Top 66 Qatar Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Qatar quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I really don't want you to think of Qatar as a hydrocarbon country alone. We know that hydrocarbons will come and go. But education will stay. It is the most important thing for us.
There's Kenyan guys who last year or two years ago were running for Kenya, and then they switched to Qatar and Bahrain and other countries. Yes, I do have a problem with that.
I have had a positive experience in Qatar. It has not been too challenging, and it has given my ankles a rest! — © Gabriel Batistuta
I have had a positive experience in Qatar. It has not been too challenging, and it has given my ankles a rest!
I could play for another club in Europe but my heart is beating too much for Bayern. But I could imagine going to the U.S., Qatar or Dubai for a new experience.
Qatar is improving a lot in football, my colleague Xavi talks to me about the fantastic development of football here.
I enjoyed my time in the Premier League and in Qatar.
Bahrain is moving at one pace, Morocco another, Qatar at another, Kuwait at yet another. And we are there to assist our friends.
The largest automobile company in the world is Volkswagen. Who owns it? The answer is the government of Qatar.
The Syrian war was started and fueled by three countries in the region, namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey. They acted for the sake of political and economic dominance and in favor of Sunni Islam against the Alawite influence in the government of Syria.
The army is making good advancement on daily basis against the terrorists. Of course, they still have the support of Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and some Western countries including the United States, but the only option that we have in that regard is to win.
I played in Qatar only because I had a great offer and I am not ashamed to accept. We played in empty stadiums! I realised what a mistake I made and decided to leave the club immediately.
Did business with Qatar, a US ally which protects al-Qaeda.
We shouldn't have a program where we just say that we're going to take care of the world's refugees. Nobody in the Middle East is doing anything. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait - all the Gulf nations are doing nothing.
I didn't know the term 'synesthesia' until I was working on 'Cruel Summer.' Halfway into writing that, I really understood that, my entire life, I had been trying to describe this condition of mine: through painting, through this seven-screen Surround Vision film we shot in Qatar, through all these things.
The European leagues and teams are more competitive, very technical. It was good to work in Qatar - a good experience for me for the future. In the U.S.A., the teams and the players are improving every season.
With respect to Qatar as a country that wants to grow, you can't have a World Cup in a country that doesn't have football. — © Zico
With respect to Qatar as a country that wants to grow, you can't have a World Cup in a country that doesn't have football.
This is a game between players from 12 national sides, a game that if you have a friend in China, in Brazil, in half the world he wants to watch. I was thinking of this game when I signed for Chelsea.
The nation of Qatar also kicked in $1 million for Bill Clinton's birthday party, so nice. But, as WikiLeaks showed the Clinton's ripped off the people of Haiti as they were suffering and dying after the earthquake.
To be honest, there are many things said about Russia because they have been demonized for years at the behest of the USA. It is part of the greatness of a European country to develop one's own opinion and to not view everything through the US lens. We have no lesson to teach Russia if we concurrently roll out the red carpet to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China.
Of course we are coming to invest in Germany - that is certain. Most airplanes in the fleet of Qatar Airways are from Airbus.
I'm fully aware that Qatar are striving to become one of the leading sporting nations and they have big plans for football. Winning the honour of hosting the 2022 World Cup is the best possible proof of their intentions.
We're going to have to rely on the world of Islam, major Islamic nations, to take the lead in helping promote a very different view of Islam - peace and understanding, as opposed to the radicalization going on. The Saudis and UAE and Qatar and others are going to have to take a leading role in changing hearts and minds in the world of Islam.
I'm not prepared to make any comments on the World Cup in Qatar in 1922.
More trade with Qatar & emirates is good against terrorism.
When I left for Qatar, I knew, of course, that this could have an impact on my career as an international.
From the outside, Qatar and U.A.E. likely look like twins - small, oil-rich Sunni monarchies that are largely friendly to the U.S. But their philosophies on the region are very different - Qatar does not fear Islamism as does the U.A.E.
We have to review our foreign policy and stop rolling out the red carpet for countries we know to be funding fundamentalism: countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
From my playing experience in Qatar, I know that it is a country and a region which will host a spectacular and passionate World Cup in 2022.
We have no lesson to teach Russia if we concurrently roll out the red carpet to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China.
You land at LaGuardia, you land at Kennedy, you land at LAX, you land at Newark, and you come in from Dubai and Qatar and you see these incredible - you come in from China, you see these incredible airports, and you land - we've become a third world country.
I chose China because I needed something new. Other clubs in Europe and Qatar were also a possibility, but the adventure at Guangzhou was the most interesting.
Torture is and must remain illegal. Warrantless wiretapping is also illegal, as was the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to Qatar without proper notice.
The Islamic culture is a question mark for many people across the world, but Qatar opens its doors to supporters all over the world so they can learn from this old culture.
People in Nigeria weren't happy that I went to Qatar. They said 'why did you go there of all places?' They missed watching me on television but sometimes you have to think about yourself and your future as well.
My first venture to Qatar was with WWE. It was an incredible tour and we stayed at a luxurious hotel. I ventured out by myself and wandered down to a shopping center and there was beautiful architecture everywhere.
We believe... that by encouraging critical thinking and processing of knowledge we are creating full, well-rounded human beings... that will enable Qatar to build up its society. You cannot build a healthy society without giving your citizens a sense of ownership. Otherwise, they will not share with you the responsibilities.
I remember when I was in the Middle East, Yasser Arafat used to go to Bahrain and Qatar on a Thursday and then go to Saudi Arabia and get his financial help on a Saturday.
As it is, Al Jazeera is mostly funded by grants from the emir of Qatar-Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, whose family has ruled the country since the mid-1800s. — © Michael Paterniti
As it is, Al Jazeera is mostly funded by grants from the emir of Qatar-Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, whose family has ruled the country since the mid-1800s.
Whether I'm trying to figure out what the U.S. military is doing in Latin America or Africa, Afghanistan or Qatar, the response is remarkably uniform - obstruction and obfuscation, hurdles and hindrances. In short, the good old-fashioned military runaround.
Qatar has funded and helped arm ISIS. They also, as we all know, fund Hamas. That's got to stop. And we've got to use our pressure against that country to knock that stuff off.
Qatar-based 'Al-Jazeera,' the most important news channel in the Arab world, was harshly criticized by high U.S. officials for having 'emphasized civilian casualties' during the destruction of Falluja. The problem of independent media was later resolved when the channel was kicked out of Iraq in preparation for free elections.
I am very hopeful that my personal success in Qatar will ignite others, especially those in the so-called non-traditional sports, to try even harder because now they can see for themselves that significant achievements can be attained. But let me stress that it takes a lot of work - in fact, very hard work - mixed with very heavy doses of patience.
What Qatar chose is a system where a worker is owned by his employer. When your employer forces you to live in squalor, makes you work longest hours in extreme heat, doesn't allow you to change jobs, doesn't pay your wages on time, abuses you physically and psychologically, you have no way out, you can't leave. You are trapped.
Qatar is a country which likes football a lot.
I went to Kuwait, Baghdad, you know all through Iraq. I went to Qatar, Afghanistan.
Email says that no, it is the governments of Saudi and Qatar that have been funding ISIS.
Al Gore had no problem taking hundreds of millions of dollars from the government of Qatar to sell his Current TV to Al Jazeera America.
I felt like a prisoner. In Qatar, you need a sponsor to get a work permit and you cannot leave the country unless you have an exit permit from your sponsor.
The life was good in Qatar but I did not enjoy the football. For me, 12 months was enough. The standard was low, but not that low. It was OK but the ambition was not there from the players. It was like playing for nothing. I didn't like that feeling.
I was close to joining Seattle Sounders when I left Schalke in 2012, but we decided to go to Qatar first.
I think that if you believe in regime change, you're mistaken. In 2013, we put 600 tons of weapons - us, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar - into the war against [Bashar] Assad. By pushing Assad back, we did create a safe space.
It is a great pleasure for me to take on this important role as bid ambassador for the Qatar 2022 Bid, which I believe represents an essential expansion of the FIFA ideals to a new part of the world.
Qatar is giving 2.8% of our GDP to research. This is something again that is a breakthrough, as nobody was even thinking of research as a tool or component for advancement in this part of the world.
Look at what the Omar of Qatar is doing, for example - the King of Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain. There are reform movements taking place, efforts to broaden the political participation of the populations of the region.
The fact is Qatar, Etihad, Emirates, Singapore, Garuda, all of the three Chinese airlines, Air New Zealand - the fact is that international aviation relies very much upon agreements between nation-states, and it is not an area in which you have free market operations.
The reality is that Qatar is an ally of the United States. There are a significant number of American troops that are stationed in Qatar. What we did for them and do for them is security for their facilities.
I got used to playing at half-empty stadiums at Al Sadd. There was no one in the stands in Qatar. — © Raul
I got used to playing at half-empty stadiums at Al Sadd. There was no one in the stands in Qatar.
The reality is the three gulf carriers - Emirates, Qatar and Etihad - are forces with which to be reckoned. Strategic investments by co-operative governments have given them large fleets and huge airports. They have created a flourishing environment while established carriers languish.
I don't believe that in a couple of months Erdogan and the United States regime, and the Western regimes in general, and of course Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are going to stop the support of the terrorists.
The list of erratic actions from Mohammed bin Salman is long: the jailing of royal family members, the detention of the Lebanese prime minister, a nonsensical feud with Qatar, the growing internal repression of political speech, and the disastrous war in Yemen.
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