Top 1200 Purity Of Intention Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Purity Of Intention quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
The intention behind the protective use of force is to prevent injury, never to punish or to cause individuals to suffer, repent or change.
I indulged the wild child inside of me - the one that's not aware of danger or fear - for the purity of existence for that character in that film. Of course, behind me they're saying, 'She's crazy!'
The woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home, filling it with love and prayer and purity, is doing something better than anything else her hands could find to do beneath the skies.
For me, as a music fan, visuals kind of steal away the purity of the song. My instinct is not to provide a visual to go with a piece of music. But here's MTV. It's really powerful.
The time for invisible boundaries that guard the 'purity' of gaming as a niche subculture is over. The violent macho power fantasy will no longer define what gaming is all about.
Everyday when you wake up, create the intention and then commit to making it your best day ever. Seriously. Do it. — © Hal Elrod
Everyday when you wake up, create the intention and then commit to making it your best day ever. Seriously. Do it.
Perfect prayer does not consist in many words, silent remembering and pure intention raises the heart to that supreme Power.
Rodgers & Hammerstein shows have a purity of unironic emotion that imprints itself upon people's hearts. They seem to touch our feelings so effortlessly. They have a scope and ambition that's missing from many musicals now.
Nothing is so capable of overturning a good intention as to show a distrust of it; to be suspected for an enemy, is often sufficient to make a person become one.
The sober guy is always going to have this air of arrogance or self-righteousness, but it's not my intention. I just knew that if I drank, I'd have a drinking problem.
The danger lies in unconventional experiments signaling for a general license to do as they please, and pass off sloppy workmanship as creative intention.
People have been trying for centuries to manipulate genes, enhance certain traits, and achieve racial purity, even in humans. And of course I thought of the Nazis and their efforts toward Aryan magnificence.
It was never my intention to cause you pain. Whether you feel strongly or very little, that does not excuse thoughtless behavior." - Adam
A lie does not consist in the indirect position of words, but in the desire and intention, by false speaking, to deceive and injure your neighbour.
I do my work with only one intention: that I have to think different, nothing else matters to me. I don't get involved in any other things.
Your capacity to keep your vow will depend on the purity of your life. — © Mahatma Gandhi
Your capacity to keep your vow will depend on the purity of your life.
I feel like saying we need to all calm down a little. Let's take the time to breathe. I have no intention of allowing myself be distracted.
I only came to Paris with the intention of showing what I thought was strong and beautiful. It just so happened that my notion was different from everybody else's.
The wonderful purity of nature at this season is a most pleasing fact.... In the bare fields and tinkling woods, see what virtue survives. In the coldest and bleakest places, the warmest charities still maintain a foothold.
From the simple stringing together of lemon garlands for the goddess Durga, to dividing the prasadam or blessed foods for the children first, I came to associate food not only with feminity, but also with purity and divinity.
You have to let go of the things that are darling to you. You have to take the focus off yourself and put it on the shape of the scene and the intention of what everyone else needs.
By giving away food we get more strength. By bestowing clothing on others we gain more beauty. By donating abodes of purity and truth we acquire great treasures.
There are no pure styles of karate. Purity comes only when pure knuckles meet pure flesh, no matter who delivers or receives.
Even a moderniser like Alexander II - who emancipated the serfs in 1861 - had no intention of devolving real power.
Purity is very fragile when it takes physical manifestation. It is very, very strong in its original aspect.
Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.
Before I pursued acting full-time, I had every intention of going into some form of law enforcement work.
Infinite patience, infinite purity, and infinite perseverance are the secret of success in a good cause.
Purity perceives and respects the character of sex-its depth, seriousness, intimacy, and true home within wedded love, which alone makes possible the total and mutual gift of self.
[Bob] Dylan began to incorporate things into that scene that were controversial then. He got shouted at in Newport when he played electric guitar, for instance. There was a certain purity that was sought among those people.
For those with the purity to see it, a nursing mother is one of the most precious, most beautiful, and most holy of all possible images of woman.
Throughout human history, the apostles of purity, those who have claimed to possess a total explanation, have wrought havoc among mere mixed-up human beings.
I would say that when you do something out of the goodness of your heart, and you don't know what the repercussions will be, you have to live with that. And it can be devastating. Because the intention was there.
You can't help people being right for the wrong reasons...This fear of finding oneself in bad company is not an expression of political purity; it is an expression of a lack of self-confidence.
A lot of times people start out with a lot of good ideas, but then they don't execute. They lose the purity of their vision. You end up running around in circles.
What we take for virtue is often but an assemblage of various ambitions and activities that chance, or our own astuteness, have arranged in a certain manner; and it is not always out of courage or purity that men are brave, and women chaste.
Close to the Edge, Red, One of a kind, Discipline, Earthworks, The Sound of Surprise, all seem to me to be albums that captured the essence of the intention.
If anything, I don't have any intention of recording music that's just me playing acoustic guitar singing a song anytime soon.
Donald Trump trying to do to the American voter what he did to the people that signed up for this course: He's making promises he has no intention of keeping.
No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.
There's no way to become great overnight, but in the marathon of success, it takes a lot of intention to see you through each day of the journey. — © Lewis Howes
There's no way to become great overnight, but in the marathon of success, it takes a lot of intention to see you through each day of the journey.
When the saint ceases to seek after holiness, purity, righteousness, truth; when he ceases to pray, stops reading the Word and gives way to carnal appetites, then it is that Satan comes.
Blessed are the pure in heart; how will people believe that, unless we ourselves are worshipping the living God until our own hearts are set on fire and scorched through with his purity?
No matter how well-meaning your intention, doing too much is not always an act of love but of sabotage.
Judgment is affirmation with the intention to thereby affirm competently enough, and indeed aptly. That distinguishes judgments from mere guesses.
Of course, we create a lot of heroes. But the real intention of that is to make the player feel like a hero in all of our games.
We make and sell a very, very large number of (hopefully) beautiful, well-made things. Our success is a victory for purity, integrity - for giving a damn.
I hate the neologism "owned" for "scored a victory over". I have no intention of owning anyone, and nobody will ever own me.
The third petition of the Lord's Prayer is repeated daily by millions who have not the slightest intention of letting anyone's will be done but their own.
Moral training in Ireland is severe and lasts until marriage. Even in childhood, we are taught by the pious clergy to battle against bad thoughts so that we may preserve our holy purity.
The most powerful healing arises from the simple intention to love the life within you, unconditionally, with as much tenderness and presence as possible.
At the end of the day, it's a business; people want to make money. That's the intention with every film. It happens for some movies. For others, it doesn't. — © Aditya Roy Kapur
At the end of the day, it's a business; people want to make money. That's the intention with every film. It happens for some movies. For others, it doesn't.
A lot of times, people start out with a lot of good ideas, but then they don't execute. They lose the purity of their vision. You end up running around in circles.
I grew up in an era where you had to find your own way as a woman. When I was a kid, there was this whole physical and emotional neatness and purity that a woman was supposed to have, and I didn't fit into that.
My intention was to enroll at McGill University but an unexpected series of events led me to study physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
With any character you portray, you can never play the end in the beginning. You have to pursue and attack your intention as if they're going to be successful.
Surely one advantage of traveling is that, while it removes much prejudice against foreigners and their customs, it intensifies tenfold one's appreciation of the good at home, and, above all, of the quietness and purity of English domestic life.
Usually the intention of the artistic effect is too sophisticated for most people to understand, sort of like a joke that they don't get so they don't think it's funny.
There is a great power within that when used in beauty and immaculate purity can cure and heal and cause miracles. When you use it it spreads like a magic garden and when you do not use it it recedes from you.
I wonder how often not the intention but the desire springs up in a doctor's mind: 'Can I let this human being out of the trap of Life?
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