Top 1200 Pushing Through Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Pushing Through quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We decided to have the baby at home because we wanted it to be a natural birth, and it turns out that it was 30 hours of natural. Eight hours of pushing - that's the part that men don't understand. Women go, 'Oh, dear, oh, dear God, eight hours of pushing?' And the men are like, 'Okay, eight hours of pushing.'
I had killed our careful relationship by driving my tongue through its heart and pushing it off a cliff.
I have a very, very secret drive to become a dilettante, without the pejorative overtones or the obligation to produce myself. There's so much to examine, so much to contemplate. I have enormous enthusiasm when I start a new project but then there's the meetings and the counter-meetings, the rehearsals, the struggles. You have to keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get your dreams realised.
You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing. — © Rene Descartes
You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.
There are no pat answers - we're pushing through some new frontiers, and lessons of the past don't always apply.
Yes, I would agree that America, just like Spain was in the 17th Century, is the main empire of the world and they are the ones who, on the surface, are the most pushy: pushing their language, pushing their culture - or what there is of it - pushing by force their system on others.
Technology and the pace of change in media is pushing us into an uncomfortable area The media have perhaps become more cavalier towards pushing confidential information.
I think telling stories is like pushing something. Pushing against uncreation itself, maybe.
Any time you're banged up, your body hurts, you don't really feel like going to the gym. That's when I feel like you really have to push through it. That's when you really make the leaps and bounds in your game. So, pushing through those days is never easy, but that's what gets you good.
My philosophy through all my work, be it on canvas or on the street, is about pushing boundaries and not going with the flow because everyone else is doing something a certain way.
The jet stream is a very strong force and pushing a balloon into it is like pushing up against a brick wall, but once we got into it, we found that, remarkably, the balloon went whatever speed the wind went.
I put all of my resources into pushing the evolution in an industry that is notoriously backwards and I enjoy pushing that envelope,.
Harry Kane shows every season his importance. You can't say anything else but the fact that he's such an important player, a captain, a leader and a player who is pushing all the time, pushing the team to get higher.
So commit! Commit yourself to pushing through the fear and becoming more than you are at the present moment. The you that could be is absolutely colossal. — © Susan Jeffers
So commit! Commit yourself to pushing through the fear and becoming more than you are at the present moment. The you that could be is absolutely colossal.
Giving advice is like playing pinball: only by pushing and pulling can you encourage the ball to go in a new direction and increase your score. But too much pushing and pulling can cause a tilt and stop the game.
So cartooning, for me, is an honorable thing. It's pushing the envelope. It's the truth of something through exaggeration
Work is pushing matter around. Politics is pushing people around.
Define excellence vividly, quantitatively. Paint a picture for your most talented employees of what excellence looks like. Keep everyone pushing and pushing toward the right-hand edge of the bell curve.
We can restore E.U. growth through reducing regulation, strengthening governance, pushing ahead with free trade agreements and strengthening the single market.
Boredom has an important function, because pushing through it can unleash creativity.
As long as you're pushing men to stay at work, you're pushing women to stay home.
I think the songs I was writing after Aeroplane were full of a lot of undealt-with pain that was just a little too big... the issues seemed too large for me to confront intuitively through songwriting. I kept pushing it and pushing it. There are so many issues about being human and why people inflict pain on each other. There were seeds of all these things I hadn't dealt with. With just the personal issues, I felt I was in over my head, but then to write about it... To write you have to have at least a little bit of confidence you know what you're talking about.
Poets have to keep pushing, pushing, against the darkness, and write their way out of it as well.
The beauty of football is you have to perform through ups and downs in a public form with a team and the discipline and the pushing through it and the preparation that it takes to be great - all of those things have served me well.
I fundamentally believe that your words have so much credibility if you're not taking money upfront. I feel really comfortable pushing actors and pushing executives and pushing marketing people when we're not going to benefit financially unless the movie works. I feel like that makes the playing field so much more level.
You are always pushing, pushing, pushing but it is when you do that that your body can break down.
Pushing the limits, to be thought provoking, pushing people to think and question the limits, it's not always bad for the rules if you're confident because it can even strengthen your understanding of religion in the process.
So cartooning, for me, is an honorable thing. It's pushing the envelope. It's the truth of something through exaggeration.
Maybe it's part of being an athlete, but I feel like we're really good, especially in swimming, about just pushing things down and pushing ahead.
I have had some dark times, it was a frustrating 2019. I was pushing for the Terence Crawford fight but, through no fault of my own, I did not get any of the big fights I wanted.
Sometimes since I've been in the garden I've looked up through the trees at the sky and I have had a strange feeling of being happy as if something was pushing and drawing in my chest and making me breathe fast. Magic is always pushing and drawing and making things out of nothing. Everything is made out of magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people. So it must be all around us. In this garden - in all the places.
If one takes pride in one's craft, you won't let a good thing die. Risking it through not pushing hard enough is not a humility.
Pushing myself against my own will really, because some of this stuff is hard. I don't consider myself to be a great guitar player, so pushing myself as a guitar player or pushing myself as a singer, as a performer, and just riding that fine line between being so hard on yourself that it's counter-productive and being so hard on yourself that nothing is ever good enough is what drives me.
What's fun about comedy is you're pushing things a little further than you would in a drama; you're pushing reality a little bit more.
In every work out there comes a moment where you have to decide to keep pushing hard - through the doubt, discomfort and fear of the pain. You have two choices at this point - to push through and to mentally divorce your mind of the doubt, discomfort and fear or you can surrender.
As an athlete, you learn to keep pushing through the pain until the pain eventually becomes unbearable. Even then, you are told to continue.
It is part of the pholosophic dullness of our time that there are millions of rational monsters walking about on their hind legs, observing the world through pairs of flexible little lenses, periodically supplying themselves with energy by pushing organic substances through holes in their faces, who see nothing fabulous whatever about themselves.
I wasn't classically trained as an actor; I wasn't pursuing standup comedy. I really came into it through the back door. And there was a benefit to that, I think, because I wasn't pressing; I wasn't pushing.
As a father I am extremely proud of Beyonce. I mean, Beyonce just keeps pushing the envelope, pushing the envelope and setting an example of the whole industry. — © Mathew Knowles
As a father I am extremely proud of Beyonce. I mean, Beyonce just keeps pushing the envelope, pushing the envelope and setting an example of the whole industry.
I'm not the same player I was in League One. I am proud of what I achieved because it was all through hard work, good managers and team-mates pushing me.
If you come into a season without goals, you're just going through practice and it doesn't mean anything to you. But if you set goals, you're pushing yourself.
There's going to be bumps along the way, in any walk of life, not just as a professional footballer with injuries. You've got to be resilient with it and keep pushing through. It'll make you stronger as well.
I just kind of do my own thing, which has made me feel like a better player, a better pro because I'm in control of it. I don't have anybody who is pushing me to do something - I'm pushing myself.
To propel a dirigible balloon through the air is like pushing a candle through a brick wall.
It's the reason why I am always interested in engaging in people who are pushing us and pushing against the status quo. But having been an activist, the only thing that I'm always encouraging activists to do is, once you have raised the issue, and even through controversial means, you have to come behind it with an agenda and the possibility of reconciliation if power meets your demands.
I think if I ever stopped pushing myself, I would revert quickly to quite repetitive, restrictive behaviour. But in pushing myself and concentrating on what I can do, I think I can contribute to society. And that gives me the desire to keep pushing, to see what I'm capable of. The thing to do is not to stop.
As journalists, we keep pushing and pushing.
Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the fear which comes from the feeling of helplessness.
In Hollywood, I think I get a bad rap for being a perfectionist. It's something that's not always welcomed in Hollywood, because you're always pushing people and you're pushing yourself to be the best that you can be.
My dad, as a guy, had to quit school in the ninth grade, fought in the Battle of the Bulge. And spent his life pushing wheel barrels of heavy wet cement. So we've gone from pushing cement to now in one generation pushing legislation. But we always want any president to succeed, to do well; that means America does well and Americans do well.
Busta Rhymes the mighty infamous, Always misbehaving and mischeivous, Causing aggravation, I'll never pause, Pushing out spit balls through plastic straws.
Sometimes you're pushing and what you want to do is not coming with ease; doors are not opening. A lot of times we're pushing against resistance. If one looks closely, there is often a message in that resistance: "Wait a minute, maybe it's not what you're supposed to be doing."
It's frustrating to see a club as great as West Ham not really pushing for the top six, they have everything, they have the fans, the stadium, they have to be pushing for top 6 without a doubt.
I'm so blessed to be breaking through right now because, how do you break through now? It took a clothing line to make people recognize me, you know what I mean? So the next kid that doesn't have that opportunity what is he suppose to do? It's really hard to break through right now. You just have to keep dreaming and keep pushing and take those right opportunities. I can't express that enough. It's crazy.
First, we have to lower our costs to levels that are more competitive. This will prevent the lower-cost airlines from pushing us out of the markets we want to serve. We've made great progress on this front, but we need to keep pushing.
My style of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward. I aim very high, and the I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get what I'm after. — © Donald Trump
My style of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward. I aim very high, and the I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get what I'm after.
I like to describe Himalayan climbing as a kind of art of suffering. Just pushing, pushing yourself to your limits.
When Congressman [Mike] Pence was in Congress, he was the chief cheerleader for the privatization of Social Security. Even after President [George W.] Bush stopped pushing for it, Congressman Pence kept pushing for it.
Fortunately or unfortunately, NaNoWriMo requires you to write at a breakneck pace, so I got used to just pushing on through.
After all, we are not promoting welfare. We are promoting work. We are not pushing for more entitlement programs. We are pushing for more enterprise. We are not trying re-distribute existing wealth.
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