Top 1200 Putting Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Putting quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I love putting things together. I love putting together a team and making stuff with people. It's great, that's what's cool about movies it's such a collaborative effort.
Obamacare is a disaster. You have to remember, Obamacare doesn't work. So we are putting in a wonderful plan. It statutorily takes a while to get. We're gonna be putting it in fairly soon.
Putting a bomb in a dumpster or putting it with a timer by a race, it is not the kind of - similar to the attacks that we've seen where people open fire with assault rifles and things like that.
I have to strip away all the layers when I'm writing the song. I have to cut through all these layers of years of putting up walls and putting protective layers around myself.
I win and lose in one way. And that's either putting them to sleep or putting it on the line and going to sleep. — © Justin Gaethje
I win and lose in one way. And that's either putting them to sleep or putting it on the line and going to sleep.
It might be one thing to think about putting on a dress, but when you're actually putting on a dress, it's a weird thing, because you're going, "Huh. I'm putting on a dress. Do I leave my underwear on? Do I get some other underwear? Is there something special I should wear?" All that dumb stuff. I'd never had any interest in putting on my mom's clothes, except to think, "Well, they are nice clothes..."
Putting together a hit record is like putting together a puzzle.
Nothing is more frustrating to me than putting a song on an album and regret putting it on there. I'm excited that there are no songs on 'Tailgates & Tanlines' that I'm iffy about.
The guy who made the shoes for 'Hairspray' said putting shoes on me was like putting a pump on a ham. I found out that if I ever was to dress like a woman, I would not be buying off the rack.
Sometimes you have got to look at things really positively - without putting your head in the sand, you have got to manage the negatives and keep putting a positive slant on it, keep trying to find answers.
The problem with putting it all on the line is that it might not work out. The problem with not putting it all on the line is that it will never (ever) change things for the better. Not much of a choice, I think.
Putting a computer in front of a child and expecting it to teach him is like putting a book under his pillow, only more expensive
When you lip out several putts in a row, you should never think that means that you're putting well. When you're putting well, the only question is what part of the hole it's going to fall in, not if it's going in.
What is sexual in a high heel is the arch of the foot, because it is exactly the position of a woman's foot when she orgasms... So putting your foot in a heel, you are putting yourself in a possibly orgasmic situation.
If you need to put your money in a safe and secure place and you want it to earn interest, Treasury bonds are safer than putting it in any bank as a deposit or putting it anywhere else, because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.
I just want to say that the only thing less popular than putting money into banks is putting money into the auto industry.
As a teenager, skincare is about putting no oil on your skin because you don't want any blemishes, and then in your thirties, you're putting as much oil as it can take to avoid wrinkles!
I'm putting out this free music, constantly putting it out.
I refuse for any person or organized group to dictate to me what God is. That is really the height of insufferable hubris. I believe in just immediately putting to death or just putting over the cliff people who assume they know about God.
I'm experimenting in public. At the design grad schools, these are people sitting around in groups, putting their work on a wall, analyzing it and putting it back in a drawer. I think there's little risk in that.
If you're worried about putting food on the table or putting a roof over your head, that stress is definitely will contribute to unhappiness, but once you have your basic needs met then incremental money.
The cloud is still really just a bunch of servers, owned by someone or something, whose decisions and competence must be trusted. This applies to everything from Google Docs to Gmail: Putting our data out there really means putting it 'out there.'
The way that I process and make writing work is I'm really telling true stories; I'm just putting them in a cape and putting an 'S' on its chest. — © Christopher Priest
The way that I process and make writing work is I'm really telling true stories; I'm just putting them in a cape and putting an 'S' on its chest.
Putting Windows [3.11] on top of DOS is like putting whipped cream on a road apple [horse poop].
There are dedicated actors and there are people now who only stay famous for putting on weight, losing it, then putting it on again.
I don't know, but I always loved that image of a girl putting toenail polish on a guy - her boyfriend, or something like that. Or a guy waking up in the morning and reaching over and putting on his girlfriend's shirt. Like Keith Richards putting on one of Anita Pallenberg's blouses, or Courtney Love putting nail polish on Kurt Cobain.
Why in general, when you`re putting together a White House staff and putting together a good one, you`re looking for someone there who is not someone who`s going to be heavy-handed.
Putting on shoes with my prosthetic legs is still hard for me, but at the end of the day, I'm just putting on really tall shoes.
As I started eating more natural foods and thinking about what I was putting into my body, I became more interested in what I was putting on it, too.
You just want to keep going, keep putting your best foot forward, keep putting one foot in front of the other.
I've been putting together the story with Rob and putting all the details of it together and looking at all the various designs they have for the toys and stuff, it's pretty exciting.
When somebody's talking to us, they're not putting pauses - carefully putting pauses between words. It all flows together. The problem with that though, it's very hard to read.
I've spent a lot of my early twenties focusing on other people as opposed to myself. Being madly in love with people and putting them first and not necessarily putting myself under a microscope. It's unsettling but I'm trying to be the kind of person that can be alone, at peace with himself. Making most recent album, I felt braver putting stuff into songs than I do bringing them up in conversation. Which makes no logical sense. Lyrically, there was a lot less hiding behind suns and moons and stars.
Putting the 10 commandments up to prevent crime is like putting 'Employees must wash hands' up to keep the piss out of your burger.
The Pope is not putting himself out on a limb, he's putting himself up on the Cross, and that's what he's called to do.
The resurrection state is the culmination of glorified humanity; is the change of the earthly for the heavenly; is the putting off of flesh and blood, and the putting on of the spiritual body. The body of the resurrection is the body with which the spirit is clothed for its celestial life.
Watch out for the fellow who talks about putting things in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control.
When putting words together is good to do it with nicety and caution, your elegance and talent will be evident if by putting ordinary words together you create a new voice.
I'm not actually a very keen performer. I like putting shows together. I like putting events together.
There's the underlying feeling that writing must be easy, because it's all about putting letters together. That's only true in the same way that programming is all about putting numbers together.
And that's how I start myself. I usually go back a couple of pages, maybe to the beginning of the chapter, and I start reading. And as I'm reading, I'm tweaking - putting in a different word, changing the syntax, putting that clause over there, you know that sort of thing.
There are so many little girls who follow me and look up to me. I'm their role model, so I have to make sure I'm always being professional and not putting any swear words out there - just really putting positive things out there on the Internet.
I like the ritual of putting on my makeup, putting on my costume, doing my warm-ups. I eat the same dinner every night before I go on stage. I like having something that I can count on, something that feels stabilizing for me.
It's just about putting in the work and really putting in time and effort to something you love. — © Tyler Herro
It's just about putting in the work and really putting in time and effort to something you love.
I love putting in work for the city that raised me with my foundation SaveMoneySaveLife, and putting resources into the streets of Chicago.
Putting miles in your training log is like putting money in the bank. You begin to draw interest on it immediately.
It's not just about knockouts, son. This is mixed martial arts. It's about finishing people. It's about putting in that time, putting in all five rounds.
It's a great thing to hear people putting me up to this standard and putting me on this pedestal and expecting greatness from me, but at the end of the day, I'm just trying to be a better me as an artist musically.
Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world's greatest care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.
Putting Michael Gove in charge of the Department of the Environment is much like putting a wolf in charge of the chicken coop.
People are putting their money into treasuries because they worry that the risk of putting their money into the bond market, the stock market or even the money markets is very high.
My career is based on the slow build of an audience based on putting on a good show live and putting out a record every couple of years. I was already doing really well in terms of my goals, to keep my fans coming back.
Putting your well-being first - like putting your oxygen mask on before you help the person next to you - that really benefits all your relationships.
We need more transparency and accountability in government so that people know how their money is being spent. That means putting budgets online, putting legislation online.
It's not about putting a speaker in a chair or putting a TV in a bed. That's not how technology and the home intersect. For me, it's about sensors, about the home knowing where you are.
We are at our best when we give the ultimate sacrifice of putting other people, putting the country, putting our communities ahead of ourselves.
Putting on my legs is like putting on my shoes. I understand that's how some people might think differently, but I hope that in London, their perceptions open up.
If it were a choice between putting ads on Wikipedia or shutting down Wikipedia, we would then very reluctantly consider putting ads on Wikipedia. — © Sue Gardner
If it were a choice between putting ads on Wikipedia or shutting down Wikipedia, we would then very reluctantly consider putting ads on Wikipedia.
If you don't watch out, putting on your unhappiness in the morning can become as instinctive as putting on your clothes.
I'm not actually a very keen performer. I like putting shows together. I like putting events together. In fact, everything I do is about the conceptualizing and realization of a piece of work, whether it's the recording or the performance side.
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