Top 1200 Pushing Ourselves Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Pushing Ourselves quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
Literature has low enough standards. But we can avoid writing the worst literature if we make ourselves ask ourselves, every two or three sentences we write, 'Is that what I really think?'
In order to settle down in the quiet of our own being we must learn to be detached from the results of our own activity. We must be content to live without watching ourselves live, to work with expecting immediate reward, to love without an instant satisfaction, and to exist without any special recognition. It is only when we are detached from ourselves that we can be at peace with ourselves.
I feel like my job as CEO is always to be pushing people ahead. — © Larry Page
I feel like my job as CEO is always to be pushing people ahead.
Empathy is the most mysterious transaction that the human soul can have, and its accessible to all of us, but we have to give ourselves the opportunity to identify, to plunge ourselves in a story where we see the world from the bottom up or through anothers eyes or heart.
If fulfillment is gained through giving ourselves through intimate relationships, then allowing ourselves to be consumed with the cares of things, instead of the care of persons, is foolish.
Pushing the envelope, musically speaking, is what needs to be done to rise to the top.
Sex, creativity, music, art, family, love, beauty, and creative imagination are all part of the spiritual path in the tantric traditions. So I think that for today that has a lot to say to us about not dividing ourselves from ourselves.
I love co-writing. That whole process is a challenge in that good writers are pushing you.
Help me, I can’t breathe, your ego is pushing all the air out of the room.
You can't reminisce too much. Because you've got to keep pushing forward, you know?
So why don't we make ourselves the last generation on earth? If we would all agree to have ourselves sterilized then no sacrifices would be required - we could party our way into extinction!
I don't think that once you get to one level, you can relax. You've got to keep pushing.
We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contest, and we must win. — © Edward Gibbon
We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contest, and we must win.
I have a real interest in pushing some of the limits of things that studios don't want to make.
The only people I have seen who have been truly pushing for the truth are the family members.
The human brain represents the infinity opportunity our powers are endless if we understand, harness, and empower ourselves to look inside and educate ourselves on our potential.
I'm interested in how we understand ourselves in our relatioships and how we define ourselves.
Everybody has dreams. You are living the American dream, what's wrong with pushing to secure it for everyone?
I'm only 5 ft. 7 in. tall, and for modelling, that's small, so I wasn't getting signed, but I kept on pushing.
I think we'll all keep pushing each other, which is a great thing.
Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from from inner peace and mental calm for its sake.
Starz is a network that's going for the content that's extremely honest and pushing the envelope and is provocative.
I was always putting songs on the Internet, but I was never into pushing them on anyone.
I'm just going to keep pushing and try and be the best of version that I can be of me.
I love to train hard. My only answer to setbacks was pushing harder.
People are fed up with broadcasters pushing the boundaries too far.
Our biggest goal is to continue to force ourselves to always start our creative work on a white page and not take advantage of past successes and challenging ourselves.
We erase ourselves; we go away. But we don't really go away, and we don't really erase ourselves, since we were never there to begin with. We weren't there to begin with in that what we are, or conceive of ourselves as, is a perception.
My white counterparts are always pushing the line, and they are fearless, so why can't I do that, too?
Apple Music is about getting things early and pushing them out.
Not until we dare to regard ourselves as a nation, not until we respect ourselves, can we gain the esteem of others, or rather only then will it come of its own accord
It is not only our hatred of others that is dangerous but also and above all our hatred of ourselves: particularly that hatred of ourselves which is too deep and too powerful to be consciously faced. For it is this which makes us see our own evil in others and unable to see it in ourselves.
We lift ourselves by our own thought; we climb upon our vision of ourselves.
Empathy is the most mysterious transaction that the human soul can have, and it's accessible to all of us, but we have to give ourselves the opportunity to identify, to plunge ourselves in a story where we see the world from the bottom up or through another's eyes or heart.
Pride is the switch that turns off priesthood power. Humility is a switch that turns it on . . . . Some suppose that humility is about beating ourselves up. Humility does not mean convincing ourselves that we are worthless, meaningless, or of little value. Nor does it mean denying or withholding the talents God has given us. We don't discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves. It comes as we go about our work with an attitude of serving God and our fellowman.
With Escape the Fate, I was pushing for synths and keyboards and stuff, and everybody was in disagreement with that. They didn't want to do that.
Adversity challenges the masks we hide behind, revealing sides of ourselves we have not yet comfortably with the world outside. It is why we dislike adversity, because we have to face what we don't yet understand about ourselves.
We are creatures of our thinking. We can talk ourselves into defeat or we can talk ourselves into victory. — © Gordon B. Hinckley
We are creatures of our thinking. We can talk ourselves into defeat or we can talk ourselves into victory.
I don't want to force the peacekeeping nations to feel like I'm pushing them out.
I think we really have to ask ourselves, are we really using to children to promote ourselves?
Pushing guys to be the best, that's part of the role I've always taken being a quarterback.
When I was hacking, it was more pushing the status quo and seeing how far you can go.
Not enough people realize the satisfaction you can get from really pushing yourself to the limits.
Running alone is the toughest. You get to the point where you have to keep pushing yourself.
You can't always be pushing people away. Someday nobody'll come back.
U.K. welfare cuts are pushing more children into poverty; that is beyond dispute.
If we accept being talked to any kind of a way, then we are telling ourselves we are not quite worth the best. And if we have the effrontery to talk to anybody with less than courtesy, we tell ourselves and the world we are not very intelligent.
We must remind ourselves that to do what is possible we must sometimes challenge ourselves with the impossible. — © Jim Rohn
We must remind ourselves that to do what is possible we must sometimes challenge ourselves with the impossible.
You can create the perfect triceps by just pushing yourself off your wall.
We, as a company, take the most risks in pushing the boundaries on consumer expectations.
To me, pain means you're pushing your body to give you everything its got.
Though not always called upon to condemn ourselves, it is always safe to suspect ourselves.
It is crucial that we develop real awareness of ourselves as citizens of Earth, linked by mutual and indissoluble bonds. When we clearly recognize this reality and ground ourselves in it, we are compelled to take a strict accounting of our way of life.
We could say that the human race is a great coauthorship in which we are collaborating with God and nature in the making of ourselves and one another. From this there is no escape. We may collaborate either well or poorly or we may refuse to collaborate, but even to refuse to collaborate is to exert an influence and to affect the quality of the product. This is only a way of saying that by ourselves we have no meaning and no dignity; by ourselves we are outside the human definition, outside our identity.
Business is like a wheel barrow. Nothing happens until you start pushing.
I'm really anxious not to repeat what I've done before, to keep pushing and learning.
So there's kind of a simultaneous aspect to pushing the boundaries, and being very safe.
I'm definitely not pushing to find who can I write with or produce with, but of course I'm open to something if it comes up.
We are so hard on ourselves, it is unbelievable sometimes. The things we say to ourselves or think about when we look in the mirror are so cruel. We have to look at the power we do have and use it to overcome that voice of insecurity.
It's like this, dear boy, the one in front is blind and the kind one behind is pushing him.
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