Top 1200 Promise Of The Future Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Promise Of The Future quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Science reckons many prophets, but there is not even a promise of a Messiah.
I promise you I'm going to make more plays than I drop.
Nothing in life is sure, my son. Except the promise of death. — © David Gemmell
Nothing in life is sure, my son. Except the promise of death.
It is better to be as low as hell with a promise, than in Paradise without one.
No English director would've cast me as an officer, I promise you. Not one.
I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.
I promise you, I will have something on the Internet that is game-changing. I can't lose.
I promise myself that I would go and do a play every year.
I've been down a long road, but I promise you, it gets better.
Nature has no promise for society, least of all, any remedy for sin.
Trust comes only with genuine effort, never with a lick and a promise.
I did not actually run down a deer for 'Tammy,' I promise.
God never made a promise that was too good to be true. — © Dwight L. Moody
God never made a promise that was too good to be true.
I promise not to let you down. I will be your servant with all humility and gratitude.
There are mornings when everything brims with promise, even my empty cup.
I apologize for lying to you. I promise I won't deceive you except in matters of this sort.
If you keep circling the promise, God will ultimately deliver on it.
I'm intrigued by fanatics - people who are seduced by the promise, or the illusion, of the absolute.
For Russians in the '90s, there was that sense of not knowing what the future held at all. And coming off a long period of when people actually were robbed of the ability to plan their future - that's very much a part of totalitarian control - that exacerbated it. In this country, we are not coming off a long period like that. But I think that for a lot of Americans, as a result of globalization, as a result of the housing crisis, the future is just too uncertain. And their place in the world is too uncertain.
Every ending is also a beginning. We'll meet again, I promise.
Here, let's go to my dressing room, and I promise, I'll only put it in for a second.
Childhood is usually identified with fantasy, adventure, and dreaming. But mine didn't offer a lot of hope. I could read my future in my palm. Everything foretold: "You have no future!" A person must be very strong to keep going without hope.
We believe in the Australian promise; that if you work hard, you won't be left behind.
Always in the black spirituals there's that promise that things are going to be better, by and by.
All of the off-field stuff, I can promise you, it doesn't even register with me.
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot.
So much for Obama's promise of 'quality, affordable health care.'
...even the most horribl e of nightmares is laced with the promise of dawn.
You know for me when I promise something I want to deliver. If you don't, you have to disappear.
I don't think too much about the future. Not because I'm hiding my head in the sand but because I figured out that whatever the future was going to be, the thing I had to do was to quiet my mind and open my heart and do what I could to end suffering.
I promise to crush Israel and return it to the humiliation and wretchedness of the Koran.
To be committed means you are willing to make a promise with no exception of return.
Take the road to contradiction, it'll lead you, I promise, to the palace of wisdom.
I could promise that I'll always be true to you, but we may not live to be so old.
Each of us is a seed, a silent promise, and it is always Spring.
I often daydream about the future, thinking of the world in 100, 200 years, imagining what it looks like, feels like. I hope that my books are like ghosts that will inhabit this future.
...Families are Forever, and wondered if the slogan was meant as a promise or a threat.
Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise. — © Mitch Lucker
Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise.
A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues.
So many things you promise yourself you won't get used to, and then you do.
Let's have a merry journey, and shout about how light is good and dark is not. What we should do is not future ourselves so much. We should now ourselves. "Now thyself" is more important than "know thyself." Reason is what tells us to ignore the present and live in the future. So all we do is make plans. We think that somewhere there are going to be green pastures. It's crazy. Heaven is nothing but a grand, monumental instance of future. Listen, now is good. Now is wonderful.
No possible future government in Kabul can be worse than the Taliban, and no thinkable future government would allow the level of Al Qaeda gangsterism to recur. So the outcome is proportionate and congruent with international principles of self-defense.
For me as a kid, reading cyberpunk was like seeing the world for the first time. Gibson's Neuromancer wasn't just stylistically stunning; it felt like the template for a future that we were actively building. I remember reading Sterling's Islands in the Net and suddenly understanding the disruptive potential of technology once it got out into the street. Cyberpunk felt urgent. It wasn't the future 15 minutes out - it was the future sideswiping you and leaving you in a full-body cast as it passed by.
I've made a promise that taxes would be my last resort on issues.
Any time Nate Diaz fights, I'm tuning in, I promise you.
A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.
Performance is better than promise. Exuberant assurances are cheap.
Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise. — © George Washington
Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.
Heroes put to the test, keeping a promise, doing their best.
Perhaps the promise of phallus is always dissatisfying in some way.
Murder offers the promise of vast relief. It is never unsexual.
I made a promise to be as creative as I could, even outside of music.
If there's anything I can promise is that I'm gonna paint till the last breath.
I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed.
The gap in India has always been between the promise and the execution.
Never break a promise to an animal. They're like babies—they won't understand.
A promise is binding in the inverse ratio of the numbers to whom it is made.
I can promise my fans what you see from me is what you get! No additives, no preservatives.
The one sure mark of a con, though, is the promise of free money.
If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.
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