Top 1200 Producing Results Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Producing Results quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
We do not feel as if we were producing the dreams, it is rather as if the dreams came to us. They are not subject to our control but obey their own laws.
To be honest, producing records interests me less at the moment and I really don't want to get involved in album projects that are going to take up a lot of time
We need to find a balance between protecting our local economies while pursuing the longer-term goal of producing clean, affordable and reliable power. — © Ann Kirkpatrick
We need to find a balance between protecting our local economies while pursuing the longer-term goal of producing clean, affordable and reliable power.
I'm still a marginal figure living from book to book, but, as long as I'm producing labour as a good Marxist prole, I guess I'm satisfied.
A lot people don't know that Mannie Fresh is one of my favorite producers because I used to just be fascinated with how he would be producing stuff. He'd be silly, too, when he raps.
Mathematics is not the rigid and rigidity-producing schema that the layman thinks it is; rather, in it we find ourselves at that meeting point of constraint and freedom that is the very essence of human nature.
If we do not make formation in Christ the priority, then we're just going to keep on producing Christians that are indistinguishable in their character from many non-Christians.
The Internet was full of sites producing content for free, in the hope that somehow they'd generate revenue from sources that never materialized, whether it was advertising, subscriptions, or a wing and a prayer.
We're producing spaces that accommodate human activity. And what I'm interested in is not the styling of that, but the relationship of that as it enhances that activity. And that directly connects to ideas of city-making.
While producing art works, illusions appear from time to time due to my mental illness. Every day is a struggle for me.
This equation of the impersonal plus time plus chance producing the total configuration of the universe and all that is in it, modern people hold by faith.
Producing writing is not so much like filling a basin or pool once, but rather getting water to keep flowing through till finally it runs clear.
One thing that is sometimes forgotten in this "future of books" discussion is that there are all these awesome presses - big and small - that are producing and designing amazing books.
The reality of producing the Oscars is that it's a blood sport. With social media, everyone has a chance to voice their opinions. You have to know that entering into this special world requires a very thick skin.
I am a creative person, and knew my bigger picture would be writing, directing, and producing; that's what I've always thought I would get to one day. — © Julia Fox
I am a creative person, and knew my bigger picture would be writing, directing, and producing; that's what I've always thought I would get to one day.
I have been directing and involved in producing and the creating of films for quite a while as well as acting. I always think in terms of what the director needs, and not just for this scene but for the film.
Maybe one of the reasons that I don't ever experience myself as having writer's block is I don't feel that I need to be producing every minute of every day.
No one has done what Saddam Hussein has done, or is thinking of doing. He is producing weapons of mass destruction, and he is qualitatively and quantitatively different from other dictators.
If you eat foie gras, I would really urge you to look at the practice that goes in to producing it. It is totally barbaric and involves force-feeding on the most horrific scale imaginable.
In a perfect world, people don't have to move to another country to get a higher wage. Ultimately, they need only be able to participate in producing output that is sold internationally.
I've met producers who are Christians and are producing secular shows. So much beauty and truth can be found in every - in every different show that's there.
He who expects much will be often disappointed; yet disappointment seldom cures us of expectation, or has any other effect than that of producing a moral sentence or peevish exclamation.
Does 'Jersey Shore' make me sad for humanity that this is what's passing for entertainment? Well, this is a business, and if that's what millions of people want to watch, I can't fault someone for producing it.
The goal of any farmer, after producing enough to feed his own family, has always been to find the best place to sell the year's crop.
Producing good stuff can be quite tough, and it involves a lot of frustration, but I always like things to be jolly and happy, and I forget thats actually not the point at the end of the day.
We'll work with any designer producing something linked to gastronomy. So a chair for the dining area, a van to move food around. Anything that's connected to the gastronomic process.
As writers, the world is not about individual expression entirely because we are producing works of literature and getting them out into the world.
A novelist who writes nothing for 10 years finds his reputation rising. Because I keep on producing books they say there must be something wrong with this fellow.
We're not a manufacturer, or an airline, but we do use energy. Printing and publishing newspapers, producing films and television programs, operating 24-hour newsrooms. It all adds carbon to the atmosphere.
We got on a moving train there. That's more of a financing arrangement on that [Dracula] film. It would be disingenuous to say we're producing it. So it was really about getting into business with our partner at Universal.
Producing good stuff can be quite tough, and it involves a lot of frustration, but I always like things to be jolly and happy, and I forget that's actually not the point at the end of the day.
One minute we're over here, the next minute we're doing something completely different. But it's interesting because you are producing so many things you couldn't do with analog.
An art aims, above all, at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings but the organ of pure contemplation, our imagination.
I love producing! It's so much fun to start with a blank canvas and create the picture you want to create and see it all come together.
A great thing, which I don't do enough, is to take a break from producing and try to just take stuff in, like go to the theater.
I can't think of any musician or producer who has influenced me more than Brian Eno. From when he was in Roxy Music, producing Devo, the Talking Heads and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts.
After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.
I was producing a series about Sir Winston Churchill, about which I was extremely proud, and earning a lot of money as a producer. — © Patrick Macnee
I was producing a series about Sir Winston Churchill, about which I was extremely proud, and earning a lot of money as a producer.
Let their music skill speak for [itself]. If they are producing good tracks and are resonating with their fans, or even gaining new fans, then that's great.
The exciting thing about a songwriter is that, you know, particularly if you're a songwriter and an artist and you play the parts and you're producing it and all that, you have various times you have to critique what you do.
Whatever excites the spirit of contradiction is capable of producing the last effects of heroism; which is only the highest pitch of obstinacy, in a good or bad cause, in wisdom or folly.
I started off as an artiste and later a producer. All these aspects are interconnected. I became adept at every field - acting, producing, stunts and distributions. I never found anything tough.
Every good teaching may still end up producing evil bandits who have no principles whatsoever, an outcome even more likely when the teacher is also a bandit.
The Victorians were great engineers. They engineered a [schooling] system that was so robust that it's still with us today, continuously producing identical people for a machine that no longer exists.
American wars in Muslim countries created some extremists and inflamed many more while producing a security vacuum that allowed them to wreak mayhem.
Staying composed, focused, and effective under pressure are all about your mentality. People who successfully manage crises are able to channel their emotions into producing the behavior that they want.
I love producing horses, and we have some great young horses at home. We'll look forward and train those and start again.
I love 'The Gospel Truth,' the song that opened up 'Hercules.' I thought that song was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed producing that and writing that.
More people are interested in trying to shuffle paper assets around than building lasting assets by producing real goods.
We may say that life has borrowed from inanimate processes the same basic mechanism used in producing those striking structures that are crystals, with their beautiful plane faces.
Producing is a way of finding a great script that nobody's making, and believing in it, and doing what you can to get it made. It lets you work with your friends, people you really love to do something with.
Capitalism and market forces are very powerful in producing wealth and innovation. But we need to ensure that these forces act in the common interest. — © Thomas Piketty
Capitalism and market forces are very powerful in producing wealth and innovation. But we need to ensure that these forces act in the common interest.
Rock n roll is what I would die for, but I love music and I love exploring, taking the challenge of playing, writing or singing... or producing.
The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students.
In India, unlike in the United States and Australia, agriculture is not just a food producing enterprise but also the backbone of the livelihood security of nearly 60 per cent of the population.
As soon as chemists have a definite conception of the internal structure of the molecule of an organic compound, they are able to tackle the task of producing these substances by artificial methods, i.e. by synthesis, as we call it.
Building a house is like producing a movie. There's no right way to do it but a lot of wrong ways. You have to be flexible and creative. You have to move fast, be prepared - or it quickly becomes costly.
What was accomplished in 'Band of Brothers' was incredible, from the writing and producing to the performances of the actors who honored all those men that fought bravely and gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today.
I am not interested in producing fiction for Indian television at all, the reason being that I don't understand the medium. I can be a judge or a host; I can do that as an individual. But to produce TV content, you have to know the game.
Directing? It's an appealing thought, but as far as I can tell, it's a lot of work. Producing is easier. You can tell someone else what to do and then go home.
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