Top 1200 Real Street Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Real Street quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
I'm investing. I'm taking a lot of bitcoin, selling it as the price goes up, and putting it into real estate. Because then if bitcoin goes to zero - which, it's an experiment, it could - I won't be on the street.
It was at a gym near Liverpool Street. I came off the street - I was just a kid - and I was just excited about getting to punch someone in the face.
I like singing in the street, so if you saw a little Indian kid walking on the street singing loudly, that was probably me. — © Sanjaya Malakar
I like singing in the street, so if you saw a little Indian kid walking on the street singing loudly, that was probably me.
As a kid, I played my share of football in the street or in a vacant lot. When we were playing in the street, it was more touch football, so we didn't hit each other into cars.
Never in my life did I think I would be walking down the street and people would shout 'Jesus!' at me in the street. It's quite amusing.
The result of this anti-classical revolution you had just before World War I was that today, almost all the economic growth in the last decade has gone to the One Percent. It's gone to Wall Street, to real estate.
I've been in many street fights. I fought street fights for my friends to protect them.
I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us.
We must not let the panicky Wall Street wheeler-dealers and the Trump-hating establishment state media talk us into a recession. We must keep the focus on the real economy, not the fake economy.
These niggaz ain't thugs, the real thugs is the government. Don't matter if you Independent, Democrat or Republican, Niggaz politickin' the street, get into beef, Start blastin' a new cat is executive chief.
When the short days of winter came, dusk fell before we had well eaten our dinners. When we met in the street the houses had grown sombre. The space of sky above us was the colour of ever-changing violet and towards it the lamps of the street lifted their feeble lanterns. The cold air stung us and we played till our bodies glowed. Our shouts echoed in the silent street.
It's time to bring tough medicine to Washington. No longer will policy be set by K Street, it will be dictated by Main Street.
Change the way we fund campaigns. Until we do, Wall Street will always be able to blackmail the Dems and GOP to giving them what Wall Street wants.
We know that trade doesn't just help Wall Street or even just Main Street; it also helps businesses on the side streets, such as Elston Avenue in my home district.
My hope is that the film Wall Street 2 will actually serve as a way for us to bridge that gap between Wall Street and Main Street. Certainly that's dealt with in the film of how it does affect everybody, so, you know, I always find that when you can create a movie or a play or a book that gives somebody a safe theoretical place to discuss what is really going on in the day it tends to forward discussion, so that would be my hope coming out of the film.
The dozens of people working on this at Digital Domain, they knew that you couldn't get away with almost photo real, because we had real real in the room. You have real real in the cut every four or five shots, so you have this constant yardstick built into the footage by virtue of there being no real robot there. So it became the standard of photo reality that the VFX team had to match.
I think what the secretary Hillary Clinton has recognized is the American people are extremely angry about the power of Wall Street, the greed, the illegal behavior of Wall Street.
It is said that “there is a self,” but “non-self” too is taught. The buddhas also teach there is nothing which is “neither self nor non-self.” Everything is real, not real; both real and not real; neither not real nor real: this is the teaching of the Buddha.
Pure entertainment is not an egotistical lady singing boring songs onstage for two hours and people in tuxes clapping whether they like it or not. It's the real performers on the street who can hold people's attention and keep them from walking away.
I stay current and draw inspiration from Fashion Week in New York as well as just by scrolling through Instagram. The runways are always a good sign of what's to come, but I also get tons of ideas from real girls on the street.
The skyscraper establishes the block, the block creates the street, the street offers itself to man. — © Roland Barthes
The skyscraper establishes the block, the block creates the street, the street offers itself to man.
I started out on photography accidentally. A policeman came to a stop at the end of my street, and a guy knifed him at the end of my street. That's how I became a photographer. I photographed the gangs that I went to school with.
If there's anyone who's against Wall Street, it's Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, who basically lives off of the funding from Wall Street.
I was a huge 'Street Fighter' fan, and I actually still am. The only game I really was good at was 'Street Fighter.'
Ultimately there is no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street. We will rise or we will fall together as one nation.
Being broke and being in the street does not mean that you're keeping it real. I think that everybody that lives in a non-wealthy neighbourhood spends their time and energy trying to do everything they can to better their living standards. I'm no different.
My music is genuine, and I'm talking about stuff that no one else - no one my age, anyway, in the game - is talking about. Nobody. I'm the only one really stating facts and speaking with real street knowledge.
In the 20th century there's was the long-running division in the Republican Party between what was known as Wall Street and Main Street Republicans. And sort of different expectations about the use of the federal government.
The mugger who is arrested is back on the street before the police officer, but the person mugged may not be back on the street for a long time, if ever.
The two reasons that Bernie Sanders gave her fits was the Iraq War and her association with Wall Street. Wall Street owns Hillary Clinton. Wall Street has bought Hillary Clinton and whatever policy considerations she can give them if she gets elected. They have bought her already. That's what all the speech income is really all about.
I was playing a part of someone dealing dope on a street corner - and there was a guy actually dealing heroin right there. I looked at him, he looked at me, and I got real confused.
I have often walked down this street before but the pavement never held my star before... all at once I'm three stories high, knowing I'm on the street where it lives.
I'll see something awful on the street and I'll come home and say to my boyfriend, "I just saw the funniest thing on the street." It's a stance. It's the way I was born, or the way I was damaged.
But I love Chicago summers on Lake Michigan, Philly cheesesteaks on South Street, falling in love in Brooklyn, street fairs in Asheville, North Carolina.
We started a new movement called street soccer, so I was already breathing and living the style. Since street soccer is not a game but a lifestyle, it required a matching wardrobe.
If you put a real leaf and a silk leaf side by side, you'll see something of the difference between Homer's poetry and anyone else's. There seem to be real leaves still alive in the 'Iliad,' real animals, real people, real light attending everything.
Street stalls, be they in Korea, Thailand or anywhere else in Asia, in a covered market or simply on a street corner with a few brightly coloured plastic stools and tables, are my favourite places in the world to eat.
I think Wall Street is very important, especially to tech companies. Wall Street will get in their rhythm and go fund tech companies, and tech companies will go create jobs and employ a lot of people, so there's that aspect of Wall Street.
Street artists need to get back to actually doing things on the streets instead of in the galleries where they all seem to be ending up. I hope this term 'street artist' falls from the face of the earth, in my honest opinion.
I rode with four street-clothes cops in the East Village. I spent six weeks riding with them every day - in street clothes, with a vest underneath. — © Jason Wiles
I rode with four street-clothes cops in the East Village. I spent six weeks riding with them every day - in street clothes, with a vest underneath.
Nobody's going to say hello to me in the street, really, because there'll be someone a bit more famous coming along the street in a minute. That typifies London, really.
I founded SkyBridge - an alternative investment management company focused on seeding and partnering with emerging managers and mentoring Wall Street's next generation of Wall Street's entrepreneurs - in 2005.
If I do a picture, I want the audience to be the people I was just packed against on the subway or on the street, walking on Fourteenth Street. I don't want it to be some narrow public that I myself feel alienated from.
I'm a street footballer and you still get street footballers from Africa, South Africa and really poor parts of Europe.
Do you have any idea how cheap stocks are? Wall Street is now being called Wall Mart Street
The issue is the Republican Party has been paying too much attention to Wall Street and not enough attention to Main Street.
'Roxbury Drive' was the street I grew up on as a little kid, and it was the street that I first listened to records on, and where I actually really first fell in love with music.
Halfway down a by-street of one of our New England towns stands a rusty wooden house, with seven acutely peaked gables, facing towards various points of the compass, and a huge, clustered chimney in the midst. The street is Pyncheon Street; the house is the old Pyncheon House; and an elm-tree, of wide circumference, rooted before the door, is familiar to every town-born child by the title of the Pyncheon Elm.
When you walk down the street and see something in a crazy spot, there's something powerful about that. The street will always be an important part of getting art out there for me.
I grew up playing in the streets. We played two-hand touch from street pole to street pole. That's how I learned the game.
I consider myself a multi-platform artist - not just a street artist - but the audience I found through street art has created many of the opportunities I now have on other platforms.
All on the street, you get treated like a street cat: "All right, you've been eatin' enough, you're fat, get out of the way now and let somebody else come by."
No good book has ever been written that has in it symbols arrived at beforehand and stuck in. ... I tried to make a real old man, a real boy, a real sea and a real fish and real sharks. But if I made them good and true enough they would mean many things
People were stopping me on the street to say, 'Oh my God, it's Crazy Eyes!' Which is kind of a funny thing to have people shout at you on the street.
I've always been a little 'preppy street.' That's how I would describe it. I'm not all the way into street wear, but I am not all the way into a suit and tie either, so I try to combine that look.
Honestly, musicals? I just can't. What if this was real life and I was just walking down the street on Rodeo Drive and all of a sudden I just burst into song about how much I love shoes?
I'm not wedded to covering the markets. I'm intrigued by the markets. If I can connect Main Street with Wall Street, then I've succeeded. — © Neil Cavuto
I'm not wedded to covering the markets. I'm intrigued by the markets. If I can connect Main Street with Wall Street, then I've succeeded.
One of the things Wall Street does not like is ambiguity. Now that the agreement is there, it begins to make the future look a little less cloudy, and that's positively received by Wall Street.
Wall Street can never be allowed to threaten main street again. No bank can be too big to fail, no executive too powerful to jail.
If you find yourself concentrating on the technology rather than the sociology, you're like the vaudeville character who loses his keys on a dark street and looks for them on the adjacent street because, as he explains, "The light is better there."
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