Top 1200 Raise Up Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Raise Up quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
My hope, it's not only my hope, but all of the NHL hopes to raise hockey in China because it's a good country to raise hockey.
We would do well to ask why governments seem to find it so easy to raise the money required to wreck the biosphere, and so difficult to raise the money required to save it.
Often have brief words laid men low and then raise them up. — © Sophocles
Often have brief words laid men low and then raise them up.
If you raise taxes on the rich, you don't raise much money. I mean, this is one of the things that the U.S. is doing, but it's doing it for political reasons, not for financial reasons.
You want to know the way to raise money? Put a transaction fee on Wall Street, so maybe we can curb some of the speculation and raise some money.
To salvage a society, it is necessary to aid, abet, raise and increase that state of mind. If you were to set up a perfect government out here which required the intervention of nobody, you would have destroyed the society. But by raising the individual ability of the persons in the society within the framework that they are able to view, raise their ability within the framework they are able to view, you would have achieved a marked advance for that society.
... the socialization of boys regarding masculinity is often at the expense of women. I came to realize that we don't raise boys to be men, we raise them not be women (or gay men). We teach boys that girls and women are "less than" and that leads to violence by some and silence by many. It's important for men to stand up to not only stop men's violence against women but, to teach young men a broader definition of masculinity that includes being empathetic, loving and non-violent.
It is time that conservative people of faith jointly commit to praying for our nation (daily, fervently!) and also rise up hand in hand in an effort to raise up a new generation of Franklins and Washingtons and Lincolns and Reagans.
I used to do stand-up, actually. I had a ten-minute routine I did for a thing called 'Stand Up for Labour' where we'd go around different seats and use comedy to raise money. I stopped doing this routine when I started running for mayor.
It's certainly an honor to have kids who are looking up to me, but at the same time, I'm just trying to do what I can to raise the profile of chess.
My father is the reason I am the way I am today. He's why I acted up and he's why I prayed to be the opposite of him. We made up before he died but I vowed to never raise my kids like how he raised me.
If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards
My biggest blast-off hit was "You Raise Me Up." If you ever have a wedding or a funeral, it's a good pick. — © Josh Groban
My biggest blast-off hit was "You Raise Me Up." If you ever have a wedding or a funeral, it's a good pick.
There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.
When you grow up a fatherless son, in many ways you have to raise yourself. No one tells you what looks good on you, how to carry yourself, or provides the approval. Without a father, you grow up never knowing what you didn't have. There is no intimate model of who you want to become, so it's as if you're always guessing.
Let me tell you, the heart of my tax proposal: I will not raise taxes on the American people. I will not raise taxes on middle-income Americans.
Through lack of education, we're not teaching kids to read and write. So there is the danger that you raise up a generation of morons.
When you think of dog movies, that genre, Old Yeller is sort of the benchmark and you hope that you can raise your game up to that.
Most mother-women give up whatever ghost of a unique and human self they may have when they 'marry' and raise children.
He's a better person when she's around, and isn't that what friends are for, to raise you up and keep you at your best?
We're telling small-business owners that not only are we going to raise their costs by a buck and a quarter, but we're also going to raise it with these cost-of-living adjustments. Here's what's going to happen: They're going to have to lay people off.
I've stood in rooms in urban, rural, and suburban parts of my state and asked a room of middle class voters to raise their hands if the college debt of someone in their family is affecting their financial situation. Without exception, at least three quarters of the room will raise their hand.
If, at the end of the day, we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes.
Too many people are setting up ways to raise money that are questionable.
My mama didn't raise any fools and she didn't raise any heroes.
Learn to raise capital by any means necessary. That's your primary job as an entrepreneur. You must continually raise capital from family and friends, banks, suppliers, customers and investors.
I don't think one parent can raise a child. I don't think two parents can raise a child. You really need the whole village.
You may raise enough money to tunnel a mountain, but you cannot raise money enough to hire a man who is minding his own business.
Optimistic parents raise resilient children, but pessimistic parents raise broken offspring. Wherever there is darkness, show your children the light.
For me, running is both exercise and a metaphor. Running day after day, piling up the races, bit by bit I raise the bar, and by clearing each level I elevate myself. At least that’s why I’ve put in the effort day after day: to raise my own level. I’m no great runner, by any means. I’m at an ordinary – or perhaps more like mediocre – level. But that’s not the point. The point is whether or not I improved over yesterday. In long-distance running the only opponent you have to beat is yourself, the way you used to be.
You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes.
I didn't really like 'You Raise Me Up' at the time we recorded it; now it's my favourite Westlife song.
The young women waking up to feminism now already wake up to more consciousness than my generation had. Even just simple things like equal pay - before you went, in my generation, and asked for a raise, you went through nausea and your palms sweating.
If you seek Him, God can raise you up, and replace the darkness of the ocean, with the light of His Sun.
Our mandate is simple: raise up a generation that can openly display the raw power of God
Fortune may raise up or abuse the ordinary mortal, but the sage and the soldier should have minds beyond her control.
I would trust Lennon not only to babysit my child but to raise them. Literally, that's who I would want to raise my child.
My biggest blast-off hit was 'You Raise Me Up.' If you ever have a wedding or a funeral, it's a good pick. — © Josh Groban
My biggest blast-off hit was 'You Raise Me Up.' If you ever have a wedding or a funeral, it's a good pick.
When God blesses you financially, don't raise your STANDARD OF LIVING. raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.
I try with my pictures to raise a question, to provoke a debate, so that we can discuss problems together and come up with solutions.
I grew up with heroes, people who made me aspire to raise my game, to dream bigger and I like to keep it that simple.
What do you look at while you’re making up your mind? Ours is not a reflective culture, we do no raise our eyes up to the hills. Most of the time we decide the critical things while looking at the linoleum floor of an institutional corridor, or whispering hurriedly in a waiting room with a television blatting nonsense.
Most troublesome is the legalization of 'crowd funding,' the ability of start-up companies to raise capital from small investors on the Internet.
This is the era of television and media. If you do not raise issues, then people say that the MLA does not speak in the House. You have to play an effective role in the assembly. Raise issues related to your area.
There are a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on keeping lots of conservatives terrified and ill-informed. The groups that exist to raise funds raise more funds when they endorse the crazier candidate.
But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My God shall raise me up, I trust.
Raise up your glasses against evil forces; Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses.
They screwed up 'Raise the Titanic!' so badly, I stay away from Hollywood. I won't cheat my readers with another piece of crap. — © Clive Cussler
They screwed up 'Raise the Titanic!' so badly, I stay away from Hollywood. I won't cheat my readers with another piece of crap.
To everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.
Ronald Reagan cut taxes to raise the deficit to stop liberals in future years from increasing spending. Obama will raise spending to raise the deficit to stop conservatives in future years from cutting taxes. As he funds every liberal dream - from alternative energy production to infrastructure renovation to more federal revenue sharing - he will force a massive expansion in the size of government for a decade to come.
At home, a man is entitled to raise his voice maybe once a year, if something really gets under his skin. At work, it's different. I raise my voice all the time. Not out of malice, but to get things right. It's never personal.
I never intended to become an opposition political leader. Perhaps the government wants to raise me up into one.
It's important to raise your voice in things you feel passionate about and things that you know about. Don't raise your voice just to raise your voice if you have nothing behind it and don't know what you're talking about.
Perhaps we cannot raise the winds. But each of us can put up the sail, so that when the wind comes we can catch it.
The key to success is to raise your own energy; when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill ‘em!
The function of the wing is to take what is heavy and raise it up in the region above.
Plots, true or false, are necessary things, To raise up commonwealths and ruin kings.
Freedom under law is hard work. If rulers cannot be trusted with arbitrary power, it is up to citizens to raise their voices at injustice.
Common wisdom in Texas Hold'em suggests that you should raise before the flop if you're planning to play a hand. The saying goes, 'Raise or fold,' but is that correct? Well, it's not the worst advice, but limiting yourself to one of these two options would be a mistake.
We're not trying to raise good kids. We're trying to raise kids who become great adults. That's a very different thing. We all know parents who had kids that when they turned 18 left the house and went nuts.
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