Top 1200 Pushing Me Away Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Pushing Me Away quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
So cartooning, for me, is an honorable thing. It's pushing the envelope. It's the truth of something through exaggeration
Mrs Bawden yanked me away from the table and dragged me across the food hall. I tried to twist away from her, but she had a grip like a python on steroids.
I like pushing the envelope. I like pushing myself and the audience, whether it's a TV show or live. I like to throw people over the edge of the cliff and scare the wits out of them, but then pull them back and make them safe.
I love pushing my boundaries and seeing how far I can go without, you know, dying or injuring myself too badly. On set I was like, 'Give me some stunts! Give me whatever you want. Throw it at me. I want to do it all.'
I just liked the feeling of being on stage. My parents weren't pushing me, they didn't have to, I was obsessed. — © Harry Connick, Jr.
I just liked the feeling of being on stage. My parents weren't pushing me, they didn't have to, I was obsessed.
I don't know what to do. I only know that it's taken me years to understand that life was pushing me in a direction I didn't want to go in.
So cartooning, for me, is an honorable thing. It's pushing the envelope. It's the truth of something through exaggeration.
Is that a yes?" he asked, pushing his fingers through my hair, fanning it out around my shoulders and searching my face intently. "Please let it be yes," he said with a gravelly edge. "Stay with me tonight. Let me hold you, even if that's all it is. Let me keep you safe.
Sometimes I try to beat other people's achievements but on many occasions I find it's better to beat my own achievements. That can give me more satisfaction. I don't feel happy if I am comfortable. Something inside me pushes me when I get comfortable. It makes me go farther and I want to keep pushing.
It's the reason why I am always interested in engaging in people who are pushing us and pushing against the status quo. But having been an activist, the only thing that I'm always encouraging activists to do is, once you have raised the issue, and even through controversial means, you have to come behind it with an agenda and the possibility of reconciliation if power meets your demands.
I owe a lot to Darren Perry. I don't think I'd be this far this early if it wasn't for him pushing me to run an extra second or showing me a play on film and telling me when I see it, that's the green light to go do it and don't be afraid to take that next step and take chances. That's what the game is about.
I'm really blessed with the people in my life who keep me on track and keep pushing me forward.
When I think about the folks who are out there at home tonight watching... They know that this country is not respected around the world anymore. They know that this country is pushing the middle class, the hardworking taxpayers, backwards, and they saw a president who doesn't understand their pain, and doesn't have any plan for getting away from it.
What is religion? I want to remove the chaff from the grain. For me it is not what it is for the common people. If you take away certain social customs, they think you have taken away religion. For me it means purifying it.
My coach is pushing me harder than ever to make sure I stay at a good level.
Pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable - to me, that's something I'm definitely interested in and want to pursue.
Away, you cut-purse rascal! you filthy bung, away! By this wine, I'll thrust my knife in your mouldy chaps, an you play the saucy cuttle with me. Away, you bottle-ale rascal! you basket-hilt stale juggler, you!
Good isn't my thing but Sawyer's important to me. Please remember I've got my limits and you studying my mouth like you want a taste is pushing me dangerously close to the edge of those limits.
Whenever I took a step forward, it seemed as though life was pushing me five steps back. — © Jenni Rivera
Whenever I took a step forward, it seemed as though life was pushing me five steps back.
There will come a time when the public will tire of me and let me know it. That's when I retire. But so far, I've continued to grow. I keep pushing myself to improve.
When I was in Portland, they started pushing me to do more media when they thought I was going to be a head coach.
Yes, creation is moving toward us; life is moving toward us all the time. We back away, but it keeps pushing toward us. Why not step forward and greet it.
Christians who enjoy and support art and culture, who make it a priority in their lives, and who reach out to those in the arts instead of reflexively pushing them away, can help bring the culture toward a renewed appreciation of goodness, truth, and beauty. And that is good for everyone.
Passion is pushing myself when there is no one else around-just me and the road.
My parents always told me to stay away from trouble. When I moved away from them at a young age, I was fine because they taught me how to do everything right.
As an actor and as a performer, I've felt that the education system has really helped me in a lot of ways... there was always a teacher or a professor along the way that kept pushing me to the next stage.
I was only sitting here in my white study with the awful black words pushing me around.
What drives me is to still feel creative and like I'm pushing myself as an artist.
The tighter you try and hold on to something that you are afraid of losing, the more you are pushing it away.Those thoughts are filled with fear, and if you continue to persist, what you fear the most will come upon you. Fear nothing - just think about what you want. It feels so much better!
I know I'm not the greatest singer or dancer, but that doesn't interest me, I'm interested in being provocative and pushing people's buttons.
To me, pain means you're pushing your body to give you everything its got.
If you ask people, as I often do, how they make decisions, 'lucky' people will talk about tuning in to information and instincts, while 'unlucky' people often mention pushing away the uncomfortable feeling they were headed for trouble.
I ask my destiny - what power is this That cruelly drives me onward without rest? My destiny says, "Look round!" I turn back and see It is I myself that is ever pushing me from behind.
External means of escape like alcohol, drug use, and even overeating are a means of pushing uncertainty away and covering it up temporarily. And they may feel comforting for a moment, but I don't need to tell you that eventually they will cause more trouble than they ever solve.
Overspending is as certain a part of the holiday season as overeating. But pushing away from both the table and the cash register at least a little bit sooner can make the post-holiday hangover hurt a little bit less.
People keep pushing me to be the center of attention... I would prefer to be on the sidelines, because that's where you see more.
As long as bands are still out there slaving away in the garage and putting out their own records and just pushing the envelope for how songs should be written or how they should be played, punk will never die.
To have mentors and moguls like Russell Simmons and Chuck D pushing me forward and empowering my movement makes me all the more eager to continue pursuing my dream to make my mark on hip hop music and culture.
I'm used to people being a mile away. That suits me. It's more nerve-wracking playing in front of people who are two feet away from me.
Einstein wrestled with a problem back before we even knew the universe was expanding, and he was looking for a way to keep the universe from collapsing. And so he discovered, in his theory of gravity, something like this dark energy - he called it a cosmological constant - could play this role, pushing things away.
Take away material prosperity; take away emotional highs; take away miracles and healing; take away fellowship with other believers; take away church; take away all opportunity for service; take away assurance of salvation; take away the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit... Yes! Take it all, all, far, far away. And what is left? Tragically, for many believers there would be nothing left. For does our faith really go that deep? Or do we, in the final analysis, have a cross-less Christianity?
I know I'm not the greatest singer or dancer, but that doesn't interest me. I'm interested in being provocative and pushing people's buttons. — © Madonna Ciccone
I know I'm not the greatest singer or dancer, but that doesn't interest me. I'm interested in being provocative and pushing people's buttons.
If someone leaves me a bad review, I briefly fantasize about pushing them down a well.
I feel there is an unknown energy pushing me to do certain things in life.
I'm just going to keep pushing and try and be the best of version that I can be of me.
As tough as it was for us with my father gone, my mother and sister were always pushing me. They even let me go to Brazil by myself when I was 13 to train with Sao Paulo for four months.
Being at the top means never being satisfied with what you're comfortable with - comfortable means you've stopped pushing, and you're either going to get passed, or you already have been. But if you're constantly pushing yourself, then you're exposing yourself to falls and injuries.
I'm never satisfied with my performance. I want to keep pushing myself. The great thing about being an actor is you're always learning. That's what excites me about the job and what continues to drive me.
It took me until my teenage years to realize that I was medicating with music. I was pushing back against my stupid school uniform, instructors who called me by my last name and my classmates, who, while friendly enough, were not at all inspiring.
That always pushes me when I see Mbappe and Marcus Rashford doing well because I know they are probably looking at me and seeing what I'm doing and it's probably pushing them.
I've seen 'Mork & Mindy' a couple times. Robin Williams amazes me. And I love Gary Coleman. He puts me away. He puts everybody away.
Sometimes you have the trends that's not that cool. You may have certain artists portraying these trends and don't really have that lifestyle, and then it gives off the wrong thing. And it becomes kinda corny after awhile. It's really about keeping hip-hop original and pushing away the corniness in it.
In a world that keeps on pushing me around, I'm gonna stand my ground, and I won't back down.
I know my husband really loves me because he takes me to have ribs. He says I'm the only girl he ever took out who actually ate anything on her plate, as opposed to pushing it around.
I believe that God protected me. I've experienced many miracles. One day, my father was arrested as I stood nearby on the street. A total stranger who was pushing a baby carriage took my hand and put it on the handle of the carriage, as if I were her child. As soon as it was safe for me, she let me walk home.
You know, you don't work 30 something years in this business without knowing how to push yourself. So, I just kept pushing myself and pushing myself. The other thing that happens is when your hormones get out of whack your emotions come up.
My mother is quite a woman. She would push me, and when I got tired of her pushing, I'd say: 'Leave me alone. Don't push so much.' — © Laurence Fishburne
My mother is quite a woman. She would push me, and when I got tired of her pushing, I'd say: 'Leave me alone. Don't push so much.'
My dad and some teachers were constantly pushing me to do better than I was doing because they all knew that I could. I was not interested in what they wanted me to do well in at the time, but still, the concept that there's a great land of opportunity out there, and all you have to do is go attack it, was not something foreign to me. It's why I'm one of the few members of my family that left home.
Help me, I can’t breathe, your ego is pushing all the air out of the room.
All I really want to do is things I haven't done. 'I'm gonna put a paper bag on my head and be on the cover of 'Billboard,' see what I can get away with - if they'll let me.' And they let me. And I am literally giggling inside for, like, a month that I got away with it.
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