Top 1200 Rain Drop Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Rain Drop quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
Tell a woman it's going to rain, and she'll get out the umbrellas. Well, in the matter of money, there's always the chance of rain ahead.
It is good that life never fulfils your dreams - it always goes on disposing, in a way. It gives you a thousand and one opportunities to be frustrated so that you can understand that expectations are not good and dreams are futile and desires are never fulfilled. Then you drop desiring, you drop dreaming, you drop proposing. Suddenly you are back home and the treasure is there.
The Brahmins say that in their books there are many predictions of times in which it will rain. But press those books as strongly as you can, you can not get out of them a drop of water. So you can not get out of all the books that contain the best precepts the smallest good deed.
I opened my eyes And looked up at the rain, And it dripped in my head And flowed into my brain, And all that I hear as I lie in my bed Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head. I step very softly, I walk very slow, I can't do a handstand-- I might overflow, So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said-- I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
Usually, writing lyrics for me is like bleeding drop by drop from the forehead. — © Matt Berninger
Usually, writing lyrics for me is like bleeding drop by drop from the forehead.
The rain drags Black Sun down, but the rain dried by White Moon.
All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds. Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference!!!
If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.
She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain.
We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.
Writing a journal means that facing your ocean you are afraid to swim across it, so you attempt to drink it drop by drop.
The rain is falling all around, It falls on field and tree, It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea. - Rain
Rain, rain, and sun! A rainbow in the sky!
Let me say this before rain becomes a utility that they can plan and distribute for money. By "they" I mean the people who cannot understand that rain is a festival, who do not appreciate its gratuity, who think that what has no price has no value, that what cannot be sold is not real, so that the only way to make something actual is to place it on the market. The time will come when they will sell you even your rain. At the moment it is still free, and I am in it. I celebrate its gratuity and its meaninglessness.
The next time you drop my jacket, I'll drop you! — © Vince McMahon
The next time you drop my jacket, I'll drop you!
I did my work slowly, drop by drop. I tore it out of me by pieces.
Obviously, when you drop a ball early in the game, it could be worse. You can go on to drop many more balls or stuff like that.
To be able to work for 20 years as an actor in an industry that is not so predictable, I'm grateful every day. I'll do it till I drop, I guess - or drop out.
Winter hurled more wind and rain at the city than it ever had before. Clouds dashed about in all directions emptying their thunder, hail and rain. The horizon was choked in fog.
I also love fall, when it starts to rain, or even just before the rain - that is the most inspiring thing.
But when I came, alas, to wive, With hey, ho, the wind and the rain, By swaggering could I never thrive, For the rain it raineth every day.
She smelled like England, of soft rain and sun-kissed meadows. And she felt like the best kind of heaven. He wanted to wrap himself around, bury himself within her, and stay there for all of his days. He hadn’t had a drop to drink in three years, but he was intoxicated now, bubbling with a lightness he’d never thought to feel again.
Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"... "It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine.
We cannot make it rain but we can see to it that the rain falls on prepared soil.
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night And I love the rain.
There are holes in the sky Where the rain gets in, But they're ever so small That's why rain is thin.
There are a lot of farmers and ranchers who are struggling. I get on my knees every day. If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.
we do not die of anguish, we live on. We continue to suffer. We drink the cup drop by drop.
I'm getting the training I need to progress as an actor. If something comes up and I have to drop, I'll drop.
No one likes rain but rain brings us pleasure for once pleasure's gone we learn what to treasure.
It made it feel impossible, quite honestly, because filming - you film come rain, come shine, come whatever. And it did rain a lot. And of course, that's what she must have gone through. Of course it rained; of course it was cold... But, you know, it really was quite hard to be out there in the rain.
You would like to read, but somehow the rain gets into the book, too; not literally, and yet it really does, the letters are meaningless, and all you hear is the rain. You would like to play the piano, but the rain comes to sit alongside and play an accompaniment. And then the dry weather returns, which is to say there is steam and bright light. People age quickly.
One drop of hatred in your soul will spread and discolor everything like a drop of black ink in white milk.
The water hollows out the stone, not by force but drop by drop.
Attention is like a narrow mouthed vessel; pour into it what you have to say cautiously, and, as it were, drop by drop.
No--when the rain falls you just let it fall and you grin like a madman and you dance with it, because if you can make yourself happy in the rain then you're doing pretty alright in life. (Nick, page 156)
You can't just turn your heart off like a faucet; you have to go to the source and dry it out, drop by drop.
What we didn't realize then - and one of the many things Timothy Leary was wrong about - is that when you drop out, you inevitably also drop in.
As a human being living one's life, one is more open to relief when there is rain or the expectation of rain. That readiness for hope gets manifested in my stories and that of many other Indian writers.
Writing is easy. Just sit in front of a typewriter, open up a vein and bleed it out drop by drop. — © Red Smith
Writing is easy. Just sit in front of a typewriter, open up a vein and bleed it out drop by drop.
The rain forest has Sting. Now Siberia has Jack Dee. Someone had to draw the short straw. In this case it was the rain forest.
There is winter in L.A., there is rain in L.A. But there is no rain on 'Entourage.'
I like spending time at home. In Paris, people drop by and have a bite to eat, or they drop by and watch Friends on TV. I take my dog to the office there, and I walk to work sometimes.
If the rain spoils our picnic, but saves a farmer's crop, who are we to say it shouldn't rain?
It was night, and the rain fell; and falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood.
When my master and I were walking in the rain, he would say, 'Do not walk so fast, the rain is everywhere.'
It rarely rains in Hollywood - and I love the rain. There are ups and downs to anywhere in the world, but I get frustrated without any rain.
We knew it would rain, for the poplars showed The white of their leaves, the amber grain Shrunk in the wind,-and the lightning now Is tangled in tremulous skeins of rain.
I was absolutely a non-starter at games. My report for rugby said, 'Nigel's chief contribution is his presence on the field.' I used to pray for rain and sometimes it did rain - and we played anyway.
I actually was there down in Florida when Prince did 'Purple Rain' in the rain. He was out there with the guitar goin'. It was absolutely awesome. — © Joe Mauer
I actually was there down in Florida when Prince did 'Purple Rain' in the rain. He was out there with the guitar goin'. It was absolutely awesome.
Mel: What was your name again? Rain: Rain. Mel: Oh that's nice. Kind of like bad weather.
It is no use to grumble and complain; It's just as cheap and easy to rejoice; When God sorts out the weather and sends rain - Why, rain's my choice.
Sometimes you have the feeling that some little imp is standing behind you and dictating to you, but he gives it to you slowly, drop by drop.
Don’t ever put your happiness in someone else’s hands. They’ll drop it. They’ll drop it every time.
Rain never understands why people hide under their umbrellas! Let us make a surprise to the rain by closing our umbrellas!
There are moments when I think it will never end, that it will last indefinitely. It's like the rain. Here the rain, like everything else, suggests permanence and eternity. I say to myself: it's raining today and it's going to rain tomorrow and the next day, the next week and the next century.
I am never up for rain sequences because nothing can beat the excitement and thrill of natural rain.
I want to make movies on a soundstage. They close the door and it's nighttime, daytime. If it has to rain, they make the rain. That's what I like.
Don't let young people tell you their aspirations; when they drop them they will drop you.
We'll start firing till they drop or we drop.
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