Top 1200 Radical Ideas Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Radical Ideas quotes.
Last updated on October 13, 2024.
There is a radicalism in all getting, and a conservatism in all keeping. Lovemaking is radical, while marriage is conservative.
I've been politically radical my whole life, so when the left attacks, that hurts more.
Oil companies are radical because they're willing to alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere. — © Bill McKibben
Oil companies are radical because they're willing to alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
Radical historians now the tell the story of Thanksgiving from the point of view of the turkey.
I like to think of myself as a pure rebel; A radical thinker on a musical level.
We must fight to carry out his radical and bold vision for America.
The radical defect in Christianity is that it tried to win the world by a bribe, and it has become a nullity.
The worst nightmare in the world is a radical Islamic regime with a weapon of mass destruction.
A great idea is usually original to more than one discoverer. Great ideas come when the world needs them. Great ideas surround the world's ignorance and press for admission.
A great idea is usually original to more than one discoverer. Great ideas come when the world needs them. Great ideas surround the world's ignorance and press for admission.
I do not believe in populism. I am not a supporter of radical decisions. Practice has shown that usually these are harmful.
Bigotry is ever the child of ignorance, and the cultivation of the understanding is the only radical cure for it.
Some scientists find, or so it seems, that they get their best ideas when smoking; others by drinking coffee or whisky. Thus there is no reason why I should not admit that some may get their ideas by observing, or by repeating observations.
But once we recognize that many ideas that are taken to be quintessentially Western have also flourished in other civilizations, we also see that these ideas are not as culture-specific as is sometimes claimed. We need not begin with pessimism, at least on this ground, about the prospects of reasoned humanism in the world.
Innate ideas are in every man, born with him; they are truly himself. The man who says that we have no innate ideas must be a fool and knave, having no conscience or innate science.
The thirteenth rule of radical tactics: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. — © Saul Alinsky
The thirteenth rule of radical tactics: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
When things [writing] are over, I always think, 'well, I'm never going to do anything again because I have no ideas so I'm going to go be a farmer'. Or else ideas will come and and if not then I become a farmer. Hopefully won't happen.
In all seriousness, people think that it's the ideas that are important. Well, everyone has ideas, all the time. I tend to write mine down and remember them, but at some point you have to apply the bum to the seat and knock out about sixty five thousand words - that's how long a novel is.
In politics, religion and other areas of culture, people disagree on the worth of competing ideas. There is no equivalent to the scientific method that can determine in a robust way which ideas match the real world, and which ones can be ruled out. So conflicting ideologies persist indefinitely.
The biggest misconception is that sometimes activists have to be loud and are radical to get their message across.
We need radical curiosity and reverent pranks, voracious listening and ferocious thanks.
No one in this world, so far as I know--and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me--has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has any one ever lost public office thereby. The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is folly. They dislike ideas, for ideas make them uncomfortable.
The Six Faces of the future are: Fast, Urban, Tribal, Universal, Radical and Ethical.
As I have said so often before, the long memory is the most radical idea in America...
One of the things I've been working on for the past few months is a radical simplification of the interface.
To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair inevitable.
I am much more radical in my beliefs than my products represent me to be.
Our enemies are a radical network of terrorists - and every government that supports them.
The problem is that it takes physicians so long to accept a radical change. And the lag is unacceptable.
The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens.
No influence so quickly converts a radical into a reactionary as does his election to power.
I'm not a criminal or a radical. I'm not 'dangerous.' I'm a human being with opinions and beliefs that I have a right to express.
Districts are really different across the country, but the more that people on the progressive Left show power at the ballot box - and reclassify some of the ideas that we've called 'progressive,' but that are really mainstream ideas, like college for all - the better.
A radical and transformative thought goes nowhere without the willingness to challenge convention.
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad.
During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of rhinoceros horn would increase potency. Then a method was discovered for separating the ideas - which was to try one to see if it worked, and if it didn't work, to eliminate it. This method became organized, of course, into science.
I grew up in a culturally radical home, where strong emotions were forbidden.
To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing. — © Raymond Williams
To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing.
I keep a composition book with me at all times to write rhymes, to write down ideas, write down my thoughts, you know just so I don't forget any ideas.
I don't think it's an incredibly radical premise to try and have sympathy for someone who has made a mistake.
No ideas are harmed in the making of my books, by the way. All I do with my best ideas is run with them, fast as I can, taking notes and occasionally suggesting a left hand turn rather than the right hand one which might have taken us both over a precipice.
... though a dealer in meat, groceries, and other food stuffs may obtain compensation if his wares are wilfully misrepresented to the buying public, the purveyor of thoughts or ideas has no remedy when such thoughts or ideas are deliberately and purposefully falsified to the world through the press.
Often culture gets stuck in static, traditional narratives. Contemporary ideas give culture elasticity, flexibility, which is always a breath of fresh air. But these ideas shouldn't only be for people who can afford to go to a museum or a symposium in the "better part of town."
The age of mass politics is one that demands radical solutions rather than tinkering.
The radical intelligence in the moderate position is the only place where the center holds. Or so it seems.
The West needs leaders with the courage and the will to fight the scourge of radical Islam.
One of the most radical things you can do, is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences.
A Name Is A Label, And As Soon As There Is A Label, The Ideas Disappear And Out Comes Label-Worship And Label-Bashing, And Instead Of Living By A Theme Of Ideas, People Begin Dying For Labels... And The Last Thing The World Needs Is Another Religion.
We need a safe place, a reserve of truth, a place where words kindle ideas and set ideas sparking off in others, a word sanctuary. Poetry is this gathering place of words.
There is no one so radical as a man-servant whose freedom of the champagne bin has been interfered with.
My flag is always flying. My shingle is always out. I'm always looking for movie ideas. The hardest part of this whole movie-making endeavor is finding ideas. That's the real goal.
Mathematicians may flatter themselves that they possess new ideas which mere human language is as yet unable to express. Let them make the effort to express these ideas in appropriate words without the aid of symbols, and if they succeed they will not only lay us laymen under a lasting obligation, but, we venture to say, they will find themselves very much enlightened during the process, and will even be doubtful whether the ideas as expressed in symbols had ever quite found their way out of the equations into their minds.
Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything. — © Dixie Lee Ray
Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything.
Prayer for revival will prevail when it is accompanied by radical amendment of life; not before.
Music and art is about ideas, I think. Especially music. You have the freedom to work with your ideas and your dreams and your fantasies, which is quite hard to do in many other places.
The big, radical thing that I'm trying to do is to portray Latinas as complex human beings.
The minute what you think of as radical becomes an institutionalised, funded operation, you're in some trouble.
Men are not worried by things, but by their ideas about things. When we meet with difficulties, become anxious or troubled, let us not blame others, but rather ourselves. That is: our ideas about things.
Because the world is radically new, the ideal encyclopedia should be radical, too.
Costumes, fashion, it's all an expression of self, and the more you push the boundaries - the more that people work at creating alternative ideas - the more it changes people's ideas of beauty.
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