Top 1200 Raising Awareness Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Raising Awareness quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
No longer do we accept the 'sublimation model' according to which 'the function of art is to sublimate or transform experience, raising it from ordinary to extraordinary, from commonplace to unique, from low to high'.
Raising children is, in a sense, the reason the society exists in the first place. It's the most important thing that happens, and it's the culmination of all the tools and language and social structure that has evolved.
We must do our best to raise the public awareness of the past in all its richness and complexity. — © Margaret MacMillan
We must do our best to raise the public awareness of the past in all its richness and complexity.
The liberal groups spent months raising money so they could take down anyone President Bush nominated. But they have not been able to touch judge Roberts.
I began raising chickens primarily for their eggs, but over the years, I've also grown fond of caring for them and learning about their many different breeds and varieties.
There was simply from this quite early age the awareness that the only thing I wanted was to dance.
I realize now what a great job my wife Michelle did, not only in raising our children, Melissa, Amy, Dustin, and Jenna, but in taking care of me.
I don't blame younger generations for their lack of awareness. Americans in general are not interested in history.
I don't care what color the parents are. I don't care if it's a giraffe and a fish living together. If they're raising children who believe they're honored and loved, that's all that's important.
Tis ever thus: indulgence spoils the base; Raising up pride, and lawless turbulence, Like noxious vapors from the fulsome marsh When morning shines upon it.
The limitations and parameters of a band is something I've always enjoyed: so many creative people coming together and raising the music to places we'd never get on our own.
Ironically, we are all too often educated out of rather than in to an awareness of the body.
My dad was a real fun guy, and despite his personal problems, he was a great father. It wasn't easy, but he did a good job of raising my sister Mary and I all by himself.
Usually, something that is fairly expected is already factored in. I also think that you have to think that America is raising rates because the economy is getting stronger.
Raising your hand when you're not sure you have the right answer helps you take risks with your ideas and put yourself out there. — © Rachel Simmons
Raising your hand when you're not sure you have the right answer helps you take risks with your ideas and put yourself out there.
My mum was too busy raising four of us to encourage my hopes. But I'm glad I had the upbringing I did. It made me a worrier and a thoughtful, curious person.
Raising the debt ceiling is not additional spending. It is simply saying, you, the United States of America, can continue to borrow the money you need to pay the bills you have already rung up.
Three years after starting, by physically doing everything from raising the finance to special effects, we'd finally cobbled together our low budget film.
I love Bill Belichick. He is a great coach, great man - raising men to do the right thing and win championships in this league.
The causal structure determines the rate and method of evolution, your awareness of the universe.
My children grew up with one Western parent. My husband doesn't believe in raising his voice with the kids and we don't spank. They were really raised in a half-Asian family.
Without enough nitric oxide, your arteries can stiffen, raising blood pressure and your risk of heart attack.
As an architect you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown.
The science fiction approach doesn't mean it's always about the future; it's an awareness that this is different.
The Universe contains three things that cannot be destroyed; Being, Awareness and LOVE
The awareness that we are all human beings together has become lost in war and through politics.
I would be ashamed to admit to the Indians that, where I come from, the women do not feel themselves capable of raising children until they read the instructions written in a book by a strange man.
W. E. B Dubois used the NAACP platform for two decades to discredit the character, reputation, and fund-raising efforts of capitalist and Tuskegee University founder, Booker T. Washington.
Another one of President Barack Obama's nominees is having tax issues, which proves one thing: The Democrats like raising the taxes, but they hate paying them.
Raising the minimum wage would be a positive step in reducing poverty, the humiliation of living in poverty, and dependence on public assistance.
There's no one right way to be a person, we're all just doing our best. So the same thing should apply to parenting and raising your children and the things you go through.
There are no absolutes in raising children. In any stressful situation, fathering is always a roll of the dice. The game may be messy, but I have never found one with more joys and rewards.
Conservatives should single-mindedly privilege marriage as the solution to poverty and the best path for raising successful children, and not rationalize the real of destructive cultural change.
Real life, raising kids and trying to raise them to be good people takes a lot of work. It's all about (appearing) effortless, yet there's so much effort. You do it the best you can.
My mum did really well raising me and my brother by herself. I know it was a struggle, and even from a young age, when I was boxing, it was always to make my mother proud.
When they talk about raising your taxes, I think raise the taxes on some of these countries that are taking advantage of the United States.
The Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, the raising of Lazarus, even the Old Testament miracles, all are freely used for religious propaganda, and they are very effective with an audience of unsophisticates and children
We have kept our children so busy with "useful" and "improving" activities that we are in danger of raising a generation of young people who are terrified of silence, of being alone with their own thoughts.
My writing process is a mix of research, personal experiences, washing the dishes, raising kids while thinking - then writing. — © Jean Craighead George
My writing process is a mix of research, personal experiences, washing the dishes, raising kids while thinking - then writing.
By raising tall trees for windbreaks, citrus underneath, and a green manure cover down on the surface, I have found a way to take it easy and let the orchard manage itself!
A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie and weird and odd and quirky. I'd love to do something like that. Who knows?
U.S. Internal Revenue Service: an agency modeled after the revenue raising concepts of the 19th century economist, Jesse James.
When I started InMobi, I was on the road raising funds. I faced 20 rejections. But when I got the funds, they came from best venture capitalists.
If you ask me what I want to achieve, it's to create an awareness, which is already the beginning of teaching.
Those who love and who have a sense of purity live in a very luminous band of awareness.
Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.
My wife and I are raising five children, and it's tough between two people, let alone with one that's working full-time and is stressed out and coming home to a lot of difficulties.
For several years at the University of Virginia, students had an annual tradition of raising hell around campus, burning tar barrels and shooting pistols into the air.
I believe very firmly that we can get to balanced budgets without raising taxes and without cutting transfers to the provinces or to individuals.
Every single one of us has the unique opportunity to create awareness and influence change — © Gretchen Bleiler
Every single one of us has the unique opportunity to create awareness and influence change
I don't want to be partisan here. But please, tell me how you get out of a business recession by raising business taxes and regulations?
Success is not just the crowning moment, the spiking of the ball in the end zone or the raising of the flag on the summit. It is the whole process of reaching for a goal and, sometimes, it begins with failure.
This is a truism of child-raising, of course - whatever you give special time and attention to cooking, your children will despise and reject, with annoying gagging sounds.
The most important thing is actually raising up children with a true and lasting burning sense of curiosity. I don't even know how they do it. Good parents are a marvel.
I grew up Catholic and still feel a lot of Catholic guilt. But my wife is not religious so we're not raising our daughters religiously.
The social use of Slack does drive awareness - it's a good thing for us.
The world is right because I feel good. p. 83, Awareness, copyright 1990
We have become stronger economically; we have been successfully resolving the social problems, raising the level of living - the standards of living - of the population.
My mom was essentially a single mother raising three boys. If anyone could have had any reason to give up, it was her. But she didn't, and neither did we.
Attention, must be devoted principally to raising the workers to the level of revolutionaries; it is not our task to descend to the level of the 'working masses'.
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