Top 774 Regarding Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Regarding quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Regarding Wikileaks, I have profound ambivalent feelings about it. I am a firm believer in a strong intelligence service. There's a need for classified information.
The Democrats are using the human trafficking bill's language that's been there for 40 years, regarding the use of federal funds for abortion. bad as it is here, it's better than being somewhere else." -Chris Rose, regarding life in Post-Katrina New Orleans — © Chris Rose bad as it is here, it's better than being somewhere else." -Chris Rose, regarding life in Post-Katrina New Orleans
There is an abundance of misinformation, exaggeration, and blatant lies being spread by interest groups regarding the prospects for embryonic stem cell research.
I don't think of myself as a photographer. I've engaged questions regarding photography's role in culture... but it is an engagement with a problem rather than a medium.
I always tried to do things by example, even though I was not a very good mother regarding routines and family life.
A lot of newsrooms have thought very carefully about how they cover race. I don't think the same conversations have gone on regarding women.
Humans, the only self-regarding animals, blessed or cursed with this torturing higher faculty, have always wanted to know why.
If, as a Spaniard, I am so often offended by the stereotypes that abound regarding my country, how can I accept and repeat the ones that fall even more heavily upon Israel?
It is essential that our present negative propaganda regarding psychedelic drugs be replaced with honesty and truthfulness about their effects, both good and bad.
The most important question regarding Big Data at almost any company is: How much are your customers really worth?
If we belong to Christ, Satan has no right to exercise authority over us, but he hopes we're too ignorant regarding Scripture to know it.
Regarding lack of vision or disabilities of the organ of sight, it has long been known among researchers that it is the effect of extreme cruelty in a past life. — © Max Heindel
Regarding lack of vision or disabilities of the organ of sight, it has long been known among researchers that it is the effect of extreme cruelty in a past life.
Regarding my position, I feel really comfortable in any position up front.
Education is not acquisition of burdensome information regarding objects and men. It is the awareness of the immortal spirit within,, which is the spring of joy, peace and courage.
I feel that Julian Assange came to be both paranoid and self-regarding in ways that ultimately undermined his own mission.
I'm really happy to be working with Jose Mourinho. He's a great person and he's always keen to communicate with the squad and help people to be communicative regarding what they're to do on the pitch.
Quorum and group leaders should provide the leading voice and laboring oar in every ward and branch council regarding retention of converts.
Regarding R. H. Blyth: For translations, the best books are still those by R. H. Blyth. . . .
Fast-paced from start to finish, 'The Honourable Schoolboy' is fired by le Carre's conviction regarding evil done and its consequences.
The vanities of all others may gradually die out, but the vanity of a saint regarding his sainthood is hard indeed to wear away.
It is seldom that the miserable can help regarding their misery as a wrong inflicted by those who are less miserable.
The only way to be true to our American tradition is to maintain absolute governmental neutrality regarding religious beliefs and practices
Were Trump campaign officials the only ones engaging in questionable behavior regarding Russia? Hardly. The Clintons are in the same category.
Notably, the FCC fact sheet regarding the net neutrality plan does not mention any accommodations for small providers.
J. J. Abrams is a director that I've admired for a long time, from the very first scripts he wrote - including 'Regarding Henry,' which I was in.
There was no pressure at home regarding grades. We were expected to study and pass but luckily our parents gave us a broader education.
My advocacy is regarding women empowerment and for this, For this, I have been focusing on my community because I have seen how my mother has dealt with a patriarchal system.
The only way to be true to our American tradition is to maintain absolute governmental neutrality regarding religious beliefs and practices.
Nothing that we have authorized conflicts with any law regarding privacy or any provision of the constitution.
I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by my attempt at humor regarding the tragedy in Japan. I meant no disrespect, and my thoughts are with the victims and their families.
Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology.
By regarding ourselves with kindness, we begin to dissolve the identity of an isolated, deficient self. This creates the grounds for including others in an unconditionally loving heart.
I do not believe there is a method better than Montessori for making children sensitive to the beauties of the world and awakening their curiosity regarding the secrets of life.
I did not like leaving them when they were little or big. You have to have priorities regarding what you will allow to take you away from your kid.
Regarding drugs: just the existence of drugs seems troubling to me.
Whether it's an innate ability or an acquired way of regarding the world around us, being labeled as funny can only be accepted as a compliment.
I believe the Obama administration, from the president on down, has taken a very weak position regarding granting Palestine statehood at the United Nations. — © Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
I believe the Obama administration, from the president on down, has taken a very weak position regarding granting Palestine statehood at the United Nations.
This decade holds many changes for the United States, but the greatest needs regarding America's productivity in the 1990s, are better education and employee training.
Sometimes people mistake some things regarding that, thinking just one player would make up for the needs of an entire club.
Responsibility - moral responsibilities, responsibilities regarding society - these are things that come from the heart.
God's designs regarding you, and His methods of bringing about these designs, are infinitely wise.
I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room.
Intercession means raising ourselves up to the point of getting the mind of Christ regarding the person for whom we are praying.
We must not enable anyone to impose his personal view regarding religion on others by force, oppression, or pressure.
Regarding the visa-free regime, it has undoubtedly become a problem for the European Union, above all in terms of its capacity to reach agreements.
that strange conflict in the American character: we pride ourselves on being the melting pot of the world but we insist on regarding most immigrants with suspicion.
In me, speaking psychologically, there is always an ongoing struggle between my enormously self-regarding, almost delusionally aspirational, Napoleonic personality and a marginalized one.
And for all my rampant technological optimism, sometimes I think I'd be more comfortable if I were regarding these transcendental events from one thousand years remove... instead of twenty.
When it comes to advice, I always consult my father regarding everything, as he has seen the industry inside out, and he is the best person to guide me. — © Armaan Malik
When it comes to advice, I always consult my father regarding everything, as he has seen the industry inside out, and he is the best person to guide me.
Our young people - and adults - should be aware that considerable dissent exists in the scientific world regarding the validity of molecules-to-man evolution.
The only thing I wish I could figure out is how I got misunderstood regarding the type of person I really am and what I accomplished.
Regarding wetsuits, I always liked the Marilyn Minter quote, 'Everything's better when wet,' injecting some style into sports utility.
The science has changed from ambiguous to near-unanimous... Based on the data I'm now switching sides regarding global warming, from skeptic to convert.
In retrospect, the populist panic may have been overblown. Regarding Brexit, for example, the shock exaggerated its meaning. Because it was so unexpected, it became a sensation.
There are many nice, peaceful Muslims, but the Netherlands is far too tolerant regarding the statements of the radical wing of Islam.
Every race man and woman should cast aside their skepticism regarding the Negro's ability as a motion picture star.
I don't know if there's enough vision. Industry wide, the apathy regarding this recent problem is already setting in - shiny things are happening elsewhere, people are forgetting.
I care about football, so what Im seeing regarding the image of FIFA, not only now but in the past years, I dont like it.
Instead of generating either unnecessary alarm or a false sense of security regarding these fundamental issues, the best course is to empower people with the truth.
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