Top 1200 Public Buildings Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Public Buildings quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
It just felt like the right thing to do to give back to a state school and public school. I'm a really big fan of public education.
We can applaud the state lottery as a public subsidy of intelligence, for it yields public income that is calculated to lighten the tax burden of us prudent abstainers at the expense of the benighted masses of wishful thinkers.
During my two terms serving the good people of New Hampshire's First District, I always worked for what I call the bottom 99% of Americans, and I never forgot that public office is a public trust.
We tell the public which way the cat is jumping. The public will take care of the cat. — © Arthur Hays Sulzberger
We tell the public which way the cat is jumping. The public will take care of the cat.
My public life is before you; and I know you will believe me when I say, that when I sit down in solitude to the labours of my profession, the only questions I ask myself are, What is right? What is just? What is for the public good?
Public housing is more than just a place to live, public housing programs should provide opportunities to residents and their families.
The Scottish public are a great public.
Public opinion: May it always perform one of its appropriate offices, by teaching the public functionaries of the State and of the Federal Government, that neither shall assume the exercise of powers entrusted by the Constitution to the other.
When you have no real power, go public - really public. The public is where the real power is.
I have always been a strong supporter of public lands and have voted against the transfer or sale of public lands. My position is known and well-established.
Public education is our greatest pathway to opportunity in America. So we need to invest in and strengthen our public universities today, and for generations to come.
Tell the truth, because sooner or later the public will find out anyway. And if the public doesn't like what you are doing, change your policies and bring them into line with what people want.
You cannot stop what the public want. The public want two strong women in the final round and then a woman prime minister and I'm absolutely with that.
Startups are now creating specialized 3-D printers capable of producing everything from synthetic hamburgers to multi-story apartment buildings. — © Jay Samit
Startups are now creating specialized 3-D printers capable of producing everything from synthetic hamburgers to multi-story apartment buildings.
I always thought if I was born 2000 years earlier, I would be a monk, probably carving a monastery or some giant pantheon buildings.
This persistence as private firms continued because it ensured the maximum of anonymity and secrecy to persons of tremendous public power who dreaded public knowledge of their activities as an evil almost as great as inflation.
For decades, the journalistic norm had been that the private lives of public officials remained private unless that life impinged on public performance.
It is much more convenient not to be a public company. As a private company you don't have to give information to the public. Secrecy is an important factor of success in the commodity business.
With Mtn Dew Game Fuel, I'm flying off buildings and hitting 360 snipes with more precision than ever.
Malcolm X felt that if he could make a public - a prominent public statement to show his fidelity to the Honorable Elijah Mohammad that that might win him back in the good graces of the organization.
Public office is a public trust.
On the wagon sped, and I, as well as my comrades, gave a despairing farewell glance at freedom as we came in sight of the long stone buildings.
The reading public is intellectually adolescent at best, and it is obvious that what is called ''significant literature'' will only be sold to this public by exactly the same methods as are used to sell it toothpaste, cathartics and automobiles.
Publicity is a great purifier because it sets in action the forces of public opinion, and in this country public opinion controls the courses of the nation.
The danger of disturbing the public tranquillity by interesting too strongly the public passions, is a still more serious objection against a frequent reference of constitutional questions to the decision of the whole society.
A lot of people think that public speaking means that you are standing at a podium giving a speech, but public speaking comes in lots of different formats.
The public psychology of going into debt for gain passes through several more or less distinct phases: (a) the lure of big prospective dividends or gains in income in the remote future; (b) the hope of selling at a profit, and realizing a capital gain in the immediate future; (c) the vogue of reckless promotions, taking advantage of the habituation of the public to great expectations; (d) the development of downright fraud, imposing on a public which had grown credulous and gullible.
This notion of public-school doors being barred to God would have confounded not only the founding fathers but also those who attended American public schools as recently as the early 1960s.
Public policy is designed by spin doctors who aim to keep our heads below the water. The public good is not a consideration, and their self-serving agendas prevail over common sense.
After the destructionofthe Second Temple Jewslived by an ancient and fundamental insight, that God does not live in buildings but in the human heart.
Both of my children - my daughter Caroline, a public school teacher, and my son Elliot, an Army Ranger - are dedicating their lives to public service; thus, they have inspired my own decision to run for Congress.
Public intellectuals come from a range of areas and use their expertise to comment more widely than just their field. They want to make a contribution to public space, and they stick their necks out to do it.
If you make too many things too public, then you end up living your life before the court of public opinion.
The civil rights movement was about access to public space. We had to fight for public space.
Our metropolises are blighted by two problems: a lack of public transport and a lack of public loos.
I feel that buildings often have a workaday aspect that you see during the daylight hours, and a more resplendent side that emerges after dark.
To me the biggest irony of this lifetime that I'm living is that for someone who thrives in the public eye in the creative ways that I do, I actually don't enjoy being in the public eye.
I consider myself a private person most of the time so it's hard to perform in a very public situation and have to do... public appearances and speeches depending on what it is and what the situation is.
I love Chicago. I lived there briefly for three months and kept a boat under one of those space-age buildings. It was very Jetsons. — © Candace Bushnell
I love Chicago. I lived there briefly for three months and kept a boat under one of those space-age buildings. It was very Jetsons.
Rudolph Giuliani will be the first Secretary of State whose last public office was mayor, the most thoroughly domestic public office that we have.
One of the small joys that's easy to miss in London is the blue plaques on buildings. These are put up to commemorate the famous on the houses they lived in.
Have you ever heard of a pianist who never had to practice - or of an architect who didn't bother to find out why buildings stand up?
I think there is a new awareness in this 21st century that design is as important to where and how we live as it is for museums, concert halls and civic buildings.
The fact that the theatregoing public likes my music is no credit to me. There are many other composers who write better music that the public doesn't like.
I miss my friends in public school, but it's kind of a part of something that you have to give up. I'd rather perform than go to public school.
As a serial entrepreneur, angel investor and public company CEO, nothing irks me more than when a startup founder talks about wanting to cash in with an initial public offering.
Not only are we here to protect the public from vicious criminals in the street but also to protect the public from harmful ideas.
As the son of a union activist and a lifelong Democrat, I've always thought that privatizing our public schools is not the answer. We must strengthen public schools.
I don't like to talk about sustainability, because sometimes I see green buildings that don't appear any different from those in the past. — © Ma Yansong
I don't like to talk about sustainability, because sometimes I see green buildings that don't appear any different from those in the past.
The problem is that the American public is suspicious of executive power shrouded in secrecy. In the absence of an official picture of what our government is doing, and by what authority, many in the public fill the void by envisioning the worst.
I discovered by working with actual glass models that the important thing is the play of reflections and not the effect of light and shadow, as in ordinary buildings.
We used to have superb public schools. I guess we don't anymore, but, boy, the public schools were really something and I am a product of those in Indianapolis.
A public debt is a public curse.
I can go out in public without being recognized. If I want to be recognized in public, it will happen.
Regency buildings are often said to lack the serenity of their early Georgian predecessors, or the intense scholarship of the subsequent Gothic revival.
Publicity is a great purifier because it sets in action the forces of public opinion, and in this country public opinion controls the courses of the nation
Law enforcement officers are never 'off duty.' They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.
I love church buildings, particularly cathedrals, and I like living in spaces that remind me of music or evoke that creative energy.
I think of Martin Luther King phrase a lot when I'm deciding public issues. He said: "Here I stand: I can do no other." It is basically an affirmation of my ultimate responsibility to obey my conscience in my acts as a public official.
In China, we had some buildings that looked like the White House or wine bottles. All they seemed to represent was bad taste.
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