Top 1200 Recent Quotes & Sayings

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Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk.
My most recent purchase was a black lace corset.
Part of battle has been getting Hollywood to recognize that comic books and superheroes are not synonymous. That's been a huge breakthrough, just in recent years really, and as a result of that recent breakthrough, we've had movies like 300, Road to Perdition, and A History of Violence, that very few people realize were based on comic books and graphic novels. It's very important to make that differentiation.
The recent past always presents itself as if destroyed by catastrophes. — © Theodor W. Adorno
The recent past always presents itself as if destroyed by catastrophes.
There's nothing in the recent past I want to write about.
It is said that the quality of recent immigration is undesirable. The time is quite within recent memory when the same thing was said of immigrants who, with their descendants, are now numbered among our best citizens.
Scottish Theatre's greatest success story of recent times.
It would never occur to me to map my research against events in my life, and the recent history of globalization seems to be part of someone else's life. Still, maybe I have been trying to fill in a history or address that amnesia for the recent past. There's so much that's opaque about the ways in which extra layers of global governance have developed since Pax Americana and really accelerated in these last thirty, forty years.
I too was a little embarrassed by my recent topless 'scandal' and the subsequent parodies.
Every advance in civilization has been denounced as unnatural while it was recent
I think all recent music sucks, and that includes Type O Negative.
The biggest mistake investors make is to believe that what happened in the recent past is likely to persist. They assume that something that was a good investment in the recent past is still a good investment. Typically, high past returns simply imply that an asset has become more expensive and is a poorer, not better, investment.
In recent days, the media, as it usually does, has missed the whole point on immigration.
Only in very recent times has the average man been a source of savings. — © John Kenneth Galbraith
Only in very recent times has the average man been a source of savings.
I'm not a big fan of horror movies, especially the recent teen-slasher sort of ones.
It's my cologne. Eau de Recent Injury." (Jace)
I don't really think the outburst is recent; there have always been writers in Appalachia.
When you visualize the recent past, do you see it as being somewhere over on the left?
Israel demonstrated real hooliganism during the course of the recent operation, which I demanded.
Innovating Women is more important today than ever. Things are changing for the better. The recent announcements by Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, and Facebook of their diversity numbers—and a pledge to improve these—are the most recent victories. The Boys Club is under fire and is trying to reform itself. Women are achieving success and helping each other. Advancing technologies are leveling the playing field. Women are in the catbird seat for the new era of exponential innovation. This is the time to inspire and motivate—and that is what Innovating Women will surely do.
Live a Lie' is inspired by recent combinations found in dubstep.
In recent years it's become really apparent, the division between what government is and what communities want.
I don't accept at all the quite popular argument that the press is responsible for the monarchy's recent troubles. The monarchy's responsible for the monarchy's recent troubles. To blame the press is the old thing of blaming the messenger for the message.
Our politics is very masculine, very aggressive, and it's very polarizing. And the pace of this development has increased in recent years. Erdogan is, in my eyes, the most polarizing politician in recent Turkish political history.
For most of human history, the main goal of states has been to conquer land and to achieve glory for their rulers, usually at others' expense. Then in recent decades it was all about GDP. It's only in very recent history that rulers have been willing to commit themselves to helping their citizens live happier lives.
Recent data and research supports the importance of natural climate variability and calls into question the conclusion that humans are the dominant cause of recent climate change.
'Live a Lie' is inspired by recent combinations found in dubstep.
I have never painted a recent picture.
Experiencing a massage therapy session is its own best advertisement for changing perceptions. A recent national consumer survey found Americans had overwhelmingly positive feelings about their massage experience. Ninety-four percent express favorable feelings. Fully 85 percent expressed very favorable feelings about their most recent massage, with 37 percent rating it a perfect ten-out-of-ten. What is striking is that there are very few detractors. Most of those who haven't yet received a massage simply haven't felt a need for it
I think recent revelations about who's in what bed speak to the problems with what happened in the Gulf.
The equation of religion with belief is rather recent.
The man whose authority is recent is always stern.
Every day grows more amnesiac about its recent past.
The thriller is not a recent invention. It probably goes back to the dawn of storytelling.
There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.
There's a recent film, the Swedish movie 'Force Majeure.' I just thought it was brilliant.
The unhistorical are usually, without knowing it, enslaved to a fairly recent past.
You know you are old when what you still think of as recent films are remade.
Excel spreadsheets might as well be one of the most dangerous recent inventions. — © Rolf Dobelli
Excel spreadsheets might as well be one of the most dangerous recent inventions.
It's become popular in recent years to say that the idea doesn't matter.
Beyond the Indian hamlet, upon a forlorn strand, I happened on a trail of recent footprints.
The recent developments in cosmology strongly suggest that the universe may be the ultimate free lunch.
In recent times, Surrealist painters have used descriptive illusionistic academic methods.
You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.
I had become increasingly concerned in recent years about the lack of civics education in our nation's schools. In recent years, the schools have stopped teaching it. And it's unfortunate.
The UN Commission on Human Rights, whose membership in recent years has included countries - such as Libya and Sudan - which have deplorable human rights records, and the recent Oil-for-Food scandal, are just a few examples of why reform is so imperative.
With a recent birthday, I've been acting now for twenty years.
I found my way to make my peace with the recent past by turning it into WORD.
It's a fairly recent thing but I've become very fond of making drinks myself. — © Utada Hikaru
It's a fairly recent thing but I've become very fond of making drinks myself.
And it's a lie that has consequences, because the great American dream is to have a good job, and in recent years, America has failed to deliver that dream more than it has at any time in recent memory. A good job is an individual's primary identity, their very self-worth, their dignity - it establishes the relationship they have with their friends, community and country. When we fail to deliver a good job that fits a citizen's talents, training and experience, we are failing the great American dream.
One more recent novelist to come along is Cormac McCarthy. Him, I like.
Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature changes. We are not that influential
The worship of youth has diminished - perhaps generally - in recent years.
One of the recent love stories I enjoyed was Bhaskar's 'Bommarillu.'
Recent literature on transsexualism in the lesbian community draws connections with the practices of sadomasochism.
The most recent was my match against Daniel Bryan at Fastlane. He kicked my scar from my recent hernia surgery. That was painful. I needed to take a step back from training that next day!
I valued the experience of making the recordings, and I value the performances contained therein, and I value so much of what they can represent. I also think they're a terrific listening experience. Putting them out this way was a way of trying to maintain and nurture the relationship with the audience and also shine a light on the recent past, because we are so apt to be forgetful as human beings that there was such a thing as a recent past. These are some of the reasons for making this record.
The geysers and hot springs of the Yellowstone are another proof of recent volcanic activity.
The greatest explorer of recent decades is not even human.
According to recent studies, at least one star out of three is multiple.
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