Top 1200 Race Day Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Race Day quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
All my life I've been dealing with my race because of where I grew up [Detroit] and being in the rap game. I'm at a boiling point...Anybody who pulls the race card is getting it right back in their face.
There are always more questions. Science as a process is never complete. It is not a foot race, with a finish line.... People will always be waiting at a particular finish line: journalists with their cameras, impatient crowds eager to call the race, astounded to see the scientists approach, pass the mark, and keep running. It's a common misunderstanding, he said. They conclude there was no race. As long as we won't commit to knowing everything, the presumption is we know nothing.
People want to see the car crash instead of the race. But, when you're the one in the car that's crashing, it's not much fun. I'm enjoying the race. — © Nikki Sixx
People want to see the car crash instead of the race. But, when you're the one in the car that's crashing, it's not much fun. I'm enjoying the race.
I feel like what I have learned in my career in racing is that anytime you are happy off the race track it tends to show up on the race track.
As a race car driver, driving is the easy part. The hard part is containing the emotions on the race track.
I struggled to stay on the pace there in the back half. But, at the end of the day I wanted to win this race. The Millrose is a prestigious event and it's definitely something I wanted to do in my career.
Whatever glory belongs to the race for a development unprecedented in history for the given length of time, a full share belongs to the womanhood of the race.
Every race is different. If you come down the home straight neck and neck, the crowd cheering for you can decide the race.
There is only one race, the human race.
When runners win a big race these days, they get a car. When I won a big race, I got a ride.
The civility of no race can be perfect whilst another race is degraded. It is a doctrine alike of the oldest and of the newest philosophy, that man is one, and that you cannot injure any member, without a sympathetic injury to all the members
I wanted to separate color from race. Distinguishing color - light, black, in-between - as the marker for race is really an error.
The world is my country, the human race is my race. The spirit of man is my god, the future of man is my heaven.
I am the entire human race compacted together. I have found that there is no ingredient of the race which I do not possess in either a small way or a large way.
Michael Roberts is a great rider and a great tactician; he was always using his brain in a race. His determination to become champion jockey was unswerving. He worked night and day, day and night to do it. You must have tunnel vision to become champion jockey: you must almost block everything else out, and he did that perfectly.
I want to be representative of my race-the human race. I have a chance to show how kind we can be, how intelligent and generous we can be. — © Maya Angelou
I want to be representative of my race-the human race. I have a chance to show how kind we can be, how intelligent and generous we can be.
Race, what is that? Race is a competition, somebody winning and somebody losing. Blood doesn't run in races! Come on!
It might sound stupid, but I don't enter a race to win - I enter a race because I love racing.
One of the big mistakes they made in Europe is that the circumstances in which you most frequently read or hear the word "race" or "racism" in Europe applies to Muslims. Which is not a race. It is a religion. You can convert to this. You cannot convert your race. I could become a Muslim. I could not become a Chinese person or a black person. So they constantly use that in Europe.
In running, I can internalize that intensity. I can handle it because it's me and I'm coming back in the next race. I'm always ready for the next race.
The race is long. It is better to drive within oneself and finish the race behind the other than it is to drive too hard and crash.
I listen to music before every race. Generally, there will be a song I'll get into over the weekend, and I play it all weekend, particularly when I'm getting ready for a race.
I wanted to run my race. I didn't want to sit there and play games and see who could kick the hardest. I wanted it to be a race.
I'd rather run a gutsy race, pushing all the way and lose, than run a conservative race only for a win.
But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.
You know, if it's a three-way race, the public has more choice than if it's a two-way race, and has more choice in a two-way race than a one-way race.
The Daytona 500 is a career-winning race. It defines careers for drivers, crew members, crew chiefs and race teams. It has that power.
A white woman has only one handicap to overcome - that of sex. I have two - both sex and race. ... Colored men have only one - that of race. Colored women are the only group in this country who have two heavy handicaps to overcome, that of race as well as that of sex.
Struggle and survival, losing and winning, doesn't matter. It's entering the race that counts. You enter, you can win, you can lose .... but it's all about entering the race.
Mankind are creatures of books, as well as of other circumstances; and such they eternally remain,--proofs, that the race is a noble and believing race, and capable of whatever books can stimulate.
Unfortunately, in the race to the most douchebaggery, Silicon Valley is fast in gaining on Hollywood. That race is neck and neck.
As well as writing novels and doing short-order journalism, I am also the full-time carer of my husband, who has Alzheimer's. Each day feels like a race that must be run.
Race totally matters. Race totally changes your point of view. It's a different experience.
It is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race, though it is a race dedicated to many absurdities and one which makes many terrible mistakes.
Sherry...a silly, sickly compound, the use of which will transform a nation, however bold and warlike by nature, into a race of sketchers, scribblers, and punsters, in fact into what Englishmen are at the present day.
It was my 44th win [in Monaco]; 44 is my race number; and it's been my number since I was 8. And it's my family's number as well. So it was a special day, for sure.
Race to race, the Republicans are putting up candidates that are quite far out of the mainstream in terms of should we have passed the Civil Rights Act or does Social Security need to exist.
When I was about 14 or 15, and running in a pretty muddy cross country race, one of my shoes stuck in the mud and came off. Boy, was I wild. To think that I had trained hard for this race and didn't do up my shoelace tightly enough! I really got aggressive with myself, and I found myself starting to pass a lot of runners. As it turned out, I improved something like twenty places in that one race. But I never did get my shoe back.
One day or another every athlete feels like taking it easy. He stops trying to exceed his limits, and thinks he can keep winning because of his lucky star, or the bad luck of his opponents. You must overcome this negative instinct, which affects all of us, and which is the only difference between the person who wins a race, and those who lose. This is the battle you have to fight every day of your life.
The individual man tries to escape the race. And as soon as he ceases to represent the race, he represents man. — © Andre Gide
The individual man tries to escape the race. And as soon as he ceases to represent the race, he represents man.
There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education. In a democracy such as ours, we must make sure that education wins the race.
The race doesn't always belong to the swift nor the battle to the strong. It belongs rather to those who run the race, who stay the course and who fight the good fight.
I always work the same way, starting from the beginning of the weekend, so I know at the beginning of the race, from all that I have analysed during the practice, whether I will win the race or not.
America should be ashamed to say they have the best justice system in the world when, every day, race plays a part in who goes to prison, who don't go to prison.
We're all so busy. We race and race. Life is a sprint. We want to get 'there' so badly. But I wonder if we even know what to do when we actually get 'there'.
To make your life a work of art, you must have the material to work with. The race, any race, is just such an experience.
If you write about race in 1850, you end up talking about race today because in many ways, so little has changed.
The great disadvantage of being in a rat race is that it is humiliating. The competitors in a rat race are by definition rodents.
I don't really know how many films I've done, and I don't look at this as a race that I necessarily want to win. Nor is it a race that I want to stop running.
My friend is a former race car driver, so he races for Mercedes, and I root for him. I have a car that I love to race, I'll take it to the track.
I am not opposed to the white race as charged by my enemies. I have no time to hate any one. All my time is devoted to the up-building and development of the Negro Race. — © Marcus Garvey
I am not opposed to the white race as charged by my enemies. I have no time to hate any one. All my time is devoted to the up-building and development of the Negro Race.
Aborigines are not just the oldest race in Australia; they are the oldest race on the planet. They look like dinosaurs.
I am in a mixed race marriage myself, and I have a mixed race son....The racial perception interest is probably always going to be there to some extent.
My first competition outside Kenya was at the 2002 world cross country championships in Dublin, Ireland. I finished fifth in the junior race that day but the thing I remember the most was that it was very cold.
God gave you your own race to run, stop comparing yourself to other people. They have their race and you have yours. Run hard and don't quit.
Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico's great federalist and apologist, has coined a wonderful term, la raza cósmica, "the cosmic race," a new people having not one race but many in their blood.
I think that unlearning race for black people is more along the lines of seriously saying blackness isn't real, race isn't real.
I represent the mixed race community, which I think gets left out a lot. I always describe myself as being mixed race.
I have no formula for winning the race. Everyone runs in her own way, or his own way. And where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within. Jesus said, 'Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. If with all your hearts, you truly seek me, you shall ever surely find me.' If you commit yourself to the love of Christ, then that is how you run a straight race.
I guess the subject of race is so natural to me I never think of it as hefty. It's something I talk about and joke about and discuss with my loved ones every day of my life.
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