Top 1200 Really Scary Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Really Scary quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I saw a ghost when I was staying at Dartington Hall in Devon in the 1960s. I think there are many different kinds of entities, some are scary and some aren't, it depends on the state of mind you're in when you are confronted. I found that quite scary because it appeared when I was asleep, so it was quite a shock, but the other ones I've encountered, I didn't find scary. I have a lot more understanding of them.
I feel like I've always had two selves - the part of me that makes films and the part of me that's political, and they haven't really connected that much. Alias Grace talks about things like class and immigration and women's rights, which felt really good. But especially now, there are pressing things to be said. It's a really scary time in the world. It's a very scary thing to have an American president who openly brags about assaulting women and is openly racist. This isn't a moment to be speaking in metaphors.
I've seen a lot of movies that were great and scary, but not particularly fancy in their filmmaking or performance. And they're still scary, and I think a good horror movie should be scary above all things.
You really are a scary man,no really! If I had boots I would be quaking in them. — © James Patterson
You really are a scary man,no really! If I had boots I would be quaking in them.
It's hard to give up that amount of control. It's scary to make yourself that vulnerable. Because you might do all kinds of things that are unplanned or are unexpected that maybe don't work, and you have to trust the director to see that and work around those things. I find it really scary.
What's really scary about the original 'Blair Witch' is that it doesn't really answer any questions, so what makes that ending so scary is you walk out feeling dirty because you don't even know what happened. It feels wrong.
I think being able to really fall in love with someone is the craziest thing that could ever happen. You know, allowing yourself to really go there and really feel those things is extremely scary.
Radical innovation is difficult to fund. It seems scary. And the really radical things seem even more scary.
When girls come up and say, "You're my role model," it's really flattering, but it's also really scary because I'm not perfect and I'm going to make mistakes.
I love the Army-Navy surplus store Surplus Value Center. They have really good long underwear and multicolored bandanas, cool camo jackets, and really, really scary-looking knives. If you're into that sort of thing.
Questions are not scary. What is scary is when people don’t have any. What is tragic is faith that has no room for them.
The scary truth is, you have to scratch some veneer off to gauge where the moral fiber really is in certain pockets of society. It's raw. It's scary. But it gives us a place to work with.
I'm not scary. It's scary for people to see someone being nonconformist.
I find celebrity really scary.
It's a pretty scary time. So many emotions come up and you don't really have the wisdom to make the right choices. You can really screw yourself in adolescence. — © Josh Hartnett
It's a pretty scary time. So many emotions come up and you don't really have the wisdom to make the right choices. You can really screw yourself in adolescence.
I was in the very first Scary Movie and then the last Scary Movie 4, so I don't know. I heard they're doing another one, but I'm not sure yet. Of course, I'd love to work on Scary Movie 5. That'd be great.
It's scary to take risks and it's scary to get out of your comfort zone, but it's also the most rewarding when you do.
This is how I feel about horror films: there's enough scary things that happen in day-to-day life. Sometimes just going and getting the mail is scary, when you open your bills. And so, sometimes I feel like scary movies are just tapping into those anxieties and magnifying them.
Early success is really scary. Especially in acting.
If you ever go behind the glass and look at the focus groups that are deciding what you're gonna watch, it's scary. This cross-section of people they just happen to bring in to decide the fate of mankind on television is really scary.
Saying it out loud as a child is scary, but saying I felt unstable out loud as an adult with children was really scary. The fear of losing your children stops you from saying anything. It's a never-ending battle.
It's really scary when you have a moment of temporary sanity.
When so much is left to the listener's imagination, it is bound to be more scary. But our stories are not just to frighten; they are engaged with the things that are really scary like loneliness and madness.
Scary movies scare me. The Exorcist is really scary.
Those films that really speak to the primal fear that we, as human beings, have about the unknown have always intrigued me. That's the really scary thing, not the slasher, macabre movies. It's the ones that deal with the inner fear: the unknown realms and the mysticisms that are scary.
Curtis Blaydes' ground and pound is really scary. Like, really, really scary.
Motherhood is this sort of "curtain lifting" of tremendous power that we have individually as women. It's tremendously freaky to have a human being grow inside your body and eventually turn into a human being, and then birth that human being, and then have them be separate from you. Those things are scary. It's also really, really scary to face the idea of losing a child and losing someone you love more than you've loved anything before. All of those things are innately really terrifying, and what it does to me is bring me to a direct kind of confrontation with my human vulnerability.
What I get really excited about are movies that I connect with emotionally. 'Deliverance' was on TV, and they don't really make movies like that anymore, just simple and scary. The truly scary thing is, 'I'm going to threaten your life, I'm going to threaten the people you love. What are you going to do about it?'
Scaring someone's the hardest thing to do, and that's why most of scary movies are not scary. They're sick, but not scary. There's a lot of sickness out there, of people who then sit there and watch it, which I think is absolutely dismaying.
I'm really scary in reality. Most of the time.
Remember what I said about the mosquitoes?" "Which part" asked Maggie. "The scary part, the really scary part, the legitimately terrifying part, or the part that makes suicide sound like an awesome way to spend the evening?
It is scary to write - period - for me, but once you get past the idea that it's scary to write, I still can only be who I am. As a writer, my job, to me, is to expose myself - to really sort of dig in and find out who I am and then put it on the page.
It's too scary in television. It's scary to sign a six-year contract for something that you don't necessarily know about.
I love scary movies and respect the filmmakers of scary movies, and it's just as hard to make a great scary movie as it is to make a great comedy or drama or anything else.
I'm kind of a scaredy cat - I don't watch a ton of them. I mean, I started reaching this script at night and had to wait until the next morning to finish it so it would be light out. It really scared me. The scary movies I like are The Others and Pan's Labyrinth - they're so scary but they're about real things, and hopefully this is too.
The acting life can be quite scary, really.
I became the magnet for a lot of scary aggression. Cos it's scary Up North!
It is scary, sometimes, Tomas admitted. But the scary bits are what make you brave.
Acting is really scary, but it's also challenging, fun, hard work. There's always an element of improvisation with every actor, even when something is really scripted.
I don't like to get scared - it's not one of the emotions I enjoy. So I have to assume that if there are scary things in my books, they aren't very scary. — © Chris Van Allsburg
I don't like to get scared - it's not one of the emotions I enjoy. So I have to assume that if there are scary things in my books, they aren't very scary.
I think 'Piranha' won't be in the guilty-pleasure category, because it's gonna be - well, yeah, maybe for some people. From what I've seen, it has a sense of humor about itself, and it's also really scary and really, really violent. I would call it a popcorn movie from the planet Popcorn.
I don't really look at things in a scary way.
When I've known something is right, the actual doing of it is not scary. It's like being onstage or performing. After it and before it, there might be a lot of fear, but the act of it is never scary for me.
People really want to see what I'm up to, and that's crazy. It's a really lovely feeling. It's kind of scary, but a good scary. It's a lovely position to be in.
You have no control [over natural disaster]. That's what's scary about it. You're helpless. That feeling of helplessness is really scary.
Monsters can be scary, and they're great, but they're only really scary when they're reflections of us and they show you the things you're scared of might be true about your own nature.
Tough women who don't take sh*t are also put in positions that are really scary for them. It's important that they feel supported, but it's also important that we allow people to come to things on their own time. It's a very scary thing when you're a woman who's been assaulted or harassed to come forward. And it takes a lot of courage.
The idea we have of prison is a scary place that also houses crazy people. And, to me, it was like, none of these guys were scary. They may have done things that are violent or scary, but these are not people that I feel nervous being around, and it feels like to me that we're wasting these men's lives in prison.
Scary with you is better than scary without you
Scaring someone's the hardest thing to do, and that's why most of these scary movies are not scary. They're sick, but not scary. There's a lot of sickness out there, of people who then sit there and watch it, which I think is absolutely dismaying.
Scary is time passing and sickness and dying and regret and isolation and loneliness and relationship problems - as opposed to a guy in a hockey mask, which didn't seem that scary.
Just because I make movies in the scary world doesn't mean I want to visit scary worlds. — © James Wan
Just because I make movies in the scary world doesn't mean I want to visit scary worlds.
I just told the whole truth and that felt really incredible and really scary.
What is scary to me is silly to somebody else. CG isn't scary to me. It's like comedy - comedy and horror are quite similar, in that there'll always be somebody who'll say, 'I don't think that was funny.' And it's the same with things that are meant to be scary.
It's like why people read scary books or go see scary movies. Because it creates a distance. They're scared, but they're not going to get hurt.
I really respond to human scripts, scripts that are raw and real and risky. I love playing scary characters - not horror film scary, but vulnerable scary.
The thing I find really scary about ghosts and demons is that you don't really know what they are or where they are. They're not very well understood. You don't know what they want from you. So it's the kind of thing you don't even know how to defend yourself against. Anything that's unknown and mysterious is very scary.
I don't really like scary movies. I don't seek them out. I'm very sensitive and impressionable. I'm the kind of person who will sleep with the light on for a week if I get really scared.
I don't remember that I ever really went all out to come up with a costume or a persona that could compete with everyone around me. I didn't know what to do. I found Halloween scary for just that fact - it meant that I had pressure to get up and be scary, makeup and all that. That was pretty horrifying for me.
I always had really, really bad nightmares, like night terrors or whatever they're called. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to move... I'd hallucinate and have really scary visions and dreams, so I wouldn't want to sleep.
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