Top 128 Proteins Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Proteins quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I follow an extremely strict diet counting my calorie intake, keeping in mind a very balanced ratio of proteins, carbs, and fats.
Agriculture as we know it needs to disappear. We can design better and healthier proteins than we get from nature.
I'm not a vegan - especially when it comes to protein quality. I stick with the traditional proteins. — © Harley Pasternak
I'm not a vegan - especially when it comes to protein quality. I stick with the traditional proteins.
There are over 7,000 different types of proteins in typical eukaryotic cells; the total number depends on the cell class and function.
In many biological structures proteins are simply components of larger molecular machines.
I'm a very, very healthy eater, so it's proteins, greens, proteins, and more greens - and lots of water.
Every living being is also a fossil. Within it, all the way down to the microscopic structure of its proteins, it bears the traces if not the stigmata of its ancestry.
Life is the mode of action of proteins.
After a tough workout, I try to eat lots of proteins and try to have some carbohydrates. Pasta is always good with protein, and I enjoy Bolognese with chicken.
Eating is not a bad thing; it's not a curse. And I think to have long, sexy, lean, tight muscles, you need to feed them with good quality proteins and make sure you stay hydrated.
One of the major lessons in all of biochemistry, cell biology and molecular medicine is that when proteins operate at the sub cellular level, they behave in a certain way as if they're mechanical machinery.
Proteins aren't designed, they're evolved.
I basically eat a lot of proteins, and I've been eating smaller portions of food. I try to eat all locally raised and organic produce. — © Norman Reedus
I basically eat a lot of proteins, and I've been eating smaller portions of food. I try to eat all locally raised and organic produce.
Science is a part of culture. Indeed, it is the only truly global culture because protons and proteins are the same all over the world, and it's the one culture we can all share.
I'll do like a more intense workout in the morning and then for lunch I have lean proteins, like all the seafood I want and white fish, turkey and lots of veggies.
I load on proteins, veggies, fruits and nuts and never took support of supplements.
Each form of Alzheimer's disease should perturb different brain networks and so influence the concentration of different proteins that can be measured in the blood.
During the decade following the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA, the problem of translation - namely, how genetic information is used to synthesize proteins - was a central topic in molecular biology.
Evaporated milk is a highly concentrated source of milk protein micelles - bundles of proteins that can act as powerful emulsifying agents - which help to keep the sauce creamy and smooth.
I am vegetarian, an eggetarian rather... because of its proteins.
I wanted to become a better Snoop Dogg, full of water, proteins and stuff to keep me alive . . . lollipops and Big Macs.
Even while it's true that we are tied to our molecules and proteins and neurons - as strokes and hormones and drugs and microorganisms indisputably tell us - it does not logically follow that humans are best described only as pieces and parts.
I don't combine proteins and carbohydrates.
On the whole, at least in the author's experience, the preparation of species-specific antiserum fractions and the differentiation of closely related species with precipitin sera for serum proteins does not succeed so regularly as with agglutinins and lysins for blood cells. This may be due to the fact that in the evolutional scale the proteins undergo continuous variations whereas cell antigens are subject to sudden changes not linked by intermediary stages.
No vegetarian has been able to achieve a single Nobel prize. It is a clear-cut condemnation of vegetarianism. Why do all the Nobel prizes go to non-vegetarians? - because vegetarian food does not contain those proteins which create intelligence. And unless we provide those proteins, intelligence cannot grow. The body is a very delicate phenomenon and it needs a very well balanced diet.
It's nice to be able to look at one protein, but life is driven by the interactions between proteins, so it's really essential to be able to see multiple proteins at a time to understand these interactions.
Drama is a complete meal, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates. It's a slow burn thing. It's got an arc. Comedy is more like coke.
Nuclear DNA encodes all the proteins and enzymes that make you you, basically.
When I started engineering proteins I didn't know how hard it would be.
Owing to the difficulty of dealing with substances of high molecular weight we are still a long way from having determined the chemical characteristics and the constitution of proteins, which are regarded as the principal con-stituents of living organisms.
And of course, identifying all human genes and proteins will have great medical significance.
Our cells engage in protein production, and many of those proteins are enzymes responsible for the chemistry of life.
A virus is not just DNA; a virus is also packaged up, covered over with a series of proteins in a nice, elegant, well-compacted form.
The skin is forming because of proteins, just like if you cook milk or anything else that's got a coagulant protein in it.
Proteins are the machinery of living tissue that builds the structures and carries out the chemical reactions necessary for life.
It turns out that moving our muscles produces proteins that travel through the bloodstream and into the brain, where they play pivotal roles in the mechanisms of our highest thought processes.
I eat healthy and don't go by a diet chart. The breakfast is usually heavy, complemented with short frequent meals. My dinner is high on proteins and low on carbohydrates.
I have a chef who makes sure that I'm getting the right amounts of carbs, proteins and fats throughout the day to keep me at my max performance level. — © Barry Bonds
I have a chef who makes sure that I'm getting the right amounts of carbs, proteins and fats throughout the day to keep me at my max performance level.
Civilization means food and literature all round. Beefsteaks and fiction magazines for all. First-class proteins for the body, fourth-class love-stories for the spirit.
I would suggest that gluten tends to be tied to carbs. And I try to balance my carbs and my proteins and my fats.
There's this company called Vega that sponsors us, and basically, what it is is a vegan health optimizer. But really it's a protein shake that has all the vitamins, all the enzymes, all the minerals, all the carbs, all the proteins... everything that you need to set yourself for the day.
I try to stick to real food, meaning anything that has been grown naturally or organically and that is not majorly processed: meats and proteins, a lot of green vegetables, less sugary fruits, solid starches and nuts.
Science is the one culture that's truly global - protons, proteins and Pythagoras's Theorem are the same from China to Peru. It should transcend all barriers of nationality. It should straddle all faiths, too.
Genes are effectively one-dimensional. If you write down the sequence of A, C, G and T, that's kind of what you need to know about that gene. But proteins are three-dimensional. They have to be because we are three-dimensional, and we're made of those proteins. Otherwise we'd all sort of be linear, unimaginably weird creatures.
So many of the chemical reactions occurring in living systems have been shown to be catalytic processes occurring isothermally on the surface of specific proteins, referred to as enzymes, that it seems fairly safe to assume that all are of this nature and that the proteins are the necessary basis for carrying out the processes that we call life.
A DNA sequence for the genome of bacteriophage ?X174 of approximately 5,375 nucleotides has been determined using the rapid and simple 'plus and minus' method. The sequence identifies many of the features responsible for the production of the proteins of the nine known genes of the organism, including initiation and termination sites for the proteins and RNAs. Two pairs of genes are coded by the same region of DNA using different reading frames.
I'm eating a lot of organic proteins and vegetables! Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is my No. 1 priority because I'm nursing my daughter.
In the late 1970s, when I was a professor at Caltech, I pioneered four instruments for analyzing genes and proteins that revolutionized modern biology - and one of these, the automated DNA sequencer, enabled the Human Genome Project.
My interest in protein breakdown as a research problem began in l955 at about the time I joined the Biochemistry Department of Yale University. It was known that proteins break down intracellularly in the mature animal.
I rest my proteins in their liquid when I am done with the heat braise. — © Andrew Zimmern
I rest my proteins in their liquid when I am done with the heat braise.
DNA is a code of four letters; proteins are made up of amino acids which come in 20 forms. So the ribosome is a very clever machine that reads one language and operates in another.
Man's health and well-being depends upon, among many things, the proper functioning of the myriad proteins that participate in the intricate synergisms of living systems.
The basic structure of proteins is quite simple: they are formed by hooking together in a chain discrete subunits called amino acids.
Mother Nature has been the best bioengineer in history. Why not harness the evolutionary process to design proteins?
I think you can say that life is a system in which proteins and nucleic acids interact in ways that allow the structure to grow and reproduce. It's that growth and reproduction, the ability to make more of yourself, that's important.
Proteins are constantly being degraded. Therefore, simultaneous production of proteins is required.
I'm an advocate for alternative proteins, and I believe we can eat many.
Gluten - the elastic strands that give bread its chewy texture - forms when certain proteins in flour interact with water, which is desirable in bread, but not tender cake.
As can be seen even by this limited number of examples proteins carry out amazingly diverse functions.
By then, I was making the slow transition from classical biochemistry to molecular biology and becoming increasingly preoccupied with how genes act and how proteins are made.
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