Top 1200 Proud Man Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Proud Man quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I am proud to be an American, proud to represent 600,000 Americans, and proud to be in the only party pledged to make the District of Columbia the 51st state.
I'm proud of Toronto. I'm proud of Canada. I'm proud of the NBA. I'm very proud of it.
I want to do something that people can really say, 'Hey, man, that was good, I'm proud of you, I'm proud of that.' 'Pride' and 'Transformers' and things like that.
That's what really motivates me: to make my coaches proud, my teammates proud, and the fans proud. — © Aaron Rodgers
That's what really motivates me: to make my coaches proud, my teammates proud, and the fans proud.
So far as a man may be proud of a religion rooted in humility, I am very proud of my religion; I am especially proud of those parts of it that are most commonly called superstition. I am proud of being fettered by antiquated dogmas and enslaved by dead creeds (as my journalistic friends repeat with so much pertinacity), for I know very well that it is the heretical creeds that are dead, and that it is only the reasonable dogma that lives long enough to be called antiquated.
When you are a rich man you are proud to own a Rolls Royce and when you are a poor man you are proud to own a Renault.
A man I'm proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!
It was a movie [The Railway Man] that stayed with me a long time. It's still one of the things I'm most proud of. I got to know the man that I was playing and unfortunately he passed away just before the movie came out. It's one that meant a huge amount to me, and one that I'm particularly proud of.
And it is always the humble man who talks too much; the proud man watches himself too closely.
The moment you say, "We are proud. I'm proud to be this, and I'm proud to be that," what you're saying is we're almost as good as the others. "Almost" always means not quite.
I'm proud of my body, I'm proud of my sport, I'm proud of being a female athlete.
Of what shall a man be proud, if he is not proud of his friends?
God Himself heals the proud. This means that inner sorrows (by which pride is healed) are sent to us by God, for the proud man will not suffer anything from others. But the humble person will endure everything, and will always say, 'I deserve this.'
I'm proud of my colour, I'm proud of my skin, I'm proud of who I am.
All I want to say to people, man, is, "Yo, you see me walking down the street and I got a little bop in my walk, don't think because I've got a bop in my walk I'm trying to be all that. The bop in my walk is because I'm just like you, man. I bop when I walk." Know what I'm saying? I'm proud. If you see me smiling, standing straight up, gold around my neck, it's not because I'm conceited. It's because I'm proud of what I achieved. I made this. I worked hard for this. That's all this is about.
You are so proud of your intelligence," said the master. "You are like a like a condemned man, proud of the vastness of his prison cell. — © Anthony de Mello
You are so proud of your intelligence," said the master. "You are like a like a condemned man, proud of the vastness of his prison cell.
The proud man hath no God; the envious man hath no neighbor; the angry man hath not himself.
Women's Aid is a fantastic charity which has my full support. I am proud to call myself a Real Man, a man who will stand up against domestic violence.
I'm grounded in who I am, and I am a confident black man. A confident, Nigerian, black, chocolate man. I'm proud of my heritage, and no man can take that away from me.
And I come from a very proud Hispanic family. We're proud to be Latino. We're proud to be Peruvian. And my dad's side is proud to be Puerto Rican.
I hope for my children, and for all Mexicans, that they can be proud to be Mexican, proud of their heritage, and proud that they have a peaceful, inclusive, vibrant country that is playing a role in the world.
For every negative comment you see on social media based upon standing up for something, there's somebody from back home that's telling me, 'Hey, I'm proud of you, man. Continue to do what you're doing.' Of course, you don't do it for that, but sometimes it's tough, man.
The proud man can learn humility, but he will be proud of it.
I'm proud to be Parisian, proud to be a BANLIEUSARD. Which means a man from the suburbs, from the streets, from the outskirt.
What am I most proud of? That, as a man, I've made my mom proud. Not just in basketball, but away from the court, too.
The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.
Humility is an attribute of godliness possessed by true Saints. It is easy to understand why a proud man fails. He is content to rely upon himself only. This is evident in those who seek social position or who push others aside to gain position in fields of business, government, education, sports, or other endeavors. Our genuine concern should be for the success of others. The proud man shuts himself off from God, and when he does he no longer lives in the light.
Whatever ethnicity you are, yes, absolutely you have to be proud of who you are man. I am really really proud to be Asian, I got to say.
People appreciate a confident man. They love a strong man, and when it comes to a woman, I don't know if people just expect women not to speak up for themselves or be weak or just always be the follow-behind, but I'm proud that I'm in a generation of leaders. I'm proud that I'm surrounded by very strong women.
I'm a proud man.
I'm going to sound like an egomaniac, but I'm proud of so many things. I feel proud of my book, 'I'm Just A Person,' proud of my HBO special. I'm proud of a lot of things.
Philosophy is a proud, sullen detector of the poverty and misery of man. It may turn him from the world with a proud, sturdy contempt; but it cannot come forward and say, here are rest, grace, pardon, peace, strength, and consolation.
I was proud to be a Tory Member of Parliament for twelve years, proud to represent Buckingham as a Tory, proud to have voted with my party 99% of the time as the record shows.
The humble man makes room for progress; the proud man believes he is already there.
The difference between more or less intelligent men is like the difference between criminals condemned to life imprisonment in smaller or larger cells. The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like a condemned man who is proud of his large cell.
I'm proud of how long we did it for, I'm proud that we left when we did, I'm proud of everything about 'Popworld.'
I'm a proud strict mom and, you know, I'm really proud of the two daughters I've raised. And I'm especially proud of my relationship with them. We're very close. I think we're good friends.
Vain men delight in telling what Honours have been done them, what great Company they have kept, and the like; by which they plainly confess, that these Honours were more than their Due, and such as their Friends would not believe if they had not been told: Whereas a Man truly proud, thinks the greatest Honours below his Merit, and consequently scorns to boast. I therefore deliver it as a Maxim that whoever desires the Character of a proud Man, ought to conceal his Vanity.
Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.
The gentleman is calm and at ease. The gentleman is dignified but not proud; the small man is proud but not dignified. — © Confucius
The gentleman is calm and at ease. The gentleman is dignified but not proud; the small man is proud but not dignified.
The proud man counts his newspaper clippings, the humble man his blessings.
If I were black, I could say I'm proud. If I were Asian, I could say I'm proud. If I were any other ethnicity, I could say I'm proud, because that's how our culture is, but if I'm white and I say I'm proud, the media will go nuts.
I'm proud of [Big] K.R.I.T., I'm proud that the person that came after me shares so many similar views [as mine]. From him being a producer, to him being a God-fearing man - being political in a sense that he wants to see the poverty-stricken do better. He wants to be the spokesperson for them.
When a man is proud because he can understand and explain the writings of Chrysippus, say to yourself, 'if Chrysippus had not written obscurely, this man would have had nothing to be proud of.'
Whether I'm playing or not I'm proud. I'm as proud to play for Wales as I am Man United, to be there at the club.
They haven't any spirit in them - no proud dreams and no proud lusts; and a man who hasn't one or the other-Lord! What is he but funk and precautions.
A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.
A man can be saved and not believe in the Doctrines of Grace...but he must be a very proud man. Unknown-but if you know who said it, please tell me You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole.
He's a man [George W. Bush] who is lucky to be governor of Texas. He is a man who is unusually incurious, abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated, and apparently quite proud of all these things.
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.
Man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority, Most ignorant of what he's most assured. — © William Shakespeare
Man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority, Most ignorant of what he's most assured.
People are proud to be from Baltimore. In any industry you work in, you need support to survive. And this city has that support for anyone who was born here or lived here. And it also gives you the feeling, 'Oh, I stand for this place. And if I do something I'm not proud of, I might not make my town proud.' And I want to make Baltimore proud.
I have every reason, despite the resentment and exasperation, to be proud. I have nothing better to be proud of than being proud of German unity.
Almost every man who has by his life-work added to the sum of human achievement of which the race is proud, of which our people are proud, almost every such man has based his life-work largely upon the teachings of the Bible
I will give you a definition of a proud man: he is a man who has neither vanity nor wisdom one filled with hatreds cannot be vain, neither can he be wise.
I'm a proud woman. I'm a proud man. I'm a proud whatever people think I am.
For me, whatever the outcome, it's nice to sit back to something and say, "Man, I'm really proud of that. I'm real proud of the experience that I had, I'm proud to be a part of something so iconic whether anyone watches it or not. They can't take away the experience that I had.
I am proud to call myself a Hindu, I am proud that I am one of your unworthy servants. I am proud that I am a countryman of yours, you the descendants of the sages, you the descendants of the most glorious Rishis the world ever saw. Therefore have faith in yourselves, be proud of your ancestors, instead of being ashamed of them.
Every man is proud of what he does well; and no man is proud of what he does not do well. With the former, his heart is in his work; and he will do twice as much of it with less fatigue. The latter performs a little imperfectly, looks at it in disgust, turns from it, and imagines himself exceedingly tired. The little he has done, comes to nothing, for want of finishing.
Pride never sleeps. The principle at least is always awake. An intemperate man is sometimes sober, but a proud man is never humble.
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