Top 992 Reduced Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Reduced quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
My life can't be reduced to click-bait journalism.
There is an elementary aspiration which undergirds the humane impulse in our history and our culture and binds us together as political activists. This is a simple, irreducible, indisputable aspiration. It is the 'dream of justice' for a beloved community, in which the level of terror in people's lives is sharply reduced or maybe eliminated. It is the belief that extremes and excesses of inequality must be reduced so that each person is free to fully develop his or her full potential. This is why we take precious time out of our lives and give it to politics.
The previous regime ... reduced man to a means of production and nature to a tool of production. Thus it attacked both their very essence and their mutual relationship. It reduced gifted and autonomous people to nuts and bolts in some monstrously huge, noisy, and stinking machine.
No one can end it, but incidents of corruption can be reduced. — © Kapil Sibal
No one can end it, but incidents of corruption can be reduced.
In a comprehensive study of all public multiple shooting incidents in America between 1977 and 1999, economists John Lott and Bill Landes found that the only public policy that reduced both the incidence and casualties of such shootings were concealed-carry laws. Not only are there 60 percent fewer gun massacres after states adopt concealed-carry laws, but the death and injury rate of such rampages are reduced by 80 percent.
Ordinarily logic is divided into the examination of ideas, judgments, arguments, and methods. The two latter are generally reduced to judgments, that is, arguments are reduced to apodictic judgments that such and such conclusions follow from such and such premises, and method is reduced to judgments that prescribe the procedure that should be followed in the search for truth.
God cannot be reduced to a sample for analysis.
We are well aware that religion is not as bad an influence as it was a short time ago, as history is counted. But it is a sufficiently bad influence even in modern times, and its reduced viciousness (in practice) is due plainly enough to its reduced power.
Risk can be greatly reduced by concentrating on only a few holdings.
I don't think any of us like to be reduced to just one label.
You're only reduced to a cliche if you don't humanize a character.
The visual can seduce you, leading to false deductions, and ultimately, even the finest ideas can be reduced. Take for example, sexuality. If it is reduced down to the moment and to pleasure, things like that, that's not what sexuality is all about. Sexuality was to be in tandem with the sacred, not amputated from it.
My comfortable existence is reduced to a shallow meaningless party.
Entertainment's definition has been reduced to making people happy. — © Anurag Kashyap
Entertainment's definition has been reduced to making people happy.
Glory comes too late, after one as been reduced to ashes.
I lowered taxes in New York. I reduced the size of government in New York. I took a $2.4 billion deficit and turned it into a $3.2 billion surplus. And I reduced taxes over 23 times or 23 times.
A sequel is an admission that you've been reduced to imitating yourself.
In the EU, we agree that the pressures causing migration must be reduced.
Nothing in nature is as simple as it sometimes seems when reduced to words.
The output is far from smooth, and the impact on dispatchable plant required to deal with residual demand is highly significant. Our view is that plant operating under these conditions in the support role for wind will suffer: 1) reduced availability, 2) significantly reduced efficiency, and thus 3) higher emissions per MWh generated.
We are expanded by tears, we are told, not reduced by them.
If the oil runs out, we'll be reduced to fracking Alex Salmond.
I accept extinction as best explaining disjoined species. I see that the same cause must have reduced many species of great range to small, and that it may have reduced large genera to so small, and of families.
I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where it's embarrassing for America.
The information in DNA could no more be reduced to the chemical than could the ideas in a book be reduced to the ink and paper: something beyond physics and chemistry encoded DNA.
My father had spent years fighting cancer of the head and neck. He had numerous operations, and he was reduced and reduced and reduced. By the end, he had a growth so big under his eye that it hurt to look at him.
I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.
What can be accomplished by a few principles is not effected by many. But it seems that everything we see in the world can be accounted for by other principles, supposing God did not exist. For all natural things can be reduced to one principle, which is nature, and all voluntary things can be reduced to one principle, which is human reason, or will. Therefore there is no need to suppose God's existence.
There is no evidence to show that prohibition has ever had its intended impact. Of course, just as banning beef has reduced beef consumption, banning alcohol will lead to reduced alcohol consumption. But, there appears to be little or no correlation between, say, domestic violence or household impoverishment and prohibition.
The Spaniards have been reduced to aiming aimless balls into the box.
If the mood is overly anxious, then anxiety must be reduced by lowering uncertainty. Very simply, uncertainty is reduced when people are told what's going on and what will happen to them. In the vacuum of no news, people imagine the worst. Since disappointment is much easier to handle than anxiety, then, good news or bad, honesty is honestly the best policy.
I've been reduced to drag.
History cannot be reduced to a set of statistics and probabilities.
Life if curious when reduced to its essentials
We profess to teach the principles and practice of medicine, or, in other words, the science and art of medicine. Science is knowledge reduced to principles; art is knowledge reduced to practice. The knowing and doing, however, are distinct. ... Your knowledge, therefore, is useless unless you cultivate the art of healing. Unfortunately, the scientific man very often has the least amount of art, and he is totally unsuccessful in practice; and, on the other hand, there may be much art based on an infinitesimal amount of knowledge, and yet it is sufficient to make its cultivator eminent.
We shall be reduced to gnaw the very crust of the earth for nutriment.
Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility.
Transparency in government leads to reduced corruption.
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. — © Maya Angelou
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
Knowledge is vain and fruitless which is not reduced to practice.
We have reduced sales tax on food. Now we want it eliminated.
Personality is reduced and deformed with depleted thoughts and stagnant mind.
Theory, from whatever source, is not perfect until it is reduced to practice.
You have to deal with what you encounter. But you must not be reduced. And so a way not to be reduced is don't whine! Don't let the incidents which take place in life bring you low.
If the fluctuations in your investment portfolio are reduced, the impact of emotions and behavior on your account is also reduced.
Consistently rated the most peaceable of all countries in the world by the Global Peace Index, Iceland has reduced its military expenditure to zero, has no armed forces, and has reduced the inequality gap between rich and poor.
In ‘life,’ I don’t want to be reduced to my work. In ‘work,’ I don’t want to be reduced to my life.
However, if a poem can be reduced to a prose sentence, there can't be much to it.
When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have. — © Stephen Hawking
When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have.
The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced. If the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt, people must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
Probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation.
When I went to Africa, I was reduced to floods of tears every day.
The true theory of our Constitution is surely the wisest and best, that the States are independent as to everything within themselves, and united as to everything respecting foreign affairs. Let the General Government be reduced to foreign concerns only, and let our affairs be disentangled from those of all other nations, except as to commerce, which the merchants will manage the better, the more they are left free to manage for themselves, and our General Government may be reduced to a very simple organization, and a very inexpensive one; a few plain duties to be performed by a few servants.
Science is wisdom reduced to practice.
The dignity of the individual demands that he be not reduced to vassalage by the largesse of others.
There is a reductive nature to the Internet, and it's not limited to comic book news sites and stuff: it's everybody. There is a reductive nature of it, by which anything that's said very quickly gets reduced down to the next. Reduced, reduced, reduced to the point where rumors with some sense of nuance to them just become fact.
Ethanol has reduced our nation's dependence on imported energy, created thousands of jobs, reduced air pollution, and increased energy security. And renewable fuels cost less at the pump. It is a growth fuel that fuels opportunities for millions of Americans.
Without peace, all other dreams vanish and are reduced to ashes.
I remember once imagining what my life would be like, what I'd be like. I pictured having all these qualities, strong positive qualities that people could pick up on from across the room. But as time passed, few became qualities that I actually had. And all the possibilities I faced, and the sorts of people I could be, all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer until finally they got reduced to one - to who I am. And that's who I am.
We are reduced to asking others what we are. We never dare to ask ourselves.
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