Top 1200 Public Figures Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Public Figures quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I think maybe the figures - that's a good word - the figures in my pictures are stand-ins for my own need to make a connection.
I am not normally a fan of organised tours: few public figures are, feeling themselves objects of constant curiosity.
We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. — © Bernard Nathanson
We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures.
I confess that, like public figures from bygone days or an entertainer that hadn't been heard from in eons, I didn't know AIM, as we all called it, still existed at all.
One of the criteria by which we measure the worth of public figures is whether or not their brand of bull is in step with the current Zeitgeist.
As an elected official, I live a very public life. That elected figures live under something of a microscope is perhaps a necessary condition for an informed public, and yet, even as a public official, I maintain very personal documents that are not intended for public view.
Players have responsibilities, because, whether they like it or not, they are public figures. They have to be aware that the people who come to the ground spend fortunes in relation to what they earn.
It is very difficult to know what may be in the back of the mind of public figures.
Hillary Clinton, because she's the Democrats' presumptive 2016 front-runner, has become the target du jour. Frankly, I don't know how public figures get through it.
When widely followed public figures feel free to say anything, without any fact-checking, it becomes impossible for a democracy to think intelligently about big issues.
All of us, whether public figures or private individuals, should feel safe in our own homes and not fear surveillance from nosy neighbours.
I'm not psychic. I cannot know what is in the mind of particular public figures.
There are certain people who I worked with, Pamela Anderson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, they are figures. And they know this. They don't pretend to be good actors. They were made by the industry into figures.
[The General Staff] maintained three sets of casualty figures, one to fool the public, one to fool the Government and one to fool themselves. — © David Lloyd George
[The General Staff] maintained three sets of casualty figures, one to fool the public, one to fool the Government and one to fool themselves.
Steve McQueen was from a time when you didn't know every little dirty thing about our public figures. He and James Dean were very mysterious, archetypal American heroes.
Our public figures are often narcissists, utterly self-absorbed in their quest for power.
There are simply no public figures today who so challenge the elite business and government establishment and so champion the working class as Jimmy Hoffa did almost daily and with arrogance.
Keep in mind that when public figures get in trouble for something they said, it is usually not because they misspoke, but because they accidentally told the truth.
He that would run his company on visible figures alone will in time have neither company nor figures.
With public figures involved in a relationship it seems that there is a machine behind their love so oftentimes.
Looking at polls of Arab public opinion, you look at popular figures, the most popular figure is the prime minister of Turkey, Erdogan, and then it goes down the list. You get Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, you don't get Obama, or in fact any western leader. The public doesn't want the whole imperial project. So if you had democracy, it would be all over.
Portraying Mozart is a scary task. Whenever I'm asked to portray actual historic figures, it comes with extra accountability. Not just to your director and playwright, but to the man himself and the beloved persona that the public forms.
I'm less shy now than I was as a kid. After Flight 1549, my family and I had to become public figures and more complete versions of ourselves. I had to teach myself to become an effective public speaker.
The gambling industry has a tendency to find public figures ... and these persons are used for their public image. These people generally come in for a couple of years and then they sell out and it's 100 percent owned by out-of-state interests
The trouble is that privacy is at once essential to, and in tension with, both freedom and security. A cabinet minister who keeps his mistress in satin sheets at the French taxpayer's expense cannot justly object when the press exposes his misuse of public funds. Our freedom to scrutinise the conduct of public figures trumps that minister's claim to privacy. The question is: where and how do we draw the line between a genuine public interest and that which is merely what interests the public?
It would be unthinkable in Canadian public life today for the public inauguration of our supreme political figures to be accompanied by prayer.
Do you think it interests me that this painting represents two figures? These two figures existed, they exist no more. The sight of them gave me an initial emotion, little by little their real presence grew indistinct they became a fiction for me, then they disappeared, or rather, were turned into problems of all kinds. For me they are no longer two figures but shapes and colours, don't misunderstand me, shapes and colours, though, that sum up the idea of the two figures and preserve the vibration of their existence.
It is not the opinions or the vices of private individuals that are harmful to the State, but rather the behavior of public figures.
In reading celebrities, public figures, their lives are on Google! So, obviously, there's information about them.
There's a challenge to playing these fantasy figures because they are fantasy figures. You have to enter into this sort of imaginative world of the writer.
I collect wrestling figures from overseas, like Japanese wrestling figures and Mexican wrestling figures.
I know, in India, specially in Bollywood and the sports fraternity, there is a lot of negative media attention on prominent public figures.
People love to see public figures get taken down a notch, and by the same token, everyone loves to be the center of attention, even when there's a target on their forehead.
There's nothing so unreliable as figures, and everybody but a mathematician knows that. Figures lie right to your face.
Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either.
What really ticks me off is how the public figures you automatically become the roles you play. What most people never see is the silly side of me.
I think it's come to a point in society where brands are changing and they like people and public figures and athletes who have something to say and take a stance on issues.
When public figures think they can open a business even though they've got no business experience, it's a bad idea. — © Moby
When public figures think they can open a business even though they've got no business experience, it's a bad idea.
My secret pleasure is painting these little mini figures that you send into battle - they're called Warhammer figures. It's the nerdiest thing in the world, but it's a lot of fun. It's relaxing; that's the main reason I do it.
We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. We succeeded because the time was right and the news media cooperated. We sensationalized the effects of illegal abortions, and fabricated polls which indicated that 85 percent of the public favored unrestricted abortion, when we knew it was only 5 percent. We unashamedly lied, and yet our statements were quoted [by the media] as though they had been written in law.
In the depths of the mirror the evening landscape moved by, the mirror and the reflected figures like motion pictures superimposed one on the other. The figures and the background were unrelated, and yet the figures, transparent and intangible, and the background, dim in the gathering darkness, melted into a sort of symbolic world not of this world. Particularly when a light out in the mountains shone in the center of the girl's face, Shimamura felt his chest rise at the inexpressible beauty of it.
People who thought that she was busy going around trying to stir up difficulty where there was none or less than she imagined, were quite critical of her. She was, we must never forget, a public figure. And in democracies, public figures tend to attract criticism as well as praise. The most dangerous thing would be if anybody were regarded as above criticism. And Eleanor Roosevelt is, in recent years, getting there.
The War office kept three sets of figures - one to mislead the public, another to mislead the cabinet and the third to mislead itself.
I wish we could go back to the time when the private lives of our public figures were relevant only if they directly affected their public responsibilities.
When public figures remain silent about depression, there is a cost to the rest of society. Silence contributes to the misperception that successful people do not get depressed, and it keeps the public from seeing that treatment allows many individuals to return to competitive professional lives.
The public doesn't care about figures.
We understand that as public figures, we are a target for people who have nothing to lose in their quest for fame and easy money, ... preposterous, slanderous and defamatory lies.
Usually when reporting on powerful public figures, the press advisor and I would have had a conversation that established what journalists call 'ground rules,' placing restrictions on what can and cannot be reported.
A wedding isn't for the bride and groom, it's for the family and friends. The B. and G. are just props, silly stick figures with no more significance than the pink and white candy figures on the top of the cake.
A society - any society - is defined as a set of mutual benefits and duties embodied most visibly in public institutions: public schools, public libraries, public transportation, public hospitals, public parks, public museums, public recreation, public universities, and so on.
You see, 30 years ago I didn't have near the audience I have now. My tapes on the cults have reached a circulation of 15 million. those are not my figures but the figures of the people who distribute them.
It has been said that figures rule the world. Maybe. But I am sure that figures show us whether it is being ruled well or badly. — © Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It has been said that figures rule the world. Maybe. But I am sure that figures show us whether it is being ruled well or badly.
I keep trying to imagine a universe in which too many public figures declaring themselves feminists would be a bad thing.
Oh, figures!' answered Ned. 'You can make figures do whatever you want.
I think that there have been a number of public figures where you start hearing commentary that is dangerous because what it starts doing is it starts dividing us up as Americans.
Public figures will get public criticism, and they should be tolerant enough to take it.
There is no more effective medicine to apply to feverish public sentiments than figures.
I know we're public figures, but I strongly believe my private life should remain private. What ultimately matters and concerns the world is the work we leave behind.
There are some public figures who are very private and almost hide behind their work. I try to be as open as possible.
We enjoy a growing awareness and literacy around the symptoms of and remedies for mental illness. Thanks to brave public figures and persistent campaigners, much of the ignorance and stigma has been reduced.
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