Top 1200 Quiet Moments Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Quiet Moments quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
From when I was a kid, I was always very quiet within myself, I was never attention-hungry.
How rare it is to find a soul quiet enough to hear God speak.
The strongest have their moments of fatigue. — © Friedrich Nietzsche
The strongest have their moments of fatigue.
Love is the kiss in the quiet nest while the leaves are trembling, mirrored in the water.
I like my quiet time. There is a writer's sensibility in me sometimes, where I step back.
Moments. All gathering towards this one.
I'm quiet, and I don't enjoy watching horror flicks, so am I like Zeke? No way.
This moment contains all moments.
I cannot imagine any writer who would not fight for his peace and quiet.
If I tell you a secret can you keep it quiet? “Well, I can. I’m not so sure about Doll Girl.
I enjoy spending time at home or going out for a quiet meal in a restaurant.
I have moments all the time when I play.
My own hobbies are rather quiet. I like to read and do needlework, and I love animals. — © Betsy Byars
My own hobbies are rather quiet. I like to read and do needlework, and I love animals.
And don't think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It's quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.
The master action, to move forward is a form of inaction; being still and quiet.
We are not built for the mountains and the dawns and aesthetic affinities, those are for moments of inspiration, that is all. We are built for the valley, for the ordinary stuff we are in, and that is where we have to prove our mettle. Spiritual selfishness always wants repeated moments on the mount. We feel we could talk like angels and live like angels, if only we could stay on the mount. The times of exaltation are exceptional, they have their meaning in our life with God, but we must beware lest our spiritual selfishness wants to make them the only time.
A church is disaffected when it is persecuted, quiet when it is tolerated, and actively loyal when it is favored and cherished.
I'm always afraid of failing. I have to quiet that fear if I'm going to get up in the morning.
There is a strength of quiet endurance as significant of courage as the most daring feats of prowess.
You have to learn from bad moments.
I've always been quiet and kind of shy. I'm sociable, but I would probably migrate to a corner.
I seem quiet. But when I get upset, I talk too loudly. I'm sort of an alarmist.
Moments are the elements of profit
We're going to have difficult moments.
I have my romantic moments - for sure.
In the end, people don't view their life as merely the average of all its moments-which, after all, is mostly nothing much plus some sleep. For human beings, life is meaningful because it is a story. A story has a sense of a whole, and its arc is determined by the significant moments, the ones where something happens. Measurements of people's minute-by-minute levels of pleasure and pain miss this fundamental aspect of human existence. A seemingly happy life maybe empty. A seemingly difficult life may be devoted to a great cause. We have purposes larger than ourselves.
There is one thing alone that stands the brunt of life throughout its course; a quiet conscience.
I had great moments. I had not-great moments.
Kids have awkward moments.
I'm usually quite quiet in the day, a little bit anxious, I get my thoughts processed.
A little amateur painting in water colors shows the innocent and the quiet mind.
I love that quiet time when nobody's up and the animals are all happy to see me.
Is ditchwater dull? Naturalists with microscopes have told me that it teems with quiet fun.
Many homicidal lunatics are very quiet, unassuming people. Delightful fellows.
When a quiet man is moved to passion, it seems the very earth will shake.
Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body.
Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life.
I try to make my music have the quiet spaces of folk, the intimacy, and the energy of rock. — © Jane Siberry
I try to make my music have the quiet spaces of folk, the intimacy, and the energy of rock.
I was quiet in high school and relatively unpopular, so being noticed is not something that I'm used to.
When I am designing, my aim is to create tension and then gradually proceed into quiet.
Because I'm shy and a bit quiet, I think people assume I'm an elegant person.
Learn the richness of solitude & quiet. That still small voice is yearning to be heard.
Thirst of wealth no quiet knows, But near the death-bed fierce grows.
I have so many messy moments.
These are the moments for which we live.
Everybody has their black moments.
I was quiet, and I was artistic. I liked writing poetry, and that was very strange, so I was bullied a lot.
I prefer to live in the country where it's quiet. Woody Allen movies there are dubbed into Italian. — © Patricia Highsmith
I prefer to live in the country where it's quiet. Woody Allen movies there are dubbed into Italian.
I'm not the quiet sensitive little guy I was. I can't be. There's just too much after me.
I'm not a big depressive, but I have my moments.
So absolute, it is no other than happiness itself, a breathing too quiet to hear.
Sweet are the thoughts that savor of content: the quiet mind is richer than a crown.
To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.
We are plain quiet folk, and I have no use for adventures. Nasty, disturbing, and uncomfortable things.
I take my inspiration from New York, and I bring it to L.A. and use it as a quiet place to do my work.
It's dark already and I'm out here again, talking, telling the story to the quiet night.
Loveless moments are to be avoided.
Finding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important.
Simply wait, be quiet, still The world will freely offer itself to you.
We're trying to get the SEAL community back to where we think it should be - quiet professionalism.
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