Top 238 Reproductive Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Reproductive quotes.
Last updated on December 21, 2024.
If one is seriously interested in preventing reproductive cloning, one must stop the process before it starts.
Liberals have been overselling the threat to reproductive rights for decades.
If any value is deeply evolutionarily familiar, it is reproductive success. If any value is truly unnatural, if there is one thing that humans (and all other species in nature) are decisively not designed for, it is voluntary childlessness. All living organisms in nature, including humans, are evolutionarily designed to reproduce. Reproductive success is the ultimate end of all biological existence.
I don't believe that efforts to prohibit only so-called reproductive cloning can be successful. — © Leon Kass
I don't believe that efforts to prohibit only so-called reproductive cloning can be successful.
Women who don't control their own reproductive rights are not free.
I believe it is crucial to consider the degree to which one woman's possession of reproductive choice may actually depend on or deepen another woman's reproductive vulnerability.
I would say that reproductive freedom comes first, then violence and economics.
This year, the United States renewed funding of reproductive healthcare through the United Nations Population Fund, and more funding is on the way. The U.S. Congress recently appropriated more than $648 million in foreign assistance to family planning and reproductive health programs worldwide. That's the largest allocation in more than a decade - since we last had a Democratic president, I might add.
We have to take away from humans in the long run their reproductive autonomy as the only way to guarantee the advancement of mankind.
At the constitutional level, what we of course have assured is that women have the ability to make these reproductive decisions up to the point of viability.
Humans are the reproductive organs of technology. We multiply manufactured artifacts and spread ideas and memes.
Our laws are very clear on a woman's reproductive health care. I will not only enforce those laws as attorney general, I will take the appropriate action against anyone who tries to interfere with a woman's right to choose her reproductive health care.
The condom broke. I know how stupid that sounds. It's the reproductive version of the dog ate my homework.
The systematic dismantling of reproductive rights, much like the takedown of collective bargaining, has been taking place in full view. — © Garry Trudeau
The systematic dismantling of reproductive rights, much like the takedown of collective bargaining, has been taking place in full view.
In the State House, we fought to protect reproductive freedom for all Mainers - I'll continue to fight for patients and providers in the Senate.
The endometriosis was not just in my reproductive organs; it was everywhere.
Women should not need a permission slip from government to take care of their own reproductive health.
Women, justifiably, feel vulnerable at a time so many years after their journey for reproductive freedom started.
We cannot confront the massive challenges of poverty, hunger, disease and environmental destruction unless we address issues of population and reproductive health
Stories are the reproductive organs of language.
Every era in history has needed, and will need, reproductive health services.
Killing is fundamentally in our nature because over the eons of human evolution murder was so surprisingly beneficial in the intense game of reproductive competition.
This is about respect for women, the judgments that women make and their doctors about their reproductive health. It's an important part of who women are, their reproductive health.
You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.
We cannot afford to go backwards on our reproductive rights, we must legislate love, we must legislate justice for Black girls and non-binary folks and guarantee reproductive rights for everyone.
Placing Margaret Sanger on the $20 bill will remind us of what she has done for women and our reproductive health and how the fight for reproductive freedom is an ongoing one.
Reproductive freedom is a real danger for the patriarchy, because it means that women are empowered.
Reproductive rights are not just a women's issue.
Humans are the reproductive organs of technology.
Nothing divine dies. All good is eternally reproductive. The beauty of Nature re-forms itself in the mind, and not for barren contemplation, but for new creation.
I am dedicated to ensuring reproductive health and freedom for all.
We need a radically truthful way to acknowledge reproductive freedom.
Many of us know more about the workings of our car than we do the reproductive cycle.
There's a real lack of basic understanding of the female body and the reproductive system.
A woman has the right to choose her reproductive health care.
When the brain perceives you are no longer reproductive because your hormones are out of balance, it tries to get rid of you, and it usually activates the cancers in perimenopause.
I don't know what these Republican congressmen drink that make them experts on women's reproductive health.
Well, you know my number one cause has always been that women's reproductive health needs to be protected.
Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environment. — © Keith Henson
Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environment.
A species is a reproductive community of populations reproductively isolated from others that occupies a specific niche in nature.
In my twenties, I relied on Planned Parenthood as my health care provider - and throughout my time in the State House, I have fought for Mainers' reproductive rights.
Women are more than smart enough to see that McCain's policies are a disaster... He is anti- every reproductive issue we've ever fought for.
In the last two years, the amount of legislation in the House of Representatives and state legislatures has been really unprecedented, that has focused on reproductive rights.
I think a woman is powerless if she cannot freely claim the right to her reproductive capacity. Society can talk about anything it likes, except a woman's reproductive existence.
I just want to remind people that the task of those who support reproductive rights and reproductive justice didn't change based on who is in the White House. We have leadership that is not supportive of what we're trying to do, but the demand for justice shouldn't be modulated.
I am dedicated to ensuring reproductive health and freedom for all. Please join me in supporting Planned Parenthood's vital work to protect access to reproductive health care and real sex education worldwide.
We must... guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.
At the presidential level, everybody knows that Hillary Clinton is going to stand up for women's reproductive rights.
Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environmen. — © Keith Henson
Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environmen.
I'm impacted by my women's reproductive rights.
Iran's experience shows that when religious scholars and UNFPA work together to solve reproductive health issues, there can be excellent results.
Losing their reproductive rights is the first step to how women live in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.
We must . . . guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.
I have been fighting to protect women's healthcare and reproductive rights for decades.
I have personally been affected by women's reproductive health issues, and I will continue to support that cause and spread awareness about it.
Reproductive health decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor. Any efforts to undermine women's reproductive rights must stop.
We also need to make sure women can be in charge of their reproductive health. We can't defund places like Planned Parenthood, where women can go for all kinds of healthcare services. While reproductive rights span much further than the pro-life/pro-choice debate, Donald Trump has actually said he wants to "punish" women for having abortions. And Mike Pence is quite possibly the most anti-choice vice presidential candidate in history.
They say atomic rad-i-ation can hurt your reproductive organs. My answer is, so can a hockey stick. But we don't stop building them.
For women, access to reproductive health care isn't a political issue.
If women took up arms to defend their reproductive rights, the GOP would ban assault rifles yesterday.
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