Top 1200 Raising Money Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Raising Money quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Money is different from all other commodities: other things being equal, more shoes, or more discoveries of oil or copper benefit society, since they help alleviate natural scarcity. But once a commodity is established as a money on the market, no more money at all is needed. Since the only use of money is for exchange and reckoning, more dollars or pounds or marks in circulation cannot confer a social benefit: they will simply dilute the exchange value of every existing dollar or pound or mark.
I'm constantly trying to educate myself with new material on raising children as opposed to the rule book from 20 years ago.
I think a man and a woman, on a whole array of issues, including raising children, have differences, and then you work them through. — © Teresa Heinz
I think a man and a woman, on a whole array of issues, including raising children, have differences, and then you work them through.
I always love novels that open up a subject to me - like raising a window to a beautiful, mysterious world outside.
The post office is raising the price of stamps again. I heard that and said to myself, 'If only there was an inexpensive electronic way of communicating.'
Michael Bisping versus Georges St-Pierre is a money fight, and the UFC loves money fights.
The difference is that the money I make from Reebok is per fight, meaning I have to fight to get that money. If I don't fight, there is no money. It's not based on me being a good spokesman or one of the faces of their company. It's a per fight thing. It's a very different thing. It's more like a fight bonus than a sponsorship.
In another couple of generations, we're really gonna see the effect of this single-parent raising. And I think that's the problem. That's the disconnect. That's the miscommunication.
I write for people who are good money managers and want to know how to be even better stewards over their money.
We have to change our culture so you can create wealth from making things and don't just try to make money out of money.
The data says that with the poor, a little money can buy a lot of happiness. If you're rich, a lot of money can buy you a little more happiness. But in both cases, money does it.
Another strange notion pervading whole peoples is that the State has money of its own; and nowhere is this absurdity more firmly fixed than in America. The State has no money. It produces nothing. It existence is purely parasitic, maintained by taxation; that is to say, by forced levies on the production of others. 'Government money,' of which one hears so much nowadays, does not exist; there is no such thing.
I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life... it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. — © Walt Disney
I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life... it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.
I was introduced to money as a teenager, my friends had nice things. It came naturally to me to try and make money.
One of the things we have to understand is that federal transportation dollars require a local match. If that money isn't there, that money goes to another state.
East Asia confirms the superior capacity of industrial capitalism in raising the material standard of living of large masses of people.
People say that the most expensive piece of medical equipment is the doctor's pen. It's not that we make all the money. It's that we order all the money.
Gold is the most useless thing in the world. I am not interested in money but in the things of which money is merely a symbol.
I'm going to win so much money this year, my caddie will make the top twenty money winner's list.
Character, not passion keeps marriages together long enough to do their work of raising children into mature, responsible, productive citizens.
The difference between a little money and no money at all is enormous-and can shatter the world. And the difference between a little money and an enormous amount of money is very slight-and that, also, can shatter the world.
The first and most imperative necessity in war is money, for money means everything else - men, guns, ammunition.
Money definitely doesn't stress me out. I really don't care about money... I probably should a little more.
Sovereign wealth fund money should be welcomed. The only way not to welcome that money is when it's politically driven.
There's is not enough money in Hollywood to lure me into making another picture with Joan Crawford. And I like money.
It is your tax which pays for public spending. The government have no money of their own. There is only taxpayers' money.
I'm a bit tight with money, but so what? I look at the money I'm about to spend on myself and ask myself if IKEA's customers can afford it... I could regularly travel first class, but having money in abundance doesn't seem like a good reason to waste it.. If there is such a thing as good leadership, it is to give a good example. I have to do so for all the IKEA employees.
I've lost touch with a lot of that boutique-type music just because of my age, and raising my son and the multiple jobs I have at this point.
An attempt to gain a value by deceiving the mind of others is an act of raising your victims to a position higher than reality.
Money is the most important thing in the world, you know. Money can buy you happiness, and I don't care what anyone else thinks.
As a mom raising two kids on my own, my life requires a certain kind of constant juggling that is hard to keep on track.
We got CEOs making 200 times the worker's pay, but they'll fight like hell against raising the minimum wage.
No matter how much money you have, it's just smart to use coupons. It's like free money in your pocket.
Why dictator Musharraf, raising the slogan of 'Pakistan First,' did not think about construction of Dasu and Basha dams?
I take a very practical view of raising children. I put a sign in each of their rooms: 'Checkout Time is 18 years.'
When I started playing on the beach there was nothing, no prize money at all. I didn't expect there to be any, and I didn't even dream there would ever be money.
These guys [liberals] will never tire of spending our money and will never hold themselves accountable for their boondoggles. For them the failure of $5 trillion to eradicate poverty simply means that we haven't spent enough money. Ditto with education. The solution is always more money. No amount of empirical evidence will shake their socialist theology.
The first step in taking control of your money is to stop borrowing money. Start using cash today. — © Dave Ramsey
The first step in taking control of your money is to stop borrowing money. Start using cash today.
I'm going to win so much money this year, my caddie will make the top twenty money-winners list.
I didn't choose this career for money. When I started training, I did it because I liked it, and I never had money for anything in my life.
People think that being rich is all about having money. But the times I've had the most money is when I've been unhappiest.
When you are around people who have money, you realise money isn't that impressive, it's about your class, morals and how you conduct yourself.
I was lucky to learn early in life that you need money for food and shelter, but there's no ambition in having money in the bank for the sake of it!
A girl should set her sights on a man who has money; or if not, who can expect to come into money; or if not, who has moneyed connections.
I would love it if my films made a lot of money, and may I say that 'The Yards' is the only one that's lost money.
It's difficult when you have to turn down a tremendous amount of money because you don't like what the script is saying and you don't have any money.
Raising or caring for children requires sacrifice and service, which, I believe, heals us from the destructive forces of self-centeredness.
Money is a good thing and it's obviously useful, but to work only for money or fame would never interest me. — © Annie Lennox
Money is a good thing and it's obviously useful, but to work only for money or fame would never interest me.
If you're bourgeois, money is it. It's all the questions and all the answers. Ain't no E-flat or color blue, only $12.98 or $1,000. If it isn't money, it isn't nothing.
Regardless of how much media coverage will be received, talking and raising awareness about social injustice isn't enough.
In our family, where we began with no money, we like to say that we have discovered that God invented money so those who have it can help others.
Every decision that you make you have to be incredible congruent. It doesn't mean that you have to starve. If you need money, you do something that gives you money, that's normal.
People get together and they donate to organizations so that a pile of money can be used to create a message that can be broadcast en masse as part of the a political campaign. They are the lifeblood of Hillary Clinton campaign, the banks and all these big time rich people from Hollywood and Silicon Valley are the mother's milk of her campaign. They are the money. She just doesn't want Donald Trump to have it or any other Republican to have it or any average citizen to be able to bundle his money with other people's money and create an ad or a campaign.
Look forward to the wonderment of growing up, raising a family and driving by the gas station where the popular kids now work.
I am really good at saving my money... I want, like, 100 kids, so I'm going to have to save a lot of money for that.
I'll tell ya, my wife and I, we don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless, and I donate money to the topless!
How should we begin to make amends for raising a generation obsessed with the pursuit of material wealth and indifferent to so much else?
I made money in my 20s, became sober in my 30s, looked around, and didn't know who I could trust for money advice.
I'd also say having Jack's son Chris living with us from his 13th year on helped in raising Rick.
Money is to be respected one of the worst things you can do is handle another person's money without respect for how hard it was to earn.
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