Top 1200 Real Street Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Real Street quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
To make real change, you have to be well anchored - not only in the belief that it can be done, but also in some pretty real ways about who you are and what you can do.
I'm able to express myself better now. I have come to accept the real me. I have come to love the real me. I now celebrate the real me.
Everything's a lot tougher when it's for real. That's when you choke. When it's for real. — © Stephen King
Everything's a lot tougher when it's for real. That's when you choke. When it's for real.
I kinda came into my manhood, or what I thought was my adulthood, early. I had to show up, and I had to make sure I had gas money, food money, rent money, clothes money - everything was on me, startin' at that age, so that's what led me to start hustlin', that's what led me to start to try to find ways to fend for myself. And once I did that, I was full-time, bein' in the street, and, bein' in the street, it's cold. It's the way the streets operate, and you have to adapt to that.
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
If I can't find real situations that interest me in real life, then I'll go and write them in play form.
Twice in her life she had mistaken something else for it; it was like seeing somebody in the street who you think is a friend, you whistle and wave and run after him, and it is not only not the friend, but not even very like him. A few minutes later the real friend appears in view, and then you can't imagine how you ever mistook that other person for him. Linda was now looking upon the authentic face of love, and she knew it, but it frightened her. That it should come so casually, so much by a series of accidents, was frightening.
I couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what I wanted to be real.
You have an audience that is fairly well grounded in the real world. You serve them and yourself best by making everything as real as possible.
As a player, you'd rather be up against Barcelona, Real Madrid, or Bayern. Big clubs. Great atmosphere. Real excitement.
Beneath the 30 pounds of makeup and corsets and gowns are real beating hearts of real people and they usually come from a place of pain.
If a person perceives a situation as real, it is real in its consequences.
It is the power of God that keeps us rolling on. It's real good. When you know it to be real and true, that's when you have to share it with whoever will listen. — © Sonny Sandoval
It is the power of God that keeps us rolling on. It's real good. When you know it to be real and true, that's when you have to share it with whoever will listen.
I've done a lot of movies based on real people, real situations, non-fiction books, magazine articles, life rights.
For me, luxury isn't just the real thing. It's also fake. Swarovski crystals or real diamonds? It's a game. You have to be luxurious nude.
The one in the movie is not real, but my Casper tattoo is real, and it is my only one.
Vice President Biden is the real deal. He'll give it to you straight. He communicates in a way that I think connects with people at a real level.
Real misanthropes are not found in solitude, but in the world; since it is experience of life, and not philosophy, which produces real hatred of mankind.
I have the disadvantage of not being sociable. Wall Street men are fond of company and sport. A man makes one hundred thousand dollars there and immediately buys a yacht, begins to race fast horses, and becomes a sport generally. My tastes lie in a different direction. When business hours are over I go home and spend the remainder of the day with my wife, my children, and books of my library. Every man has natural inclinations of his own. Mine are domestic. They are not calculated to make me particularly popular in Wall Street, and I cannot help that.
Abstraction is real, probably more real than nature.
I think some people feel that if you question the reality of race, you're questioning racism; you're saying racism isn't real. Racism is real because people actually believe race is real. We'd have to really let go of the 500-year-old idea of race as a worldview in order to undo racism.
What makes 'Maybach Music V' so special was, of course, I put the album out celebrating my daughter's birthday as well, and DeJ Loaf is her favorite artist. So 'Maybach Music V,' I wanted a real airy type of feel. Just a real slow vibe to it that's also going to surprise my daughter. So that's real special.
Who is to say what is real and what is not?'Real' is a distinction of a naïve mind.
Writing is a real activity conducted in real time.
Honestly, I always believed in myself. For real, for real.
Twitter fascinates me because it's real. It feels kind of unreal, but it makes very real things happen.
I'm writing about real things. Real people. Real characters. You have to believe what I write about is true or you wouldn't pay any attention at all. Sometimes it's me, or a composite of me and other people. Sometimes it's not me at all.
If this is a real work for God it is a real conflict with Satan.
I think there's more real in the unreal than there is in the real.
Managing the other fellow's business is a fascinating game. Trade unionists all over the country have pronounced ideas for the reform of Wall Street banks; and Wall Street bankers are not far behind in giving plans for the tremendous improvement of trade union policies. Wholesalers have schemes for improving the retailer; the retailer knows just what is wrong in the conduct of wholesale business-and we might go through a long list.... Yet for some reason the classes that ought to be helped keep on stubbornly clinging to their own method of running their affairs.
The Real You isn't damaged goods. The Real You is the light of the universe.
There's the caveman in us. The caveman in you says, "I want direct contact. I don't want a picture." The caveman in our body says once in a while, we have to go outside. We have to meet real people, talk to real people, and do real things.
I'm a huge fan of Richard Curtis - there's real grief, real compassion in his films as well as cheekiness; it's a wonderful cocktail.
Die Hard With A Vengeance shooting was a great time, because we had an interesting script. The first script was called Simon Says, and something was going on, because some days we'd get to work, but we wouldn't actually have dialogue. We would go to Bruce's Willis trailer, and they'd say, "Okay, you have to go from 168th Street to 97th Street today. We're going to do it in the cab, and Sam, you say this. Bruce, what do you want to say?" And that's how Bruce's "hey, Zeus!" thing came up.
A lot of times when you keep it real with somebody, you can't expect them to keep it real with you. In this industry people just want to be famous and they forget how to keep it real and they forget to give credit to the people who helped them get to where they at.
My only crash - I'm a safe driver, though I have scraped a couple of cars parking them - but my only real big crash was on the M11. It was a section with no street lamps, and it was really late at night so it was really dark. I was driving along in the middle lane doing 70mph, not going fast, and then suddenly in the lane in front of me there was this Ford Ka on its roof. I had no chance. I managed to avoid hitting it, but I span the car and hit the barriers. It was a write-off, but fortunately the person who'd been in the Ka was OK and I was fine, which is what matters.
Fights in real life between real people only last so long before someone gets seriously hurt.
I'm someone who loves to enjoy life and tries to focus on real things and real friendships. That's why I live very simply. — © Cameron Diaz
I'm someone who loves to enjoy life and tries to focus on real things and real friendships. That's why I live very simply.
As a writer of fiction, I spend my days inventing real lives for make-believe people; what I create can only seem real.
I never did like working out - it bears the same relationship to real sport as masturbation does to real sex
The poet, as a rule, is a half-man - a sissy, not a real person, and he is in no shape to lead real men in matters of blood, or courage.
My heart is hurting so bad no one can make me believe this is real Father God I pray that you send clarity over this cause I just don't understand My heart hurts it's broken no one can convince me that this is real.... Prayer warriors please pray real hard for his only child, his daughter and family.
A Realtor is an old fashioned Real Estate man with a neck tie. A Real Estate man sold you what you wanted, a Realtor sells you what you don't need. A Real Estate man showed you what you could raise on the land, a Realtor tells you what you can build on it.
We don't have those bougie, not-into-it, wouldn't-be-caught-dead-in-the-free-t-shirt hoops fans in Portland. We've got those pinwheel-tattooed, bleeding-red-and-black, still-rocking-that-Walton-jersey, ride-or-die, realer-than-real hoops fans in Portland. The love is real. The support is real.
The poet Marianne Moore famously wrote of 'real toads in imaginary gardens,' and the labyrinth offers us the possibility of being real creatures in symbolic space...In such spaces as the labyrinth we cross over [between real and imaginary spaces]; we are really travelling, even if the destination is only symbolic.
The real past can traumatize us, but so can the real future.
I think there's part of me that's longing to play a Sherlock Holmes or sort of a House character, like a real detective. Like a real, moody detective. Like a real, sarcastic, mentally ill detective. I think it would be really fun to do something like that.
The Internet has the capacity to extend to us genuine choice, and that is not without risk. Real power does entail real responsibility. — © Nick Harkaway
The Internet has the capacity to extend to us genuine choice, and that is not without risk. Real power does entail real responsibility.
I understand that fictional men aren't real. Not 'really real'. I know this the same way I wonder if my readers are disappointed when they meet me.
It takes a real designer to design for real women.
I'm a survivor, man. I done had my ups and downs, but I've got get-back skills for real for real. I refuse to fall.
I like playing a character that admires real musicianship, and real talent and hard work. I think that's a good message for everyone.
There are few women in America that don't want to lose 5 pounds, but I refuse to let that thought dominate my life. And there are too many other real problems in the world - real obesity problems and real hunger problems - to worry that much about a few pounds that I'd like to lose.
Maybe we should shut Wall Street down for 24 hours, see how everybody who blames Wall Street for everything likes that. Maybe we should shut energy down for 24 hours, see how people like that.
The power of memories and expectations is such that for most human beings, the past and the future are not as real, but rather more real than the present.
If you offshore, if you telecommute, if you do anything to minimize your company's physical real estate, there are real consequences to its culture and cohesion.
It is better to be silent and be real than to talk and not be real.
What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things... it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface.
I like real art. It's difficult to define 'real' but it is the best word for describing what I like to get out of art and what the best art has. It has the ability to convince you that it's present - that it's there. You could say it's authentic... but real is actually a better word, broad as it may be.
In the beginning, all I wanted to do was to be a singer and a dancer. That was my real groove, my real interest. When it came to doing films, my biggest goal was to do a commercial.
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