Top 133 Reins Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Reins quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Imagination took the reins, and reason, slow-paced, though sure-footed, was unequal to a race with so eccentric and flighty a companion.
If everybody just stops caring about politics, we're going to lose the reins on our government.
There is an ambush everywhere from the army of accidents; therefore the rider of life runs with loosened reins. — © Hafez
There is an ambush everywhere from the army of accidents; therefore the rider of life runs with loosened reins.
Help the Cubans to the utmost counseling his successor while handing over the reins. We cannot let Castro's government go on.
When I first met my husband, I needed that helping hand to take the reins and look after me.
If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
To be given the reins of creativity is a beautiful thing when you're used to just showing up to a casting and standing there having clothes put on you.
The only way you can really deal with creative people is with very loose reins.
Having the reins of governance, power and political influence within one family will shatter the idea of equal opportunity to all, which is the basic concept of democracy.
A statesman, we are told, should follow public opinion. Doubtless, as a coachman follows his horses; having firm hold on the reins and guiding them.
Mathematics directs the flow of the universe, lurks behind its shapes and curves, holds the reins of everything from tiny atoms to the biggest stars.
I guess when you're holding the creative reins, you can be across everything, and it's more authentic. You can control it.
When I lay down the reins of this administration, I want to have one friend left. And that friend is myself.
If discrimination based on race is constitutionally permissible when those who hold the reins can come up with "compelling" reasons to justify it, then constitutional guarantees acquire an accordion-like quality.
On horseback he seemed to require as many hands as a Hindu god, at least four for clutching the reins, and two more for patting the horse soothingly on the neck. — © Hector Hugh Munro
On horseback he seemed to require as many hands as a Hindu god, at least four for clutching the reins, and two more for patting the horse soothingly on the neck.
I didn't take the reins of my career until I was about 21, and I've been in charge since then.
But then you have to write a song, so at that point, I picked up the reins and started to write lyrics.
The reins of government have been so long slackened, that I fear the people will not quietly submit to those restraints which are necessary for the peace and security of the community.
I'm a real 'go, go' person... I'd make myself crazy by pushing too hard. It's important to pull pack the reins a little bit and get in touch with what's inside.
The important man is not the artist, but the businessman who, in the marketplace and on the battlefield, holds the reins in his hands.
We are willing to weather the storm of multiple failures to achieve a goal. We're so convinced in the destination that we are able to let go of the reins and give it to God.
love is a hawk with velvet claws love is a rock with heart and veins love is a lion with satin jaws love is a storm with silken reins
I like someone who can take the reins, who knows what they want and is strong with me.
If you feel an overwhelming urge to act spontaneously, pull in the reins
The sovereign people have declared they want to take back the reins of their Destiny.
Women were the ones that held the reins, it emerged.
During any dance to which we surrender with joy, the brain loses it's controlling power, and the heart takes up the reins of the body.
My star was fading, I felt the reins slipping out of my grasp, and could do nothing to stop it.
I'm going home the old way with a light hand on the reins making the long approach.
The best way to get away from a crisis and yet hold on the reins without performance is to find a godfather who would save you at crisis and fool the entire world..This is how it has worked for me.
That's the problem with white horses. You have to pay for them yourself or you'll always be using someone else's reins.
As I prepare to take over the reins of your government, I ask each of you to join me in the process of governing.
It's important to drive your own ship, and it's your career, so you might as well take it by the reins.
Give not reins to your inflamed passions: take time and a little delay; impetuosity manages all things badly.
I'm very excited about taking over the reins on Vampirella. I've really been enjoying myself so far.
A critical question to ask when bringing in a new CEO to take the reins of a company you started is: Do you want someone who will maintain company culture or reinvent it?
I get nervous around girls for the first time. Once I'm in, I can take the reins and go. It's just the initial approach I'm really bad at.
If there is a 'Leave' vote in England and across the U.K. as a whole, then we see the reins of power being seized by politicians who are on the right of the Conservative party.
You have to keep your sanity as well as know how to distance yourself from it while still holding onto the reins tightly. That is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm learning.
Spirits that live throughout, Vital in every part, not as frail man, In entrails, heart or head, liver or reins, Cannot but by annihilating die. — © John Milton
Spirits that live throughout, Vital in every part, not as frail man, In entrails, heart or head, liver or reins, Cannot but by annihilating die.
Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him.
The corporations are powerful only because we have allowed them to be. In theory, it is we, not they, who mandate the state. But we have neglected our duty of citizenship, and they have taken advantage of our neglect to seize the reins of government.
Having a [teenage] daughter is like riding a young horse over an unknown steeplechase course. You don't know when to pull up the reins, when to let the horse have its head - or what.
Poverty snatches the reins out of the hand of piety.
It's the ropes and the reins, and the joy and the pain. And they call the thing rodeo.
In my thirties, I felt I had hold of one of the reins some of the time.
The most destructive thing governments do is divide people against each other, all in competition over the reins of the state.
There is something really nice about learning that you can take the reins of your life and your career.
Nestor beckoned to me and I dismounted with care.I handed the reins to the boy with thanks. I do not wish to see that hard-charging bag of bones again, unless it is in my soup.
No one ever yet was the poorer in the long run for having once in a lifetime, let out all the length of all the reins. — © Mary Cholmondeley
No one ever yet was the poorer in the long run for having once in a lifetime, let out all the length of all the reins.
Woe to the youth whom Fancy gains, Winning from Reason's hand the reins, Pity and woe! for such a mind Is soft contemplative, and kind.
If the opportunities are not being presented to me, I'm going to take the reins and do it. Brit Marling was not waiting for the phone to ring. The great roles are not there to be had. If you have an idea, do it.
It's nice to be able to let go of the reins sometimes and know that somebody you really trust is gonna pick them up as soon as you do.
It has been a mistake living my life in the past. One cannot ride a horse backwards and still hold its reins.
It's no use just by shouting out that it is bad or it's good. If someone feels bad about something, they should go and support the reins themselves.
The really expert riders of horses let the horse know immediately who is in control, but then they guide the horse with loose reins and very seldom use the spurs. So it was with our chief [William Rehnquist]. He guided us with loose reins and used the spurs only rarely to get us up to speed with our work.
Just when you think you've got your life by the reins, that's when it's most likely to run away with you.
Precedents are dangerous things; let the reins of government then be braced and held with a steady hand, and every violation of the Constitution be reprehended: If defective let it be amended, but not suffered to be trampled upon whilst it has an existence.
The horse's neck is between the two reins of the bridle, which both meet in the rider's hand.
When Louis XIV assumed the reins of government France suddenly and wonderfully came to her maturity; it was as if the whole nation had burst into splendid flower.
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