Top 1200 Pushing Ourselves Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Pushing Ourselves quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
'We the People' established the Constitution. Did we really do so to somehow keep ourselves out of the decision making. Are we only wise when it comes to electing people capable of governing our affairs, but wholly without the intellect to decide issues for ourselves?
People pushing the idea that everyone can live to be 100 are perpetuating a myth that goes all the way back to the Bible.
People keep pushing me to be the center of attention... I would prefer to be on the sidelines, because that's where you see more. — © Gong Li
People keep pushing me to be the center of attention... I would prefer to be on the sidelines, because that's where you see more.
I am a positive person. I never think of the glass as half empty. I just keep pushing forward.
I have lived my life putting work first, pushing myself to overcome obstacles to get the job done.
If someone leaves me a bad review, I briefly fantasize about pushing them down a well.
I like to keep pushing myself and trying things out. I get easily bored, so I need a challenge.
I know I'm not the greatest singer or dancer, but that doesn't interest me. I'm interested in being provocative and pushing people's buttons.
I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can't protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos.
All of us have theories about the world and about ourselves. We will go to great lengths to prove ourselves right because it keeps the world in our head coherent and understandable.
We usually think of ourselves as sitting the driver's seat, with ultimate control over the decisions we made and the direction our life takes; but, alas, this perception has more to do with our desires-with how we want to view ourselves, than with reality.
I know I'm not the greatest singer or dancer, but that doesn't interest me, I'm interested in being provocative and pushing people's buttons.
But perhaps the most important lesson I learned is that there are no walls between humans and the elephants except those that we put up ourselves, and that until we allow not only elephants, but all living creatures their place in the sun, we can never be whole ourselves.
We have needed to define ourselves by reclaiming the words that define us. They have used language as weapons. When we open ourselves to what they say and how they say it, our narrow prejudices evaporate and we are nourished and armed.
Part of knowing ourselves is also being able to accept who we are and to value ourselves regardless of our flaws. Accepting who we are allows us to value our worth without conditions or reservations.
We have an amazing engineering team in the company pushing the limits of device physics and some great partners in manufacturing.
Compassion can be described as letting ourselves be touched by the vulnerability and suffering that is within ourselves and all beings. The full flowering of compassion also includes action: Not only do we attune to the presence of suffering, we respond to it.
We want to be a studio that makes a whole bunch of stuff we believe in, in all ranges of scale and time and length, and own as much as that IP ourselves and generate as much of that IP ourselves as possible.
Cheech and I used to call ourselves musicians; we never called ourselves comedians. We were musicians that were funny. — © Tommy Chong
Cheech and I used to call ourselves musicians; we never called ourselves comedians. We were musicians that were funny.
If one takes pride in one's craft, you won't let a good thing die. Risking it through not pushing hard enough is not a humility.
It's something that I had been pushing down my whole life. The search for meaning, I guess, the whispering of the soul.
We see ourselves in other people’s eyes. It’s the nature of the human race; we are a species of reflection, hungry for it in every facet of our existence. Maybe that’s why vampires seem so monstrous to us—they cast no reflection. Parents, if they’re good ones, reflect the wonder of our existence and the success we can become. Friends, well chosen, show us pretty pictures of ourselves, and encourage us to grow into them. The Beast shows us the very worst in ourselves and makes us know it’s true .
We must start pushing back against this politically correct nonsense that's destroying our society and culture.
Because I'm pushing my body so hard already, the last thing I want to do is have music that's really too strong, in my head.
I'm not big on looking back beyond the moment in which decisions and events occur. I'm always pushing forward.
Snowboarding is about having fun, pushing one another creatively, and not putting anyone down along the way.
I think we all need to be inside of us for 3 whole days, thinking about how we can love ourselves more, protect ourselves more, live life with more passion and look not outwards for validation but inwards.
You accept failure as a possible outcome of some of the experiments. If you don't get failures, you're not pushing hard enough on the objectives.
I dream of making India a $20 trillion economy. For that, I am pushing for agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors.
We know that we're not supposed to be racially biased, and we don't want to think of ourselves as racially biased, so we tell ourselves a different story.
If you think you've already made it, that's when you can fall short and go backwards. I'm constantly pushing forward and chasing the element of perfection.
Fortunately or unfortunately, NaNoWriMo requires you to write at a breakneck pace, so I got used to just pushing on through.
You don't realize that somebody who's average or even very fit could relate to someone who's overweight, but it's not about our size - it's how we look at ourselves and how we feel about ourselves.
Whenever I took a step forward, it seemed as though life was pushing me five steps back.
I had killed our careful relationship by driving my tongue through its heart and pushing it off a cliff.
Self-respect is often mistaken for arrogance when in reality it is the opposite. When we can recognize all our good qualities as well as our faults with neutrality, we can start to appreciate ourselves as we would a dear friend and experience the comfortable inner glow of respect. To embrace the journey towards our full potential we need to become our own loving teacher and coach. Spurring ourselves on to become better human beings we develop true regard for ourselves and our life will become sacred.
There's something about the superheroes and the idea behind their relationship with humans, whether it's a metaphor for the better part of ourselves, or the more flawed part of ourselves. So it seems to really be our own pop-culture version of Greek mythology.
I see the whole episode in my memory as if it were a very crisply photographed black and white movie. Directed by Bergman perhaps.We are playing ourselves in the movie version. If only we could escape from always having to play ourselves !
Over and over victims are blamed for their assaults. And when we imply that victims bring on their own fates - whether to make ourselves feel more efficacious or to make the world seem just - we prevent ourselves from taking the necessary precautions to protect ourselves. Why take precautions? We deny the trauma could easily have happened to us. And we also hurt the people already traumatized. Victims are often already full of self-doubt, and we make recovery harder by laying inspectors blame on them.
If we're honest with ourselves, our user experience hadn't kept up with the competition. In the first ten years eBay created the market. Now we're positioning ourselves to innovate off our core platform. This is not a project. We're never done.
The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba -- yes Cuba too.
Women slave for their hair! It's all about how we compare ourselves to other women, how we size ourselves up. — © Halle Berry
Women slave for their hair! It's all about how we compare ourselves to other women, how we size ourselves up.
Cath ran her fingers along the cover, over the raised gold type. Then someone else ran right into her, pushing the book into Cath's chest. Pushing two books into her chest. Cath looked up just as Wren threw an arm around her. "They're both crying," Cath heard Reagan say. "I can't even watch." Cath freed an arm to wrap around her sister. "I can't believe it's really over," she whispered. Wren held her tight and shook her head. She really was crying, too. "Don't be so melodramatic, Cath," Wren laughed hoarsely. "It's never over... It's Simon.
Are you decent?" a woman's voice called, pushing the door cautiously ajar. "Nay, but we're clothed," Cian purred.
It's a shame that gays who ought to be pushing boundaries have been domesticated and tamed and turned into pets by the Progressive Left.
Anytime you're pushing the envelope as hard as you can to be successful at anything at life it's easy to go from hero to zero in a second.
The desire for self-improvement is vital. There is no point in pushing children; they need to be the ones who want to learn new skills.
We are not known by our bank balances or who our parents are. It is ultimately we who have to prove ourselves. It is not important to own a particular brand of car. But we should be a brand in ourselves. Each of us is unique.
How small we humans are. All our scrambling around, trying to buttress ourselves against death. All our efforts to insulate ourselves against uncertainty with codes of behavior and meaningless busyness.
I'm pushing back against the white, misogynistic, heterosexual establishment in the music industry. Like, literally, in all its forms.
If we do not push ourselves enough, we do not grow, but if we push ourselves too much, we regress. What is enough will change, depending on where we are and what we are doing. In that sense, the present moment is always some kind of beginning.
Tis better using France than trusting France; Let us be back'd with God, and with the seas, Which He hath given for fence impregnable, And with their helps only defend ourselves; In them, and in ourselves, our safety lies.
It's nice to have more than one little one because then you'll have - while one is pushing you in a wheelchair, the other one can open the doors for you.
I know that 'Tangerine' is getting a lot of attention for pushing the iFilm, but I am really mourning the death of celluloid. — © Sean Baker
I know that 'Tangerine' is getting a lot of attention for pushing the iFilm, but I am really mourning the death of celluloid.
Each one of us reaps what we ourselves have sown. These miseries under which we suffer, these bondages under which we struggle, have been caused by ourselves, and none else in the universe is to blame. God is the least to blame for it.
When I'm talking to my teammates, being the vocal leader, going up and down, pushing everyone, they tend to follow.
I enjoy the element of pushing yourself, learning something new, whether it's a dance step, a scene, an emotion.
What keeps us playing our parts and going round and round the three lower worlds is not a Divine dictate, but ourselves, our own will-to-live, which comes from within ourselves.
When you look at someone like Sacha Baron Cohen, you have to really respect the boundaries he is pushing as Bruno or Borat.
Over time, as the thinking mind begins to settle [through the practice of meditation], we’ll start to see our patterns and habits far more clearly. Sometimes this can be a painful experience. I can’t overestimate the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, not as we wish we were or think we ought to be. By cultivating nonjudgmental openness to ourselves and to whatever arises, to our surprise and delight we will find ourselves genuinely welcoming the never-pin-downable quality of life, experiencing it as a friend, a teacher, and a support, and no longer as an enemy.
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