Top 1200 Proof Of God Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Proof Of God quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
The photograph is kind of a proof - a proof that I actually met these people, that they actually have lives, and that they're worth considering.
In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence.
Got shot 5 times but I'm still breathing... living proof there's a God if you need a reason. — © Tupac Shakur
Got shot 5 times but I'm still breathing... living proof there's a God if you need a reason.
The only possible proof of the existence of water, the most convincing and the most intimately true proof, is thirst.
And now the announcement of Watson and Crick about DNA. This is for me the real proof of the existence of God.
It's gratifying to know that you've appeared in someone else's dreams. It's proof that you exist, in a way, proof that you have substance and value outside the walls of your own mind.
I worship nothing. Not a good lie nor a dark one. If nature is proof of God's amazing creation then I have truly seen the light, and the light is black. Nature is genius at its most cruel and savage. No benevolent God could have come up with such an outrage.
Look at us! Are we not proof that there is no good, no evil, no truth, no reason? Are we not proof that the universe is a drooling idiot with no fashion sense - Mr Nobody on the fundamental philosophy of the Brotherhood of DADA
You don’t have to say that nature is aware of your existence, that God knows you are here. The camera gives you proof that you have lived at least once.
True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie.
The proof of battle is action, proof of words, debate. No time for speeches now, it's time to fight.
It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us.
It is the surest proof of man's natural enmity against God that he dares to impute falsehood to one who is truth itself.
I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious ideas of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God.
If there be a God and one has never sought him, it will be small consolation to remember that one could not get proof of his existence. — © George MacDonald
If there be a God and one has never sought him, it will be small consolation to remember that one could not get proof of his existence.
To seek after any shape of God, and to assign a form and image to Him, is a proof of man's folly. For God, whosoever he be (if haply there be any other but the world itself), and in what part soever resident, all sense He is, all sight, all hearing: He is the whole of the life and of the soul, all of Himself.
That God has managed to survive the inanities of the religions that do Him homage is truly a miraculous proof of His existence.
The proof that God has revealed himself to man by special and express communications, and that Christianity constitutes that revelation, is no part of these inquiries.
If there was no other proof of the infinite patience of God, a very good one could be found in His toleration of the pictures that are painted of Him.
God is a challenge because there is no proof of his existence and therefore the search must continue.
The Phoenicians are entitled to be commemorated in history by the side of the Hellenic and Latin nations; but their case affords a fresh proof, and perhaps the strongest proof of all, that the development of national energies in antiquity was of a one-sided character.
We desperately need to understand something of the magnitude of sin, of evil, and of gross wickedness in this world if we are to appreciate our redemption. God's love, grace, and mercy shine all the brighter against the awful reality of evil. Indeed, the very existence of evil is a powerful proof of God's existence and holiness.
God is a hypothesis, and, as such, stands in need of proof; the onus probandi rests on the theist.
Laughter at oneself is always proof that god has healed us in the touchy places!
Working constantly may be visible proof that deep inside we do not trust God.
Unless and until it can be proven that an unborn child is not a living human being, can we justify assuming without proof that it isn't? No one has yet offered such proof; indeed, all the evidence is to the contrary.
There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples.
Hitler is endless proof of God's love and blessing for which we ever must be grateful.
Our responding to life's unfairness with sympathy... may be the surest proof of all of God's reality.
Total surrender to the will of God actually is sacrificing oneself as a burnt offering to God. The proof of this state is dying to oneself, - to one's own opinions, wishes and feelings or tastes, in order to live by Divine intellect, in conformity with the Divine will and in partaking of God. In the forefront of this endeavor is our Lord and Savior. He surrendered the whole of Himself to God the Father, and us in Himself, 'For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones' (Eph. 5:30). So let us hasten in His footsteps?
I would not read the proof of one of my books for any fair & reasonable sum whatever, if I could get out of it. The proof-reading on the P & Pauper cost me the last rags of my religion.
That God cannot lie, is no advantage to your argument, because it is no proof that priests can not, or that the Bible does not.
It is not proof that I sought. I, of all men, know that proof is but a fallacy invented by man to justify to himself and his fellows his own crass lust and folly.
The proof that the little prince existed is that he was charming, that he laughed, and that he was looking for a sheep. If anybody wants a sheep, that is a proof that he exists.
Reflected peace is the proof that you are right with God because you are at liberty to turn your mind to Him.
To ask for a purely intellectual proof of the existence of God is like asking for the privilege of being able to see with your ears!
As it is natural to believe many things without proof, so, despite all proof, is it natural to disbelieve others.
If one has the answers to all the questions - that is the proof that God is not with him. It means that he is a false prophet using religion for himself. The great leaders of the people of God, like Moses, have always left room for doubt. You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble.
The real question is, Did God use evolution as His plan? If it could be shown that man, instead of being made in the image of God, is a development of beasts we would have to accept it, regardless of its effort, for truth is truth and must prevail. But when there is no proof we have a right to consider the effect of the acceptance of an unsupported hypothesis.
Prosperity cannot be a proof of God's favor, since it is what the devil promises to those who worship him. (Matt. 4:9) — © John Piper
Prosperity cannot be a proof of God's favor, since it is what the devil promises to those who worship him. (Matt. 4:9)
To require God to prove that He is able and willing to fulfill His promises would be proof positive that one does not trust Him.
For God to prove himself on demand, physically, would be a grave disappointment, and the strongest Christians should be considerably grateful that he chooses not to do so. The skeptic endlessly demands proof, yet God refuses to insult the true intelligence of man, the '6th sense', the chief quality, the acumen which distinguishes man from the rest of creation, faith.
Mother Angelica is proof that we are not limited by other's perceptions, and that God sometimes calls the most unlikely people to great things.
Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness in our pain is the indisputable proof that we believe God is a part of our pain.
The chief contribution of Protestantism to human thought is its massive proof that God is a bore.
If there's a God, I want to see Him. It's pointless to believe in something without proof.
The result of the mathematician's creative work is demonstrative reasoning, a proof; but the proof is discovered by plausible reasoning, by guessing.
I don't believe Fermat had a proof. I think he fooled himself into thinking he had a proof.
When Pococke inquired of Grotius, where the proof was of that story of the pigeon, trained to pick peas from Mahomet's (Muhammad's) ear, and pass for an angel dictating to him? Grotius answered that there was no proof!
No evidence or proof of the existence of a God has been found in the phenomena of nature, based on experience. — © Charles Proteus Steinmetz
No evidence or proof of the existence of a God has been found in the phenomena of nature, based on experience.
For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof is sufficient.
The purpose of this study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective.
One can never really give a proof of the reality of anything; reality is not something open to proof, it is something established. It is established just because proof is not enough. It is this characteristic of language, at once indispensable and inadequate, which shows the reality of the external world. Most people hardly ever realize this, because it is rare that the very same man thinks and puts his thought into action.
True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you sent beforehand to indicate that it's yours already.
Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.
The sufferings endured for God are the greatest proof of our love for Him.
A god or revelation capable of proof or rational verification by an autonomous man would be worthless.
During my sojourn in ironclad atheism, the primary arsenal leveled against Christianity had been its failure on empirical grounds. Surely, enlightened reason offered a more coherent cosmos. Surely, Occam's razor cut the faithful free from blind faith. There is no proof of God; therefore, it is unreasonable to believe in God.
The principle exercise which the children of god have is to pray. For in this way they give true proof of their faith.
It is true that you can't prove a negative. However, the existence of God is provable in the same way a building is positive proof that there was a builder.
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