Top 1200 Public Speaking Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Public Speaking quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
My accent really comes out when I'm speaking in public or when I'm passionate about something.
Accustomed as I am to public speaking, I know the futility of it.
If the word gets out, if the perception exists that by speaking to a CBS journalist you are, therefore, inevitably, immediately speaking to the police, I don't think there's any doubt but that people won't talk. And, therefore, the public won't learn.
Since I am used to speaking in public, I know that it is useless. — © Franklin D. Roosevelt
Since I am used to speaking in public, I know that it is useless.
Castilian Spanish-speaking Spain is big, but is bigger in addition with Catalonian-speaking Spain, Galician-speaking Spain and Basque-speaking Spain. Democratic Spain, Constitutional Spain, can not be separated from diversity and the respect to the citizenship.
A lot of people think that public speaking means that you are standing at a podium giving a speech, but public speaking comes in lots of different formats.
More men feel comfortable doing "public speaking," while more women feel comfortable doing "private" speaking.
It is said that the fear of public speaking is a fear greater than death for most people. According to psychiatrists, the fear of public speaking is caused by the fear of ostracism, the fear of standing out, the fear of criticism, the fear of ridicule, the fear of being an outcast. THE FEAR OF BEING DIFFERENT PREVENTS MOST PEOPLE FROM SEEKING NEW WAYS TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS.
Madison lived in his head and public speaking did not come naturally to him.
Generally speaking, the public appetite for criminal justice policy is just tough talk.
Death is the number two fear that people have and public speaking is the first!
I went to private school in Manhattan, and at a young age, they made us do public speaking. For some reason, I was good at standing in front of the class and speaking.
I'm speaking of the ability of people of faith to freely express their beliefs in the public square.
When you speak a foreign language, you become someone else. If you aren't used to speaking a language, and you start speaking it again, for the first few sentences you'll find yourself in very strange shape, because you're still the person who was speaking the first language. But if you keep speaking that language, you will become the person who corresponds to it.
I've always loved public speaking, and that's something I definitely will pursue after the Olympics. — © Lauren Gibbs
I've always loved public speaking, and that's something I definitely will pursue after the Olympics.
Public speaking? I speak to myself on the street!
In high school, I didn't know what comedy was, but I was involved in speech and debate and public speaking.
There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking.
Doing stand-up is not normal. People fear public speaking above all other things, and I am no different.
A society - any society - is defined as a set of mutual benefits and duties embodied most visibly in public institutions: public schools, public libraries, public transportation, public hospitals, public parks, public museums, public recreation, public universities, and so on.
Ah, the first rule of public speaking -- always start with a joke.
I was raised on the values of speaking up and making a positive difference in a very political family that believed in the importance of public service.
I wanted to be a ballerina so badly. You can be seen and take over the spotlight without speaking. I had a fear of speaking in public back then.
Public speaking, for me, or speaking even in front of a handful of people is my greatest fear.
Legally speaking, the term 'public rights' is as vague and indefinite as are the terms 'public health,' 'public good,' 'public welfare,' and the like. It has no legal meaning, except when used to describe the separate, private, individual rights of a greater or less number of individuals.
It's a sick thing, right: people are afraid of public speaking. I do public speaking, except my public speaking involves the audience only having one type of emotion and one type of reaction. If they have anything other than laughter, it's a failure. That's an absurd thing for a human to try to seek. The main thing to realize is that whatever I say, it's my truth and I believe in it, and if I don't get a laugh off that, then it's not working.
I failed public speaking in grade school, 'cause I was so nervous and scared.
My greatest fear is speaking in public.
Public Speaking is very easy.
Public speaking is done in the public tongue, the national or tribal language; and the language of our tribe is the men's language. Of course women learn it. We're not dumb. If you can tell Margaret Thatcher from Ronald Reagan, or Indira Gandhi from General Somoza, by anything they say, tell me how. This is a man's world, so it talks a man's language.
I'm shy at public speaking, which is tough.
I enjoy my public speaking. That's what I love doing. It's what I'm good at.
I support myself by public speaking and trying to work on as many appropriate and legitimate ventures as I can.
Public speaking is the number-one fear... even over death!
Like most people, I hate public speaking.
It's been a moment since I've done some public speaking. I find now-a-days it's best to keep quiet.
Public speaking is something I fear more than death itself.
Extemporaneous speaking should be practised and cultivated. It is the lawyer's avenue to the public.
I travel all over the United States basically in evangelism, speaking in churches, speaking in prisons, speaking in rehab centers wherever I can basically sharing my story of redemption and the turnaround in my life.
Our public men are speaking every day on something, but they ain't saying anything. — © Will Rogers
Our public men are speaking every day on something, but they ain't saying anything.
I didn't go to fancy schools or come from money or from a family that valued law or public speaking in any shape or form.
There is speaking well, speaking easily, speaking justly and speaking seasonably: It is offending against the last, to speak of entertainments before the indigent; of sound limbs and health before the infirm; of houses and lands before one who has not so much as a dwelling; in a word, to speak of your prosperity before the miserable; this conversation is cruel, and the comparison which naturally arises in them betwixt their condition and yours is excruciating.
A public role endures for the literary high-command, as sages and seers, speaking out on social and political issues.
For many years, I didn't even like the idea of doing a one-person play. Public speaking got me past that. I've always been good at public speaking, but I never really enjoyed it. Then I started to really enjoy it, and that's made all the difference.
Legally speaking, there are no such things as 'public rights,' as distinguished from individual rights. Legally speaking, there is no such creature or thing as 'the public.'
When I went to Los Angeles right after high school, I got some acting jobs, and I never, ever wanted to be an actress! Public speaking and acting make me want to vomit. But I have never been nervous singing. When it comes to public speaking, I stumble on my words, sweat, and pull at my clothes.
Some introverts are perfectly comfortable with public speaking; I'm not one of them.
Since I finished my football career, I've had the opportunity to do a lot of public speaking engagements.
I spoke at a number of conventions, like for pharmacists and cosmetologists, so I've done a lot of public speaking in my life.
I used to be incredibly afraid of public speaking. I started with five people, then I'd speak to 10 people. I made it up to 75 people, up to 100, and now I can speak to a very large group, and it feels similar to speaking to you one-on-one.
It was only after a visit to a learning centre, where they taught me public speaking, that my personality emerged. — © Kubra Sait
It was only after a visit to a learning centre, where they taught me public speaking, that my personality emerged.
When you start at catering college, nobody prepares you for a book tour or public speaking.
I hated speaking in public. I would miss school just so I wouldn't have to do it.
All manners of freedom, including freedom of expression, freedom of conscious, freedom of accepts tolerance. But it is not an atheist society. Religion is the private affair of an present in the public domain, but state has to be clearly separated from religion. When I'm speaking, I'm speaking only for myself. At the same time, I know that these ideas have wide support among the Iranian population.
Our budget also reflects key components of our campaign. It's very much focused on stabilizing public services, restoring stability to public services and investing in job creation and economic diversification and, generally speaking, acting as a cushion during this economy, something fundamentally different than what the other parties proposed in the last election.
If you're CEO of a company, you have to be a public person. You're speaking to the press, you're speaking to investors, you're speaking to employees, you're the public face of the company and so kind of naturally you become more extroverted, more outwards facing.
I had used eclectic therapy and behavior therapy on myself at the age of 19 to get over my fear of public speaking and of approaching young women in public.
Extemporaneous speaking should be practised [sic] and cultivated. It is the lawyer's avenue to the public. However able and faithful he may be in other respects, people are slow to bring him business if he cannot make a speech. And yet there is not a more fatal error to young lawyers than relying too much on speech-making. If any one, upon his rare powers of speaking, shall claim an exemption from the drudgery of the law, his case is a failure in advance.
Sorry, public speaking isn't really my strong side.
Whenever people have trouble public speaking, it's because they are just thinking about themselves.
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