Top 1200 Public Relations Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Public Relations quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If exposure of a nude body is thought to incite relations between the sexes, well, what of it. We want a large population anyway.
The ultimate aim of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it.
I have great satisfaction in stating that our relations with France, Russia, and other powers continue on the most friendly basis. — © James Monroe
I have great satisfaction in stating that our relations with France, Russia, and other powers continue on the most friendly basis.
The diplomatic relations start when the two sides get a bit closer to each other, but U.S and Iran, they are drifting apart.
...gender relationships, which are tough for people to deal with, are key to whether a society orients to domination or partnership in all its relations.
The American people should be made aware of the trend toward monopolization of the great public information vehicles and the concentration of more and more power over public opinion in fewer and fewer hands.
I actually think that one of the most dangerous phenomena is the bowing to expertise, whether it's in international relations or how to use technologies.
The idea is essentially repulsive, of a society held together only by the relations and feelings arising out of pecuniary interest.
It is not enough that the artist should be well prepared for the public. The public must be well prepared for what it is going to hear.
I want to go public because I have the right reason to go public - because the benefits outweigh the costs.
If you would learn the secret of right relations, look only for the divine in people and things, and leave all the rest to God.
What is at stake is preserving our relations with the United States. They should not be changed because of what has happened. But trust has to be restored and reinforced.
My experience of being on the public platform got more multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, and my place in the public eye, I think, has always been a little more than just what is going on in that time in my life.
I think the people will - who advocate having a step back and read those public opinion polls on the front page of the newspapers all over this country saying public supports restoration in restoration of the Everglades, protection of the parks and the creation of monuments.
Our courts' decisions do not permeate the public consciousness - we have no equivalent of the Brown v Board of Education ruling which outlawed racial segregation, or of Roe v Wade, which enshrined a woman's right to choose not just into law but into the public imagination as well.
Most likely, the system of mutual relations that has evolved in Eastern Europe and Asia corresponds to another level of governance.
Do I regret taking the company public? Yes and no. Yes, because it put us under enormous pressure for a young company to go public at that point in its history, something you never could have done in the old days.
We were put together by the public, they voted for us to be in the band. So we were very much the public's band.
Ownership by delegation is a contradiction in terms. When men say, for instance (by a false metaphor), that each member of the public should feel himself an owner of public property-such as a Town Park-and should therefore respect it as his own, they are saying something which all our experience proves to be completely false. No man feels of public property that it is his own; no man will treat it with the care of the affection of a thing which is his own.
If one does not practice nonviolence in one's own personal relations with others and hopes to use it in bigger affairs, one is vastly mistaken.
Secretary Hillary Clinton for four years was part of a policy of resetting Russian relations with Russia in our interests. — © Philip Gordon
Secretary Hillary Clinton for four years was part of a policy of resetting Russian relations with Russia in our interests.
When we shift our public dollars away from our schools and city services and into company developments, it increases the root causes of poverty: unemployment, underemployment, lack of community resources, and lack of quality public education.
I had two different degrees: One in International Relations/Political Science and another degree in Radio and Television Production.
But I feel that I have a responsibility to help the film and I have relations with the studio and with those who put up the money so that I can tell a story that I believe in.
People are very comfortable when race relations get looked at retrospectively. Slavery, the civil rights movement, etc.
All free governments, whatever their name, are in reality governments by public opinion ; and it is on the quality of this public opinion that their prosperity depends. It is, therefore, their first duty to purify the element from which they draw the breath of life.
If we look at where relations between the Soviet Union and Germany were in 1945 and where we stand now, then we have achieved so much.
From the outset Maxwell's theory excelled all others in elegance and in the abundance of the relations between the various phenomena which it included.
The idea of exploring character relations and their development over a decade has to be appealing for any actor who cherishes his craft.
When you see what has happened in America, driving religion, driving believers from the public square, there is a clear connection to the challenges we have in this country morally, economically, militarily. It goes back to pushing biblical values out of the public square.
We have a professional relationship [with Chancellor Angela Merkel].2016 is the year of the German-Russian youth exchange, so the relations are moving on.
I'm more or less skeptical about marriage, because of family ties, relations between children and parents - it's all so depressing.
The scary thing is how quickly everyone's star fades. Therefore, to be a voice, you need to do television. You need to stay in the public eye for the public to care about you, to be a big enough voice to help where it is needed.
Many rich people in China made their fortunes by damaging natural resources and building corrupt relations with the government.
A sense of duty is useful in work but offensive in personal relations. People wish to be liked, not to be endured with patient resignation.
The prosperity of a book lies in the minds of readers. Public knowledge and public taste fluctuate; and there come times when works which were once capable of instructing and delighting thousands lose their power, and works, before neglected, emerge into renown.
Past records of inter-Korean relations show that confrontation between fellow countrymen leads to nothing but war.
The frightening aspect is that it's part of a larger effort from the Pentagon to tear down the wall between public affairs and propaganda, and essentially say there is no difference between information operations, public affairs and psychological operations. They have a new name for that too, it's called Information Engagement. What I hope people take away from this is that it's a window into a larger phenomenon. After a decade of Iraq war you have this Pentagon-military apparatus run amok using resources that they shouldn't be to try to manipulate U.S. public opinion.
History will also afford frequent opportunities of showing the necessity of a public religion, from its usefulness to the public; the advantage of a religious character among private persons; the mischiefs of superstition, and the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern.
Confidence and courage are special skills to the art ... Within the four walls of his study, the artist should be modest, work diligently and conscientiously. While for the public, he'll show himself audacious, yes even into cheerful boldness. And so a new public's darling has arisen.
Public corruption is the FBI's top criminal priority. The threat - which involves the corruption of local, state, and federally elected, appointed, or contracted officials - strikes at the heart of government, eroding public confidence and undermining the strength of our democracy.
The performances of my works in the last 10 years are probably equal to all the previous years put together. There are so many venues now and there is a completely new public for opera that's grown up outside of the traditional core opera public.
The Viennese wash everything. Where else in the world does the government hire public servants to wash public telephone booths and the glass over traffic lights? Every time I see someone doing these things, I smile like a child.
When the initial effort of political and business leaders to influence public opinion on an issue is to threaten rather than to engage and persuade, they further arouse public opposition rather than win support.
He who doesn't know how to be a servant should never be allowed to be a master; the interests of public life are alien to anyone who is unable to enjoy others' successes, and such a person should never be entrusted with public affairs.
At the heart of our friendly or purely social relations, there lurks a hostility momentarily cured but recurring by fits and starts. — © Marcel Proust
At the heart of our friendly or purely social relations, there lurks a hostility momentarily cured but recurring by fits and starts.
By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging that makes living in a chaotic world easier.
Anybody who runs for public office today has got to know his life or her life will be an open book. I've decided that if you want to run for public office you have to decide at the age of 5 and live accordingly.
The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent. The public supported America's engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
I don't do things which are wrong according to Jesus. Like don't make 'bad' relations with anyone except your husband.
I think the people will- who advocate having a step back and read those public opinion polls on the front page of the newspapers all over this country saying public supports restoration in restoration of the Everglades, protection of the parks and the creation of monuments.
Voting in particular is an embarrassment, being a public display of weak character and low intelligence. Let us face the truth: Democracy, like spitting in public or the Roman games, is the proper activity of the lower intellectual and moral classes. It amounts to collusion in one's own suckering.
If a manager spends more than 10 percent of his time on "human relations" the group is probably too large.
The asymmetries of power that have shaped relations between the West and the rest of the world also exist in the realm of literary criticism.
I don't understand why young entrepreneurs feel this pressure to take venture capital or go public. Don't get me wrong: Public companies are A-OK with me. I just think there is another way. Staying private is a lot more sane.
If you make a product good enough... the public will make a path to your door, says the philosopher. But if you want the public in sufficient numbers, you would better construct a highway. Advertising is that highway.
The country has come a long way in race relations, but the pendulum swings so far back. Everyone wants to be so sensitive. — © Clint Eastwood
The country has come a long way in race relations, but the pendulum swings so far back. Everyone wants to be so sensitive.
While I believe our Constitution allows for State and local governments to execute the power of eminent domain for those purposes that specifically serve the public good, condemning property solely to implement economic development plans is not serving the public good.
Citizens of Ukraine will never enjoy the beauty of peace unless we settle down our relations with Russia.
I am convinced that the public, large majority of the Greek people, realize that policies pursued in the past and the market practices have to be changed, in order to improve the prospects of the Greek economy. So there is, I think, strong public support despite the increases in social tensions.
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