Top 200 Puberty Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Puberty quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Prison for the crime of puberty -- that was how secondary school had seemed.
When I reach puberty I'm definitely going to grow a beard.
Puberty was definitely difficult for me. — © Mara Wilson
Puberty was definitely difficult for me.
I've been overweight since puberty, so acting was never a dream.
Adolescence: The stage between puberty and adultery.
But puberty was... well, before puberty, at school, I didn't tell kids I was a transvestite 'cause I thought they might kill me with sticks, you know?
Girls of 7, 8 or 9 years old are not emotionally or psychologically equipped to handle puberty.
I was wildly interested in puberty as a child.
You are taught about puberty and the menopause and how tough they can be, but a quarter-life crisis, you're not prepared for.
I was really lucky that I came to puberty at a time when music and politics were completely intertwined
Once you get over that peak of puberty, you hit a nice stride.
Rock n' roll! It's the music of puberty.
Children can write poetry and then, unless they're poets, they stop when reach puberty. — © Dennis Potter
Children can write poetry and then, unless they're poets, they stop when reach puberty.
I went through puberty in a theme park. I'm grateful. That place was a landscape to me. I had adventures every day.
What we ought to see in the agonies of puberty is the result of the conditioning that maims the female personality in creating the feminine.
Becoming a comedienne was my way of adjusting to puberty.
Superheroes don't often get their powers in one fell swoop. It's like superhero puberty.
I was really lucky that I came to puberty at a time when music and politics were completely intertwined.
My mother tries to explain that I need support and that I'm just going through a period of adjustment. "Like puberty," she says.
We are American at puberty. We die French.
When I was 14 years old, I decided I could cook. It was either that or puberty.
There wasn't a defining moment or match or even a person that made me want to wrestle. It all just sort of happened. Kind of like puberty.
As stated before, hypothyroidism may cause premature or delayed puberty. The majority of normal and hypothyroid females begin their cycle at ages 12 or 13. However, a growing number of those with hypothyroidism start their cycle years earlier or begin their periods at age 15 or later. Premature or delayed puberty in males is also becoming more common.
Puberty was definitely difficult for me. I remember my friends and I looking forward to puberty because it seemed exciting at first. You read Judy Blume and you think, "This is kind of cool." But when it actually started happening to me, I was terrified.
Puberty extends into your twenties, for sure, and some people don't get over that until much later in life. I feel like I'm just starting to get over puberty - basically twenty years of insufferable, totally self-obsessed hell.
In your teens, you get the physical puberty, and between 28 and 32, mental puberty. It does make you feel differently.
I didn't hit puberty until I was, like, 17, so I love to talk about that.
Puberty was the most horrifying time of my life.
What war has always been is a puberty ceremony.
When I was growing up, particularly during puberty in my teen years, I was so miserable because I elicited so much teasing and meanness from my teenage cohorts.
When I tried to hit puberty I swung and I missed.
Control puberty?" snorted the bodyguard."If you manage that, you'll be the first.
Puberty for a girl is like floating down a broadening river into an open sea.
Harassment is one of puberty's darkest, most unreported rites of passage.
Karan Johar finally attained puberty at 42
Dancers are kept in a perpetual state of pre-puberty, and for young girls in particular, that type of pressure breeds insecurities.
If God wanted teenagers to be abstinent, puberty would begin at twenty.
I remember my friends and I looking forward to puberty because it seemed exciting at first. — © Mara Wilson
I remember my friends and I looking forward to puberty because it seemed exciting at first.
Puberty is an extremely traumatic process even if you don't realize it. It kind of lives with you for like 10 years.
Puberty was very vague. I literally locked myself in a room and played guitar.
Puberty hit me very hard, and I basically had no use for school once I discovered the guitar.
I thought it was such a unique concept to play parents who happen to be super heroes and have a son who is going through puberty and starting high school.
Before puberty, it seems like I was more or less smiling a lot. I was really outgoing and wanted to have a happy life.
I had been on puberty suppressants and hormone suppressants, so I did not go through male puberty.
Midlife is a time of explosive change, particularly for women. It's just like experiencing another puberty. The changes that take place in your body are enormous and, like puberty, you have to throw off the past.
I don't know what age the people who review my concerts reached puberty, I don't know if people in America reach puberty a lot later than they do in England or something like that, but the majority of those people are in their late teens and early twenties.
If I can help get anybody through puberty, I say, 'Good!'
I don't even remember what Mother and I quarreled about: it is a continual quarrel that began when I reached puberty. — © Marge Piercy
I don't even remember what Mother and I quarreled about: it is a continual quarrel that began when I reached puberty.
By puberty I learned that nothing worth having could be easily attained and to succeed one must be single minded.
I genuinely hit puberty before everyone.
I was so awkward and gangly, and went through puberty way too young - I got really self-conscious about it.
Anybody who's gone through puberty has understood what it feels like to be an outcast and alone.
Other than dying, I think puberty is probably about as rough as it gets.
I've weighed 100 lbs. soaking wet since puberty.
Puberty hit me pretty hard. All of a sudden, I woke up, and I had really curly hair.
I started puberty very late. I was nearly sixteen. And for complicated reasons this late arrival of my puberty caused me to stop playing competitive tennis. But before my puberty problem, I had trouble with my lower back and with my left testicle.
I usually say I left puberty at 58.
What happens when children reach puberty earlier and adulthood later? The answer is: a good deal of teenage weirdness.
I was the ugly duckling until I reached puberty.
The limbic system explodes during puberty, but the prefrontal cortex keeps maturing for another 10 years.
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