Top 1200 Red Wings Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Red Wings quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
I listen to a lot of '80s stuff, like 'Owner of a Lonely Heart,' by the group Yes. And Mr. Mister's 'Broken Wings.'
I thought, I fanced, that in a moment, I would be standing on nothing at all, and for the first time in my life, I needed the wings none of us has.
Once upon a time, the sky knew the weight of angel armies on the move, and the wind blew infernal with the fire of their wings. — © Laini Taylor
Once upon a time, the sky knew the weight of angel armies on the move, and the wind blew infernal with the fire of their wings.
All natural goods perish. Riches take wings; fame is a breath; love is a cheat; youth and health and pleasure vanish.
On the wings of fancy, gentle readers, bear yourselves into the mid-air, where by imagination you may form a large stupendous castle.
A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare to the jeweled vision of a life started anew.
I listen to a lot of 80s stuff, like Owner of a Lonely Heart, by the group Yes. And Mr. Misters Broken Wings.
Now I'm free of him and I'm light as a feather. There's no weight holding me down; I'm ready to spread my wings and fly.
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.
Buddha also said that the Dharma, like a bird, needs two wings to fly, and that the wing that balances Wisdom is compassion.
From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.
Paul forced the Beatles to work a lot harder than they would have otherwise, and he did the same thing with Wings.
To describe women, the pen should be dipped in the humid colors of the rainbow, and the paper dried with the dust gathered from the wings of a butterfly. — © Denis Diderot
To describe women, the pen should be dipped in the humid colors of the rainbow, and the paper dried with the dust gathered from the wings of a butterfly.
Robert Gass and 'On Wings of Song' bring about magical transformation and inspire people with extraordinary, uplifting, and spiritual music.
My soul has painted like the wings of butterflies, Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.
Love never offers to anyone wings so easy that he does not hold him back with his other hand.
Travelers, it is late. Life's sun is going to set. During these brief days that you have strength, be quick and spare no effort of your wings
Seas are the fields of combat for the winds; but when they sweep along some flowery coast, their wings move mildly, and their rage is lost.
On my back, I have the cross and angel wings: rise above it, no matter what life throws at you. And also, you know, Jesus rose from the grave.
I have an EP coming soon with Cardo. It's called 'Glizzy Got Wings.' I love his sound, and he loves mine.
Trust Love, nor fear to soar upon his track. The wings that bore to Heaven will bear thee back.
Music religious heat inspires, It wakes the soul, and lifts it high, And wings it with sublime desires, And fits it to bespeak the Deity.
No more the mounting larks, while Daphne sings, Shall, list'ning, in mid-air suspend their wings.
God spreads the heavens above us like great wings, And gives a little round of deeds and days.
That's how it is sometimes--God comes to your window, all bright light and black wings, and you're just too tired to open it.
In the human lung, there are millions of air foils, just like aeroplane wings, which facilitate normal breathing.
We used to send whole flocks of birds shooting out of our mouths and never managed to grab them by their wings.
Sometimes, if you aren't sure about something, you just have to jump off the bridge and grow your wings on the way down.
Reflect, ere you spurn me, that youth at his sides Wears wings; and once gone, all pursuit he derides.
There's nothing better than being able to give your children wings so they can soar and fly in the direction they want to go in.
I started thinking about my relationship with my students; I'm this guy who comes in from book - and movie - land and descends on angel wings into their classroom.
I have loved colours, and not flowers;Their motion, not the swallows wings;And wasted more than half my hoursWithout the comradeship of things.
The holiness of love inspired ordinary men and women to act like angels. It lifted them on wings closer to God.
Wouldn't it be terrible if you'd spent all your life doing everything you were supposed to do, didn't drink, didn't smoke, didn't eat things, took lots of exercise, all the things you didn't want to do, and suddenly one day you were run over by a big red bus, and as the wheels were crunching into you you'd say 'Oh my god, I could have got so drunk last night!' That's the way you should live your life, as if tomorrow you'll be run over by a big red bus.
Youth is not a time of life - it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a tempermental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over a life of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty, more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals.
There's a certain moment when you realize that you've actually just left the planet for a bit and that nobody can touch you. . .When it works, baby, you've got wings.
When humans become gods, when our wings grow so great as to beat about the very edges of the earth, no one can answer but us.
[To the audience at her farewell concert:] You have always given me more than I gave to you ... You were the wings on which I soared. — © Lotte Lehmann
[To the audience at her farewell concert:] You have always given me more than I gave to you ... You were the wings on which I soared.
I'm always ready to be challenged. Like, 'Wings: Outro,' it was hip-house. That was the first time I'd ever listened to that genre... but I liked it.
The pigeon here is a beautiful bird, of a delicate bronze colour, tinged with pink about the neck, and the wings marked with green and purple.
There is a mortal breed most full of futility. In contempt of what is at hand, they strain into the future, hunting impossibilities on the wings of ineffectual hopes.
The lively phraseology of Montesquieu was the result of long meditation. His words, as light as wings, bear on them grave reflections.
My soule her wings doth spread And heaven-ward flies, Th' Almighty's Mysteries to read In the large volumes of the skies.
No ladder needs the bird but skies To situate its wings, Nor any leaders grim baton Arraigns it as it sings.
I knew I was too late—and I was glad something bloodthirsty waited in the wings. For in failing at this, I forfeited any desire to live.
The skin and shell of things Though fair are not Thy wish nor prayer but got My meer despair of wings.
And also, there are so many times when you need to make a quick escape, but humans don't have their own wings, or not yet, anyway, so what about a birdseed shirt?
How do I tone my bingo wings?' is one of the most commonly asked questions that strikes fear and dread into a personal trainer's heart. — © Chloe Madeley
How do I tone my bingo wings?' is one of the most commonly asked questions that strikes fear and dread into a personal trainer's heart.
If you acquiesce to one interview, there's always another waiting in the wings. Also if you're interviewed repeatedly, you just start repeating yourself. I don't like to do that.
You're not going to see your dreams come true if you don't put wings, legs, arms, hands, and feet on 'em.
In California there were nuggets the size of walnuts lying on the ground—or so it was said, and truth travels slowly when rumors have wings of gold.
In little towns, lives roll along so close to one another; loves and hates beat about, their wings almost touching.
Was I in a nativity play? I think I was an angel; I was a very blonde child, so I tended to get typecast. I have a vague memory of wearing wings.
Some decisions are obviously much more inconsequential than others. For example, let's say you choose the blue shirt over the red one; not much is likely to change. Red meat over white meat once a week won't likely make a huge difference in your health. But if you believe that grilled chicken is healthier than a cheeseburger, your lunch choice might cause you to pause; especially if you know that the cheeseburger also comes with fries and a large chocolate shake.
O foolish anxiety of wretched man, how inconclusive are the arguments which make thee beat thy wings below!
A person should have wings to carry them where their dreams go, but sometimes a pair of skis makes a good substitute.
There is no being eloquent for atheism. In that exhausted receiver the mind cannot use its wings, - the clearest proof that it is out of its element.
Death hides within every religion. And at any time it can flash forth-not with healing in its wings but with poison, with that which wounds.
Foot is superior to wing, because even when we have wings to fly in the sky, we still need feet so as not to crawl on the ground!
I battered the cordons around me And cradled my wings on the breeze, Then soared to the uttermost reaches With rapture, with power, with ease!
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