Top 1200 Pursuit Of Excellence Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Pursuit Of Excellence quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Bill Gates' Success Factors for Microsoft 1. Long-term Approach 2. Passion for Products and Technology 3. Teamwork 4. Results 5. Customer Feedback 6. Individual Excellence
Excellence without effort is as futile as progress without preparation.
I think I always just want to get better at whatever I'm doing... Always strive for excellence. — © Carl Hagelin
I think I always just want to get better at whatever I'm doing... Always strive for excellence.
Be aware that even before you have reached your ultimate professional destination, if you always strive for excellence, you can and should have a substantial impact on the world in which you live.
They were real golfers, for real golf is a thing of the spirit, not of mere mechanical excellence of stroke.
My great mistake, the fault for which I can’t forgive myself, is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my own individuality.
The imaginations of believers have dressed up and exaggerated the excellence of the style and matter of the New Testament generally, in the same manner, in which they have the moral instructions of Jesus.
Education no longer stops on graduation day. We must demand excellence at every level of education.
A woman who places a high priority on performance and excellence is seen as imperial. A man is seen as demanding and tough.
A passive mindset "manages" to live with mediocre, but an active mindset "leads" to change until excellence results.
We are in an international marketplace for talent, and American colleges and universities need to be able to attract students and faculty from around the world if we want to sustain our excellence.
The work must be its own reward. I got that early on. And I'm blessed by meeting my own standards of excellence.
If you ever come to one of my seminars, you will notice I have volunteer workers. When I work with individuals like that, I expect a level of excellence displayed. Everything has to be done perfectly.
A breeze shook rain out of new leaves onto their hair, but in their pursuit of eternity they never noticed the chill. — © Barbara Kingsolver
A breeze shook rain out of new leaves onto their hair, but in their pursuit of eternity they never noticed the chill.
I think that's the coolest thing about our fans, they not only respect, but they demand, excellence from our guys.
Achieve some perfection [excellence] yourself, so that you may not fall into sorrow by seeing the perfection in others.
Most of India is rural; there is a huge population in India not being tapped for their excellence. They have no access to great universities.
I think I always just want to get better at whatever Im doing... Always strive for excellence.
I love the Constitution. But it's still a document, meant to protect human beings and ensure their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Newton expected no money from establishing his originality but rather desired recognition for his excellence.
Badness you can get easily, in quantity; the road is smooth, and it lies close by, But in front of excellence the immortal gods have put sweat, and long and steep is the way to it.
Especially among journalists, politics is not a pursuit that's held in high esteem. We tend to be cynical about it - but I actually believe in democracy.
Don't waste your time striving for perfection; instead, strive for excellence - doing your best.
We've got to understand that all disenfranchised people have something in common...The pursuit of justice really is about equality for everyone.
The conquest of war and the pursuit of social justice... must become our grand preoccupation and magnificent obsession.
Vegetarianism serves as the criterion by which we know that the pursuit of moral perfection on the part of humanity is genuine and sincere.
As people who have commitments and obligations, we try to blockade emotions and go on our course towards excellence, and that's a lie. I've definitely paid a price. Everything is an exchange.
Diligent follow-up and follow-through will set you apart from the crowd and communicate excellence.
To never aspire to excellence means to never fully comprehend the amount of work required to achieve it.
Every managerial act must be seen as an unequivocal support for urgency in pursuit of constant testing, change, and improvement.
All human excellence is but comparative. There may be persons who excel us, as much as we fancy we excel the meanest.
This is excellence - the following of anything for its own sake and with its own integrity.
Poetry is an art, and chief of the fine art; the easiest to dabble in, the hardest in which to reach true excellence.
As a preacher of the Gospel, our late venerable Bishop must have been heard, to form an adequate conception of his superior excellence and commanding eloquence.
The envy of excellence leads to perdition; the love of it leads to the light.
Reflect, ere you spurn me, that youth at his sides Wears wings; and once gone, all pursuit he derides.
Delaware State has established itself as an institution of excellence in its own right and attracts a diversity of students from various races, socio-economic status and locations.
Ask the proficient athlete, artist, businessperson, or homemaker what creates excellence and they'll all agree: a commitment to long-term goals - and with a community of mentors and fellow "disciples."
I never thought that one day that this NAS Jax would be the center of aviation excellence in the Southeast and from pole to pole. — © Ander Crenshaw
I never thought that one day that this NAS Jax would be the center of aviation excellence in the Southeast and from pole to pole.
Excellence is about fighting and pursuing something diligently, with a strict and determined approach to doing it right. It's okay if there are flaws in the process - it makes it more interesting.
A phenomenon noticeable throughout history regardless of place or period is the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests.
Our goals should serve as markers, measurements of the progress we make in pursuit of something greater than ourselves.
Whether the aim is in heaven or on earth, wisdom or wealth, the essential condition of its pursuit and attainment is always security and order.
The U.S. Declaration of Independence enshrines the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Alas, that is not the case everywhere in the world.
For me, the reading of the scriptures is not the pursuit of scholarship. Rather, it is a love affair with the word of the Lord and that of His prophets.
There is not in the world so toilsome a trade as the pursuit of fame; life concludes before you have so much as sketched your work.
The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry.
A centre of excellence is, by definition, a place where second class people may perform first class work.
You need a commitment which is long term and a commitment to leadership, because that's the only way you build excellence. — © Azim Premji
You need a commitment which is long term and a commitment to leadership, because that's the only way you build excellence.
The lesbian is the archtypical feminist, because she's not into men - she's the independent woman par excellence.
Personal excellence can be achieved by a visionary goal, through planning, dedicated execution, and total follow-through.
Life is teleology par excellence; it is the intrinsic striving towards a goal, and the living organism is a system of directed aims which seek to fulfill themselves.
When all is said and done we simply must make teaching in this country an honorable profession-since it's in the classrooms of America where the battle for excellence, ultimately, will be won or lost.
A Christian should always remember that the value of his good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts him to do these things.
The happy life is thought to be one of excellence; now an excellent life requires exertion, and does not consist in amusement.
Leadership involves building an esprit de corps, the creation of a sense of purpose in pursuit of noble and clear objectives.
If you deliver excellence right now, that gives you the best shot at the best future you've got coming.
Every successive generation becomes a living memorial of our public schools, and a living example of their excellence.
The test of the artist does not lie in the will with which he goes to work, but in the excellence of the work he produces.
Trying to compromise EXCELLENCE, is like trying to let a little bit of air out of a balloon with a hat pin.
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