Top 1200 Pushing Me Away Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Pushing Me Away quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I don’t want to love him—this would be so much simpler if I didn’t. But I do. He’s funny, and passionate, and strong, and he believes in me more than I even believe in myself. When he looks at me, I feel like I could take on the whole world and come out standing tall. I like myself better when I’m with him, because of how he sees me. He makes me feel beautiful and powerful, like I’m the most important thing in the world, and I don’t know how to walk away from that. I don’t know how to walk away from him.
One time, I fought 90 fights in 90 days in 90 different places around the world. I didn't even know who I was: about 45 or 50 in, they just kept pushing me, and that's when I really get into a lot of trouble.
I did have that happen when I was with the Celtics once - I was there late and no one woke me up when I fell asleep in a chair. But at the Celtics they didn't like me as much, so they let me snooze away and made fun of me.
The anxiety I get more when I'm not working. So actually work, for me, takes away my anxiety, and doing live TV, in that moment when you're consumed by something else, it takes away all of my thoughts. It distracts you!
It's funny - some producers ask me, 'Man, how do you work on a Bieber record? That would kill my career.' I can work on any record there is as long as they are good records and you're pushing things forward.
And stop doing that,” he said. “Backing away, giving me that look.” Like you’re scaring me? Maybe you are.” He stepped back so fast he wobbled and caught himself, and the look on his face—It vanished in a second, the scowl returning. I’d never hurt you, Chloe. You should know—” He stopped. Paused. Then wheeled and started walking away. “Next time? Handle it yourself. I’m done taking care of you.
Maybe I should do this for y-" (Samantha) "No, I'm cooking. If you want to be helpful, you can bring me my wine. I poured us both a glass." (Mortimer) "But-" "No," he insisted, pushing her toward the door. "In you go. I'm the man. I get to barbecue while you stand around and look cute.
St. Louis still is going to be a special place for me, whether I'm playing 3,000 miles away or 5,000 miles away. — © Albert Pujols
St. Louis still is going to be a special place for me, whether I'm playing 3,000 miles away or 5,000 miles away.
I went away to this summer program after my junior year of high school. They used to have this thing called the Governor's School, and they had it for different disciplines - science, math, performing arts. I auditioned and I got accepted, and it was an eight-week program away from home. I went for acting. I was 15, and I turned 16 while I was there, so that was a seminal moment for me. It made me realize the life of it, the discipline of it, and the joy of that discipline, where it was all we did.
This album [Give the People What They Want] has almost been in the making for almost three years now. When we first began on it, my mother was sick. When she passed away, I got on stage and played that night. The music helped take me away.
Please think of me like an endangered species and just observe me quietly from far away. If you try to talk to me or touch me casually, I may get intimidated and bite you. So please be careful.
I have no reason to suppose that he, who would take away my Liberty, would not when he had me in his Power, take away everything else.
I do get away maybe a little bit more than most coaches do, but that seems to have worked for me in my coaching career. I recommended the way not to get burned out from your job is to have some hobbies and get away from it when you can.
And I want a gold medal more than anything. I just want a gold medal, so that's been pushing me forward.
When there's somebody racing side-by-side, when somebody's right next to me and they're pushing and we're both tired, we're both fatigued, I want to be able to beat them mentally.
I have a green card now, but they can take that away, yeah, they can take that away at any moment. So please don't; please let me keep it.
May was so great to work with, he even took me over to Japan for some dates. It blew me away when he let me play his guitar on stage with him.
For me, if somebody tells me to go away, that is an opportunity for me to give them a better life. And that's an opportunity for me to know and realize where not to be. It's an opportunity for me to see what could be better than being with that person I love.
My creative process isn't a long one, so I could have started a song 10 years ago and then finish it 10 years later. It's all just about pushing around words and melodies, for me. The material is kind of shape-shifting.
If we're not a good steward of what God gives us, he takes it away. I think that's what happened. I wasn't a good steward of the gift that he gave me in this line of work. I abused it, so he took it away.
People are usually scared of me because of the arrogant character I play. They stare at me with fear that I might just scold them and often run away from me. — © Barun Sobti
People are usually scared of me because of the arrogant character I play. They stare at me with fear that I might just scold them and often run away from me.
I have no fear; I have nothing to lose. I'd rather burn out than fade away, and I would rather go out in a blaze of glory on my own terms than let anybody dictate anything to me in my career. I had the chance to wrestle The Undertaker [on Smackdown in 2013], and one thing I took away from it was that he looked me in the eye and said, 'Trust your instincts because you've got great instincts.'
I love you, Ella May and nothing will ever change that. You can push me away -run away – and I will still love you.
Music is something to live for. It is just for me, nobody else can take away from me.It makes me so happy and I can rely on it completely - it'll always be there!
International exchanges are not a great tide to sweep away all differences, but they will slowly wear away at the obstacles to peace as surely as water wears away a hard stone.
We all serve a purpose. My purpose isn't to be rejected. My purpose isn't to think small or to be introverted. This door closed is literally pushing me to the next door.
If I'm, like, in a grocery store, I don't get recognized that much, but it's like, you know, when someone comes up to me and says, 'Hey, I'm a big 'Pushing Daisies' fan,' you just feel like, 'Oh, wow - you're the one who watched it. So nice to meet you.'
Let me first clarify that NAFTA is a trilateral agreement. The decision of walking away is not of Mexico or Canada. The decision of walking away is of the U.S.
The sea is whipping the skyThe sky is whipping the seaYou can hide away forever from the stormBut you'll never hide away from me.
Blaire, This was my grandmother’s. My father’s mother. She came to visit me before she passed away. I have fond memories of her visits and when she passed on she left this ring to me. In her will I was told to give it to the woman who completes me. She said it was given to her by my grandfather who passed away when my dad was just a baby but that she’d never loved another the way she’d loved him. He was her heart. You are mine. This is your something old. I love you, Rush
What are they going to do to me that they haven't done already? They took away my entire past. They took away my entire future. What's left for them to take?
I wasn't ready to manage straight away. You have a few players who stopped and managed a first team straight away and were successful, and then there are the other ones who take different pathways. And I think what was important for me was to understand what I really wanted to do.
The props of being a Leeds United player in my own home city is good and the rewards in football are very good so it helps me to look after my family and they are the reasons why I carried on pushing, to help my family.
I'd like to go to Africa, away from water, away from what's normal for us. When you put yourself in those places your life looks so far away. It makes a big impact.
There are websites of 'True Detective' artwork out there now, and it's beautiful. And I don't want to take that away from anybody. I know what it means to me. But I don't want to take away anyone's interpretation of the show.
The tendency of people skirting 30s and 40s is to feel lethargic or weak. But trust me, most of it is in your head. If you keep pushing and challenging yourself, your body will not betray your will.
I feel like if we stopped pushing people away in trying to get to the top, we could work together. My goal is to start with my family and my friends, progressively get better and create opportunities for them to express themselves and become happy people, then have them affect the people they're around. [I want to] create this growing effect of positivity and inspired a willingness to overcome any obstacles that are in front of you, whether it be from our government or from our daily lives.
I am connected to the past in a way that keeps me going forward. Every leap forward that I make is by reaching back and firmly getting a footing in the past, and pushing forward as hard as I can.
I've spent so much time the last seven, eight years in Los Angeles, away from my family, away from my friends, away from the city that is my favourite place to be and I just want to come here and have a proper life.
I tell my coach all the time "Hey, listen, coach. You know the hardest person on me isn't you, right? It's me." I'm the hardest person on myself, my biggest critic, always pushing. But there are days when I have to tell myself, "Relax, breathe, you're too stressed out." When it's no longer fun, when it's no longer something you can tolerate, that's when you have to take a break.
Believe me, you don't walk away from the kind of money you make with a daily television show. You might get awful tired of it sometimes, but take a second look at the check and you get less tired right away.
Playing with decks, for me, has always been about trying new things. I make it a point to keep trying different things, keep pushing it a little bit at a time.
You can always avert throwing yourself in front of an oncoming train. There is something that just pulls you away - and it has pulled me away, because I'm not dead yet - just at the brink of impact. Sometimes I have been really grazed by that train.
Some guys have one good year and fade away. I've worked too hard to get here and it's took me too long to just fade away. — © Matt Barnes
Some guys have one good year and fade away. I've worked too hard to get here and it's took me too long to just fade away.
I think that most of the people I'm dealing with, they're a lot like me. So I'm not pushing people that don't want to do something; most of the people have a billion things going on, and they love it.
I have a certain manner of speech that is unique to me. I tried once to have my staff tweet for me, and it was a disaster! People knew right away that it wasn't me.
I want to fall in love in such a way that the mere sight of a man, even a block away from me, will shake and pierce me, will weaken me, and make me tremble and soften and melt.
One casting director told me, 'You're the next Leonardo DiCaprio,' and when I heard that, I said, 'Let's talk about how I don't want anything to do with being like Leo.' He's an amazing actor, but the films we're pushing to do are different. I'm going my own way--in a big way.
I've spent so much time the last seven, eight years in Los Angeles, away from my family, away from my friends, away from the city that is my favorite place to be and I just want to come here and have a proper life.
Embraced by the Light. It's about a woman who passed away during surgery, and she went to heaven, had her experience, and then came back. My dad [Robert Kardashian] would try to get me to read it, and I wouldn't. Then when he passed away, I was cleaning out my room in his house, and I found it. I read it, and it helped me. I felt like my dad was okay.
Mike Knox, I am also getting real sick of this! Your problem isn't me staying away from your girl... Your problem is your girl staying away from me!
People would read all kinds of reaction into it, but Tracy told me himself that half the time he was just standing very still, trying to look sober and composed. That takes nothing away from him. The fact he got away with it was a tribute to his talent.
I don't think I can speak of the achievements of Indian cinema because it's so large next to me. It's not stopping. It's ever-growing. We are going towards the right direction. We are evolving as a filmmaking industry as actors, directors, producers, singers, musicians. Everybody just pushing the boundaries.
If anyone could look into my head See or feel the dread that has captured Me or see within this sad, unhappy brain They would only turn away Turn away.
In certain areas of my life, I actively seek out solitude. Especially for someone in my line of work, solitude is, more or less, an inevitable circumstance. Sometimes, however, this sense of isolation, like acid spilling out of a bottle, can unconsciously eat away at a person's heart and dissolve it. You could see it, too, as a kind of double-edged sword. It protects me, but at the same time steadily cuts away at me from the inside.
A lot of people ask me, when I mention I'm from Australia, that I must have been on 'Home And Away,' and I tell them was one of the few who didn't take that route. That's because I auditioned for 'Home And Away,' and I didn't get booked, so you'd call that a knock back.
It amazes me that you feel that each time you write a story you give away one of your dreams and you feel the poorer for it. But then you have not thought that this dream is planted in others, others begin to live it too, it is shared, it is the beginning of friendship and love. How is this world made which you enjoy, the friends around me that you love? They came because I first gave away my stories.
My head was - I wasn't screwed up, but I feel like I was shifted away from my family a lot with this basketball stuff. You have people coming around you saying they are family or whatever. They try to keep you away from your real family. That kind of got me.
Drawing is the only thing I've found in which I can lose myself completely. I love it. It started as something that relaxed me, but now it's a struggle because I'm pushing myself. The day-to-day sketching is fraught.
He had always beaten me. It feels good to get a little revenge. I knew I just had to keep pushing, and it just feels great to be on top. — © Richard Winger
He had always beaten me. It feels good to get a little revenge. I knew I just had to keep pushing, and it just feels great to be on top.
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