Top 732 Publicly Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Publicly quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We need to mock false gods publicly.
I don't like speaking publicly when I don't have to be funny.
Look at the international bodies that came out of U.N. - international, publicly funded bodies that neither you or I know their names, because they are completely outdated and still publicly funded because there are no sunset clauses.
I don't like to publicly acknowledge being a Jew. — © Jonathan Ames
I don't like to publicly acknowledge being a Jew.
I am publicly apolitical.
The internet, since it is publicly created, ought to be publicly controlled.
Loyalty publicly results in leverage privately.
Our enemy is Al Qaeda and its allies, people who have publicly said they wish to attack the United States again, people who have publicly called on nuclear physicists and engineers to help them gain access to nuclear weapons, which, as the whole world knows, Pakistan has.
Publicly criticizing people, even when I don't have the facts, is not that good of an idea.
To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately.
I went to public schools, which is to say publicly financed.
The great problem with corporate capitalism is that publicly owned companies have short time horizons. Unlike a privately owned business, the top executives of a publicly owned corporation generally come to their positions late in life. Consequently, they have a few years in which to make their fortune.
I glory in publicly avowing my eternal enmity to tyranny.
I'm not on a slander campaign to ruin Jon Jones publicly. That's not what I set out to do. — © Daniel Cormier
I'm not on a slander campaign to ruin Jon Jones publicly. That's not what I set out to do.
We are the first to ever publicly advertise we dont test on animals.
Remember, there are two things that keep us oppressed: them and us. We are half of the equation. There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it's now OK to express ourselves publicly. We must make that day ourselves, by speaking out publicly -- first in small numbers, then in greater numbers, until it's simply the way things are and no one thinks twice. Never doubt that we will create this world, because, my friends, we are fortunate to live in a democracy, and in a democracy, we decide what's possible.
Publicly I'm a very modest dresser, by Hollywood's standards.
There are positives and negatives to publicly traded and private companies.
Frankly, we should publicly increase them [ anti-Russian sanctions ].
The price of clinging to the enemy [a man] is your life. To enter into a relationship with a man who has divested himself as completely and publicly from the male role as much as possible would still be a risk. But to relate to a man who has done any less is suicide.... I, personally, have taken the position that I will not appear with any man publicly, where it could possibly be interpreted that we were friends.
Even though I play guitar, I don't do it publicly.
My worth to God publicly is measured by what I really am in my private life.
A few months ago, and again this week, bin Laden publicly vowed to publicly wage a terrorist war against America, saying, and I quote, "We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. They're all targets." Their mission is murder, and their history is bloody.
Although I never publicly defended promiscuity, I never publicly attacked it. I attempted to avoid the subject, in part because I felt, and often still feel, unable to live up to the ideals I really hold.
There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it's now okay to express ourselves publicly. We make that day by doing things publicly until it's simply the way things are.
I want to see a publicly-owned railway, publicly accountable.
Publicly, we say one thing....Actually, we do another.
But what will happen even if we do burn down the Jews synagogues and forbid them publicly to praise God, to pray, to teach, to utter God's name? They will still keep doing it in secret. If we know that they are doing this in secret, it is the same as if they were doing it publicly. for our knowledge of their secret doings and our toleration of them implies that they are not secret after all and thus our conscience is encumbered with it before God.
If Google decided at any point to publish my search history, or your search history, or anyone's search history, there's a litany of things they could idea police you about, and if it was published, you would be publicly shamed. Everyone would be publicly shamed. But we trust Google, and we trust the people that run that company.
I am a deeply spiritual and religious person both privately and publicly.
We made mistakes publicly.
I don't get into that second guessing of myself publicly.
I'm very English, and we don't talk about emotions publicly.
I came out around 25 publicly.
I was working for the CIA and prohibited from speaking publicly.
If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.
Honor, publicly, results in influence, privately.
Democrats should never publicly criticize Obama.
I'm fascinated by power, by those that can be publicly generous and privately ruthless. — © Ethan Canin
I'm fascinated by power, by those that can be publicly generous and privately ruthless.
We are the first to ever publicly advertise we don't test on animals.
When publicly censured our first instinct is to make everybody a codefendant.
If all politicians fished instead of spoke publicly, we would be at peace with the world.
I just don't think it's appropriate talking about family stuff publicly.
Every leader should have enough humility to accept, publicly, the responsibility for the mistakes of the subordinates he has himself selected and, likewise, to give them credit, publicly, for their triumphs.
Frank [Moore Cross], publicly dissects the text but he has a private, passionate relationship to the text that he doesn't often speak of publicly.
Whoever aims publicly at great things and at length perceives secretly that he is too weak to achieve them, has usually also insufficient strength to renounce his aims publicly, and then inevitably becomes a hypocrite.
Publicly, I've never talked about Argentina.
I want my private life to reflect what I preach publicly.
I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education. — © Marshall Fritz
I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education.
I was reading in the Bible and one translation says that Jesus said that if you publicly will acknowledge me before people, I will acknowledge you before my Father in heaven. So that is a big part of these meetings like Night of Hope, giving people an opportunity to publicly say, "Jesus, I believe you are the messiah, you're Christ, you're my Lord."
I am a person who always puts the team in front and I do it publicly.
Praise them for what they do well, both privately and publicly.
Privately, I'm thrilled with what I do, but publicly, I hold it in disdain.
I haven't done things publicly to hurt conservatives.
Reprove your friend privately, commend him publicly.
I speak publicly about the things I am speaking privately about, and there is no difference - the things I'm passionate about and dissecting with my friends and family, the things that are valuable to me, are the things that I publicly share and publicly promote.
Benjamin Netanyahu has made the official policy of the Israeli government the two-state solution, at a time when he had opposition from many quarters. That is his official position. He remains publicly committed to it, but not just publicly; also in diplomacy, totally committed to moving swiftly toward that solution.
Hillary Clinton should be applauded for her willingness to serve publicly.
I am not one to discuss my future publicly.
Publicly leading a church in prayer deserves thoughtful preparation.
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