Top 467 Publishers Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Publishers quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
After an author has been dead for some time, it becomes increasingly difficult for his publishers to get out a new book by him each year.
Printed books usually outlive bookstores and the publishers who brought them out. They sit around, demanding nothing, for decades. That's one of their nicest qualities - their brute persistence.
Most publishers seem very reluctant to publish short story collections at all; they bring them out in paperback, often disguised as novels. — © John Sladek
Most publishers seem very reluctant to publish short story collections at all; they bring them out in paperback, often disguised as novels.
As repressed sadists are supposed to become policemen or butchers so those with an irrational fear of life become publishers.
When there are fewer and fewer publishers of scale, it's just not good for authors.
My agent and I put out my proposal one Thursday afternoon in August, 1998. Publishers started bidding immediately, and that process progressed for a few days.
There are a lot of bottlenecks to getting published. Publishers are only one of them. Having the time is another one. Feeling entitled is another one.
Movie studios could learn a thing or two from British publishers. There is an intelligence, and a respect for writers; things that you hope for and never get in Hollywood.
Do they [the publishers of Murphy] not understand that if the book is slightly obscure it is because it is a compression and thatto compress it further can only make it more obscure?
I think I'm from the 18th century, not even the 19th. I don't even use a typewriter. I prefer longhand, and that's how I submit my manuscripts to my publishers.
When you've finished reading every last thing by a famous writer, literary convention holds that you move on to his or her letters, the DVD extras peddled by publishers.
I don't write for publishers, certainly not for critics, and not for readers, But I am delighted that so many people have found my books enjoyable and want to continue to read them.
After an author has been dead for some time, it becomes increasingly difficult for his publishers to get a new book out of him each year. — © Robert Benchley
After an author has been dead for some time, it becomes increasingly difficult for his publishers to get a new book out of him each year.
Fewer publishers mean you have a limited set of aesthetics, so you know who can and can't send your work to. You have more situations where you take the offer or don't get published or you learn to self-publish.
Bookstores will not disappear but will exploit digital technologies to increase their virtual and physical inventories, and perhaps become publishers themselves.
Big publishers want you to change this and change that. I'd rather go to a little publisher - who needs the tsuris.
Now that I'm being very successful, publishers are trying to mainstream me, but I'm unabashedly genre. It's what I like to read, what I like to write
Now that I'm being very successful, publishers are trying to mainstream me, but I'm unabashedly genre. It's what I like to read, what I like to write.
Books on horse racing subjects have never done well, and I am told that publishers had come to think of them as the literary version of box office poison.
Most writers can write books faster than publishers can write checks.
Our whole goal is to basically feature publishers' content and get people to click over to that content on the website.
Every writer has his own voice. Other than that I'm always trying to do change-ups and publishers haven't always been happy about that.
Publishers are humane men, and rarely commit crimes. Authors, however, are a hardened set, who usually perpertrate a felony every time they issue a book.
Forget market or publishers or whatever. Just write with fire and joy, and in my own experience, those are the stories of mine people have wanted to read.
The Dancing Girls of Lahore was offered to dozens of British publishers and was turned down by everyone. It is still on offer in the U.K., but I'm not confident there will be any takers.
I think it's a shame that something as creative and vital to the nature of the human species as story-telling is largely controlled by the soulless cretins known as publishers.
Character is everything, especially these days when that's what publishers are asking for. Make sure that yours have child appeal. Also don't have a huge cast of characters. One or two is best, four, the maximum.
Most times with vanity projects, publishers don't believe in the work; they just believe in the name.
We are not only a civilization of amateur photographers; we are amateur curators, editors, and publishers.
Once upon a time, gatekeepers were newspaper publishers and magazine editors and people who ran radio stations and news networks. And they decided what went above the fold and what went on page A10.
Most publishers, like most writers, are ruined by their successes.
When I left art school and went in search of work, visiting publishers and showing them my drawings and illustrations, I was met with a polite and sometimes enthusiastic response but no commissions.
I think in daily newspapers, the way comic strips are treated, it's as if newspaper publishers are going out of their way to kill the medium.
Originally I was going to write a fashion style guide, but then my publishers suggested I write a novel instead.
My publishers will make any kind of a beautiful book I design and send in to them, but ... For poetry they have less use than a rooster would have for skates.
Books on horse racing subjects have never done well, and I am told that publishers had come to think of them as the literary version of box office poison
I am disappointed by this controversy surrounding A Million Little Pieces because I rely on the publishers to define the category that a book falls within and also the authenticity of the work.
When my father died in Greece, leaving my mother strapped, a cheque arrived next day from my Greek publishers who'd just bought two of my books for pounds 500. — © Emma Tennant
When my father died in Greece, leaving my mother strapped, a cheque arrived next day from my Greek publishers who'd just bought two of my books for pounds 500.
Your turn Imagine that the world had no middlemen, no publishers, no bosses, no HR folks, no one telling you what you couldn’t do. If you lived in that world, what would you do? Go. Do that.
I think most new writers are better off going with traditional publishers who will actually, at a minimum, edit your work, package it well, and market it for you.
People have bad things to say about publishers, but I think they still have services, and I want to see what they are. And if they end up not being any good, I don't have to keep using them.
I work with a lot of different editors at different publishers and magazines and so on, and having a system of shared folders makes keeping track of things a snap.
There is huge money to be made - by candidates, by book publishers, by merchandise peddlers - from small-dollar conservative consumers who are as enraged by their own party's establishment as they are the Obama White House.
My theory is that, just like with omitting a final comma in a list when not essential for meaning, publishers are trying to save paper and ink or pixels on-screen.
As a writer, you can't allow yourself the luxury of being discouraged and giving up when you are rejected, either by agents or publishers. You absolutely must plow forward.
Agents and publishers are always looking for something 'different,' a fresh viewpoint and a new voice, not just re-hashed versions of stuff that's gone before.
I think it would be a shame for any writer to let their publishers in any way corral them into a single genre.
The idea that comics stores, distributors and publishers simply 'give the customers what they want' is nonsense. What the customers wanted they didn't get - and they left.
When I started, there were no big interviews, no television, no profiles and all that. The publishers were quite shockingly uncommercial, but they did look after their writers.
Publishers should use the paperback side to leverage the ebook side. — © Sylvia Day
Publishers should use the paperback side to leverage the ebook side.
Successful companies in social media function more like entertainment companies, publishers, or party planners than as traditional advertisers.
Some people have an unrealistic expectation when it comes to getting published; the fact is most publishers will turn down your work which is why you need to be persistent.
I'm really interested in independent publishers and memes and mini comics. But even before that, I was interested in Japanese manga and anime.
Inspired by the purse rather than the soul, the mercenary side fairly screams in many of the works put out by every day American publishers.
I had a wonderful and very successful career in New York and had the privilege of working with some of the best editors and publishers in the business.
The challenge of writing books for teenagers is walking the fine line between truth and what the publishers, parents, and the more conservative librarians want to hear.
Publishers never tell writers anything. They're all crazy and they drive me crazy.
I'm delighted about the track's success in the sports world, but the frustrating thing is, I don't think I got rich on it. The labels and publishers did very cheap deals on our songs.
Writers are stewards of the culture. Publishers, librarians, bookstore owners. We're all in this together. To write books that are gripping, important, that people want to have, is to keep publishing alive.
Every famous writer was once an unknown writer. If publishers never published new writers, they wouldn't be publishing anyone at all after a while.
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