, relationships, and procrastinating especially helpful. I really found the tips and suggestions very helpful, inspiring, positive, and motivating. Yes, I would definitely recommend it.
I think a lot of the basis of the open source movement comes from procrastinating students. — © Andrew Tridgell
I think a lot of the basis of the open source movement comes from procrastinating students.
There are lots of people who believe there may be at least some genetic component to procrastination, and even if there isn't, it seems to be the case that procrastination habits are often set relatively early in life (that's certainly the case with me). But I also think that there's lots of evidence that external tools can help quite a bit in getting people to stop procrastinating.
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