Top 1200 Product Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Product quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Someone, somewhere, is making a product that will make your product obsolete.
A product is something made in a factory; a brand is something that is bought by the customer. A product can be copied by a competitor; a brand is unique. A product can be quickly outdated; a successful brand is timeless.
The acceleration of the marketing process, the concentrating of manufacturing, greater diversification, increased international competition, have in turn speeded up product improvements, product innovations and new product introductions. The stakes are high, the failures costly.
Traditional sales and marketing involves increasing market shares, which means selling as much of your product as you can to as many customers as possible. One-to-one marketing involves driving for a share of customer, which means ensuring that each individual customer who buys your product buys more product, buys only your brand, and is happy using your product instead of another to solve his problem. The true, current value of any one customer is a function of the customer's future purchases, across all the product lines, brands, and services offered by you.
If a product's future is unlikely to be remarkable - if you can't imagine a future in which people are once again fascinated by your product - it's time to realize that the game has changed. Instead of investing in a dying product, take profits and reinvest them in building something new.
Just because a product says 'As Seen on TV' and looks like my product doesn't mean it performs like my product or will sell like my product. — © Vince Offer
Just because a product says 'As Seen on TV' and looks like my product doesn't mean it performs like my product or will sell like my product.
in television the product is not the program; the product is the audience and the consumer of that product is the advertiser. The advertiser does not 'buy' a news program. He buys an audience.
The Democrats are very bad at selling their own product. The Republicans are geniuses at it. And I've said it before, a bad product well apologized for is superior in this country to a good product.
We can learn from IBM's successful history that you don't have to have the best product to become number one. You don't even have to have a good product.
If you're building a social product, you're still living in the last century if your product doesn't work on Facebook.
Market-driven design builds the success of the product's marketing into the product itself.
The most common way customer financing is done is you sell the customer on the product before you've built it or before you've finished it. The customer puts up the money to build the product or finish the product and becomes your first customer. Usually the customer simply wants the product and nothing more.
Advertising and promotion alone will not sustain a bad product or a product that is not right for the times.
The very concept of universal formal education is a product (and a relatively late product) of the capitalist world-economy.
So usually you have to have product distribution as more fundamental than what the actual product is.
The tricks and artifices of advertising are available to the seller of the better product no less than to the seller of the poorer product. But only the former enjoys the advantage derived from the better quality of his product.
Companies that pollute should be taxed so that a product's cost to society is reflected in the price of that product. — © Eliot Spitzer
Companies that pollute should be taxed so that a product's cost to society is reflected in the price of that product.
Before product/market fit, your only job that matters is to build a great product.
There is no city in America that has reduced crime as much as we have in the last three years. This is not the product of accident. This is the product of design.
If you think of the product as a service, then the separate parts make no sense - the point of a product is to offer great experiences to its owner, which means that it offers a service. And that experience, that service, comprises the totality of its parts: The whole is indeed made up of all of the parts. The real value of a product consists of far more than the product's components.
When the functionality of a product or service overshoots what customers can use, it changes the way companies have to compete. When the product isn't yet good enough, the way you compete is by making better products. In order to make better products, the architecture of the product has to be interdependent and proprietary in character.
I think the media is dangerously close to creating their own product. They used to cover the product, which was whatever's happening.
I've been told I miss every pass made at me! It would be wonderful to have a partner, but in my mind, it has to be like making a product. The product has to be meaningful, impact people - it has to be a great product.
I feel like an email cross-dresser - I use a Microsoft product on my Apple product to access my Google product.
No product is an island. A product is more than the product. It is a cohesive, integrated set of experiences. Think through all of the stages of a product or service - from initial intentions through final reflections, from first usage to help, service, and maintenance. Make them all work together seamlessly. That's systems thinking.
You could place one product in a first-run telecast, a second product what that program is rerun, and a third product when the show goes into syndication, and another product when it goes on cable.
Fashion nowadays is all about product - bags and shoes - and you're kind of a product yourself, aren't you?
CEOs are often chief product officers. But for me to say I'm a chief product officer when my product is a community, I really should be thinking of myself as head of this community.
A great product will survive all abuse. Google Glass is a great product. How do I know? Every person I put it on (I did it dozens of times at 500 Startups yesterday) smiles. No other product has done that since the iPod.
A job on a newspaper is a special thing. Every day you take something that you found out about, and you put it down and in a matter of hours it becomes a product. Not just a product like a can or something. It is a personal product that people, a lot of people, take the time to sit down and read.
We don't create things anymore, instead we just have virtual things. Uber, Alibaba and Airbnb, for example, do they have products? No. We went from this product-based model, to virtual product, to virtually no product what so ever. This is the centralization process going on.
I let go of the notion that the Bible is a divine product. I learned that it is a human cultural product, the product of two ancient communities, biblical Israel and early Christianity. As such, it contained their understandings and affirmations, not statements coming directly or somewhat directly from God. . . . I realized that whatever "divine revelation" and the "inspiration of the Bible" meant (if they meant anything), they did not mean that the Bible was a divine product with divine authority.
So I am a product of the Internet, and to some degree a product of this sensibility of constant cultural reference.
Most entrepreneurs come up with a product, or they come up with an idea and they think they can be successful with it. But if they don't know the financial side of their business and understand credit and working capital and what it takes money-wise, you can't be successful. The product is just a product.
When we talk about product by pipeline or product by rail we need to be highly specific about what product we are shipping and under what terms and for what purpose. Solid bitumen by rail is safe as houses, but as again crude by rail poses different risk.
It's easier to build a business around a first-class product, even if it's a more expensive product to produce.
Society is not just the product of its individual members; it is also the product of its constituent groups.
People will realize that software is not a product; you use it to build a product.
Don’t try to make a product for everybody, because that is a product for nobody.
A product is not a product unless it sells. Otherwise it is merely a museum piece.
I'm a firm believer in quality > quantity, and I think it's important to have high standards in any product creation product. — © Joey Sturgis
I'm a firm believer in quality > quantity, and I think it's important to have high standards in any product creation product.
People appreciate a good product, a stable system. They want to communicate easily and use a product that just works.
You can have the best product, but if you don't have a plan - a label pushing it, the support of a network - you can't make it big with a product. It's all about distribution.
Process innovation is different from product innovation. It's about how do you create a new product or develop a new product or manufacture a new product, but not a new product itself?
you're a product just as much. a product of a product. the people who design cars, they're products, your teachers, products. the minister in your church, another product.
The product itself should be it's own best salesman. Not the product alone, but the product plus a mental impression, and atmosphere, which you place around it
I have a good relationship with Mandela. But I am not Mandela's product. I am the product of the masses of my country and the product of my enemy.
I had to really do some studying and examination of my own songwriting and I realized that, there's not a formula by any stretch of the imagination and aren't any rules, but there are principles. The first one is that art is a process, not a product. In fact, that holds true for damn near everything we do in life. The product is just something that happens. If you're faithful to the process, the product takes care of itself.
Often, the disconnect between the marketing hype around a new product and what the product actually does is astounding.
When you're trying to solve a problem on a new product type, you become completely focused on problems that seem a number of steps removed from the main product. That problem solving can appear a little abstract, and it is easy to lose sight of the product.
Controversy seems to be a by-product of what I do, rather like offence is the by-product of a dog urinating on the pavement. It just happens.
'Lucha Underground' is a fantastic product. They have the right people, talent, and backing up the product. — © Alberto Del Rio
'Lucha Underground' is a fantastic product. They have the right people, talent, and backing up the product.
Focus on your product. A lot of people focus on the name of their brand or the legal aspects, but it's more important to create your product. It's why people join. It's your vision. Without your product, nothing is going to happen.
You’ll find that the movie business is paid for by those mega movies. The movie business is paid for by Big Macs. By movies as product. Movie studios use that term “product” all the time. Product? You mean you have a lot of stories? No, we have a lot of product. You have stories.
No amount of tools can help a bad product. You have to remain genuine in your product development innovation and quality.
I've always believed that the best way you combat intellectual property theft is making a product available that is well priced, well timed to market, whether it's a movie product, TV product, music product, even theme-park product.
Marketing implies that you want a public to relate to your product - if it's a product - in a way that makes them want to use it. That is only good or evil in relationship to what the product actually does.
As Chief Product Officer, I lead our product team to create simple, intuitive user experiences.
Selling cookies is usually a girl's first exposure to the world of business. She learns how to meet the public, talk about a product, sell the product, and is responsible for collecting money, giving change, and delivering the product. That's quite a business venture for a 7-year-old.
Sports is a mass product, and it's a non-replicable product. You can't knock it off.
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