Top 1200 Really Romantic Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Really Romantic quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I have always been very interested in the idea of loneliness and the presumption that romantic relationships are supposed to rid you of that.
What the world stigmatizes as romantic is often more nearly allied to the truth than is commonly supposed.
I love Paris for the million reasons that everybody loves the city. It's an incredibly romantic and beautiful place. — © Alan Furst
I love Paris for the million reasons that everybody loves the city. It's an incredibly romantic and beautiful place.
My landscapes are not only beautiful or nostalgic, with a Romantic or classical suggestion of lost Paradises, but above all 'untruthful'.
Whatever you do, whether you're doing a television drama or a romantic comedy, you want to be relevant, to some degree.
It's probably hard to feel any sort of Romantic spiritual connection to nature when you have to make your living from it.
I develop my work in a time that, from my point of view, is much more #? romantic than the present day
Romantic Love is only an Illusion. A story one makes up in One's Mind about Another Person.
I think a sense of humor is a very personal thing, and I don't know if I am talented enough to do romantic comedies.
I always wanted to learn French or Italian growing up. I love the romantic sound of those languages.
The food was interesting. My background is Russian, so cheese and potatoes are my love. There was plenty of that. And fried cheese! It is really, really, really good. And really, really, really bad for you. It's like an artery on a plate
Savannah is amazing with the town squares and the hanging moss and the French Colonial houses. It's brutally romantic.
Oh God. She probably thinks we were off doing—you know—romantic type, um, things—
I don't find these technical things like flowers and chocolates romantic at all. I think Valentine's Day makes no sense. — © Alia Bhatt
I don't find these technical things like flowers and chocolates romantic at all. I think Valentine's Day makes no sense.
Building a little bonfire at night on the beach and lying on a blanket with my wife under the stars is not only sexy, it's romantic.
I may have played romantic roles, but each character has been different, with his own personality.
The connection between romantic politics and aesthetics is plain in Schiller's and Novalis's concept of the aesthetic or poetic state.
Akshay's idea of a romantic date is a six-kilometre jog, followed by 500 crunches... together! Eeeeks!
My ideas about vampires may by romantic, but your attitudes toward women need a major overhaul.
Romance doesn't have to be portrayed physically. I love being part of romantic films, but I wouldn't venture into something I'm not comfortable with.
I don't take my image seriously. I make fun of the fact that some people think I'm a romantic figure.
One of the keystones of romantic love - and also of the ecstatic religion practiced by mystics - is the powerful desire to become one with the beloved.
Switzerland is a curst, selfish, swinish country of brutes, placed in the most romantic region of the world.
That romantic notion of a band being a total democracy is just like lying to yourself in the mirror.
Vampires are handy characters, as they can do double duty as monster/villains and the classic, misunderstood romantic hero.
I don't smoke often, maybe once or twice a month, but it makes me feel sexy and romantic.
Merengue is a fast rhythm, you know, and danceable. Bachata is like a slow, romantic Caribbean bolero.
When I was in Canada I shot a romantic comedy that I'm looking forward to having people see, it's called 'The Weekend.'
Maybe I'm naively romantic, but I do believe that spice and excitement doesn't stop once a couple gets together.
Sylvia Plath. Interesting poetess whose tragic suicide was misinterpreted as romantic by the college-girl mentality.
I guess it's always romantic when two people fall in love.... Even if it turns out not to be real.
I can be a romantic. The way to every woman's heart is through her stomach. Food is at the core of everything.
Romantic Orientalism was fascinated by the color and excitement of a powerful culture, and nearly always approached its subject with love.
I was an incurable romantic then, same as I am now. I was always pining away after somebody
I've always loved the '40s romantic comedies and the idea of those mistaken identities and lovers' misunderstandings.
Amazing how being bathed in arterial blood can wash out any lingering romantic disappointments.
You know, I grew up on romantic comedies, and it's hard to find a new way to tell that story.
The food was interesting. My background is Russian, so cheese and potatoes are my love. There was plenty of that. And fried cheese! It is really, really, really good. And really, really, really bad for you. It's like an artery on a plate.
The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule. — © Anita Brookner
The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.
I really like the director [for Weeds]. I don't know if you've spoken to him yet but he's really, really intelligent. He was just really kind when I met him and nice and really told me why I should play the part...and kind of really didn't argue with him. He's just really, really smart and assembled these really great people. I felt like he really knows how to enlist his intelligence to get you - I don't know - he's really hard to argue with I find.
Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love.
I'm a street photographer, but I'm interested in any ironic, whimsical images, and there's something very romantic about a circus.
If you're looking to be loved for a part, it's great and enticing to be adorable in a romantic comedy. But then, as an actor, you get stuck.
I'm not done with love, but I refuse to settle. I am a hopeless romantic. And I won't stop till I get it right.
To become romantic artists, we must pierce the armor that hides our hearts, and the piercing is not comfortable.
If a person feels like 'They're not acknowledging me'... That's a very important feeling in life, even if it's not romantic.
I read almost no romantic fiction, in part because I barely believe in romance in the age of Tinder.
When we are in our dorms, we watch romance movies and dramas. When a romantic scene comes on, we hold on to each other and scream.
World unity is the wish of the hopeful, the goal of the idealist and the dream of the romantic. Yet it is folly to the realist and a lie to the innocent. — © Don Williams
World unity is the wish of the hopeful, the goal of the idealist and the dream of the romantic. Yet it is folly to the realist and a lie to the innocent.
I am very romantic about communism even still, but I know terrible things happened.
That's what I like about film-it can be bizarre, classic, normal, romantic. Cinema is to me the most versatile thing.
When you don't have to depend upon your creative work for money, you'll never really have to compromise... Knowing that is hugely liberating as well as artistically clarifying... Being practical about where your money comes from means you can be romantic about your writing... I believe that a healthy society is one that supports its artists, but I also know that that privilege, of being only an artist, is afforded to just a small number. Most of us have to find something else - or live a highly disciplined life, which I'm not willing to do.
The artist is inherently a romantic to some degree, and as such, I believe in a muse. But I don't try to analyze too much where it comes from.
It takes a kind of shabby arrogance to survive in our time, and a fairly romantic nature to want to.
It's good to be able to be a leading lady, to be a romantic lead, to play opposite people who are talented, and charismatic and stuff.
I'm told my SF is of the hard variety and my Fantasy is romantic but hopefully all the characters are strong and the plots are lively.
I'm a hopeless romantic. I consider myself a realistic person who usually finds stories from real life people.
Havana, for all its smells, sweat, crumbling walls, isolation, and difficult history, is the most romantic city in the world.
Romantic souvenirs had a way of attaching themselves to one when one wanted to move on, but they were not to be taken seriously.
I think I've only done one horror movie, Psycho III. That was a walk in the park compared to a romantic comedy.
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