Top 999 Retire Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Retire quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Once I started to retire, I was telling all of the girls in my generation, 'Wow I feel like an outsider in this locker room because this whole new generation of women has stepped in,' and that was one of the signs where I said maybe it's time to retire.
I suppose you retire from trying. If you retire from trying, you think, "Maybe love will just come my way if I don't want it anymore."
Journalists don't retire, writers don't retire. I'm still hoping for that other big story. There's always one just around the corner. — © Phillip Knightley
Journalists don't retire, writers don't retire. I'm still hoping for that other big story. There's always one just around the corner.
I cant retire from music any more than I can retire from my liver. Youd have to remove the music from me surgically—like you were taking out my appendix.
When I retire, I want to retire the right way.
Faithful servants never retire. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God.
What I'm really looking to do is retire undefeated; I'm not sure when the right time to retire will be, but I know that I'm not done yet. Something still feels unfinished, and that's why I'm going to keep going.
A lot of people want to retire; I couldn't. You don't retire in our business. What, play golf and watch television? Oh, please.
I've always said boxing will not retire me, I will retire from boxing, and I stand by that statement.
Most people don't hold a job for 45 years. They pass on or want to retire. I don't want to retire. My real goal is to do 50 years on 'Sesame Street,' and I only got 4-and-a-half years to go.
If I retire doing the character, I don't think the character has to retire. There will still be caricatures of Elvira. You know, Dracula still works, and he's dead.
Of course I can't retire on a win - but then, I can't retire on a loss either.
Nothing embitters my old age [like] the circulation of absurd stories that I retire as civilization advances, that I shun the white men and seek the Indians, and that now even when old, I seek to retire beyond the second Alleganies.
My guiding principle and motivation was that I wanted to retire by the time I turned 35. There actually are two books that I bought and still have - Paul Terhost's 'Cashing In On the American Dream: How to Retire at 35' and Andrew Tobias's 'The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need' - that were my personal financial road map.
I am very much inspired by the great masters of entertainment: Bob Hope, George Burns, Jimmy Durante - who never thought about retiring. When people ask me if I plan to retire, I say, "Retire to what? I am doing what I love best right now!"
When I retire, my CV might have a few holes, things I haven't achieved that I would have felt I needed to do, but I won't know if I did need to do them until I retire. — © Alun Wyn Jones
When I retire, my CV might have a few holes, things I haven't achieved that I would have felt I needed to do, but I won't know if I did need to do them until I retire.
The word 'retirement' doesn't really sit well with me. There comes a time when you reach a position in society or culture where people will not let you retire. You can say, 'Alright, I'm going to hang up my guitar,' but people will still not let you retire.
At certain historic moments, grandparents took on childrearing responsibilities. In many cultures, they still do. Chinese grandparents who are able to retire at 55 are seen all over Beijing bouncing grandbabies. In the United States, we can't afford to retire at 55.
Sure, I could retire anytime. I don't need to work for money. But retire to what? Sitting around the pool reading? Or even trout fishing. I love trout fishing, and I go every time I get a chance. But a man with pride in his profession need to work.
When shall I at last retire into solitude alone, without companions, without joy and without sorrow, with only the sacred certainty that all is a dream? When, in my rags—without desires—shall I retire contented into the mountains? When, seeing that my body is merely sickness and crime, age and death, shall I—free, fearless, and blissful—retire to the forest? When? When, oh when?
The question why did you retire is a much nicer one than why don't you retire
I don't think you retire from movies; movies retire you.
We'll all retire from life at some point. The great thing about acting is you don't necessarily have to retire.
You can retire from a job, but don't ever retire from making extremely meaningful contributions in life.
I wish I could say farewell and retire but there is nothing for me to retire from.
Retire? Retire from What? Life? I will only retire when I am dead!
If you want to retire young and retire rich, it is very important that your money be like a bird dog, going out every day and bringing home more and more assets.
I'm still a horse that can run. I may not be able to win the Derby, but what do you do when you retire? People retire and they vegetate. They go away and they dry up.
I once had a dream about getting a marriage, house in the country, and at the end of the day we'd retire, but I'm never going to retire.
I spoke to my parents and my agent a year before Rio. I was like: 'I don't want to do this. I want to get away.' They said: 'Just grit your teeth for a year. Then you can have your break. And if you want to retire, you can retire then.' I was in tears. I just hated it.
First of all, you never retire. At least I don't retire.
If you're going to retire, retire early.
A sort of sadness shall always remain in my mind that I was not allowed to retire while playing, but anyway, it's all a part of life for a sportsman who, while playing, never realises when he should retire, but he starts thinking about it when he is dropped.
Boxing's not going to retire me; I'll retire from boxing. That's where most people make mistakes. They normally stay in the game a bit too long.
Retire? I will never retire.
Some sleep too much....Nowhere do the scriptures say, 'Thou shalt sleep eight hours.' Nor do they say, 'Retire early unless you happen to be a night person.' There must be an excellent reason for the injunction to retire and arise early. ...You will profit by this counsel if you heed it.
The number-one job of the hedge-fund manager is not to make sure that you can retire with a smile on your face - it's for him to retire with a smile on his face.
My No. 1 goal, and what I've spent my entire life striving to achieve is to win a World Cup. I want to retire so badly with that World Cup, but if I don't, then I'll retire knowing that I've done everything I could to get it.
I just want to retire before I go senile because if I don't retire before I go senile, then I'll do more damage than good at that point. — © Elon Musk
I just want to retire before I go senile because if I don't retire before I go senile, then I'll do more damage than good at that point.
I want to retire how I want to retire - and I have a great opportunity to do that.
In my situation, unlike some players who retire because they have no choice - either teams don't want them or injuries have caused them to retire, and they just can't do it - for me, I really had never thought I would give out mentally before I gave out physically, but I think that was the case.
Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to.
AC/DC will never retire; Angus will never retire.
Let me put it this way: I don't plan to retire. What would I do, become a brain surgeon? I mean, a brain surgeon can retire and write novels, but a novelist can't retire and do brain surgery - or at least he better not.
I'll never retire. I'm just using up somebody else's oxygen if I retire.
We need more cartoonists to truly retire when they retire, and not run repeats.
People say you never retire in this [film] business and I say, well, not until they retire you.
I always joke that I want to be able to retire from boxing and still be able to look into the mirror without seeing scars all over my face. I love my sport, but I would rather not have to spend hours doing my makeup to cover up the memories once I retire.
I suppose I'm not quite the oldest detective on the block - David Jason is. When's he going to retire and give rest of us a chance?! No, his Touch Of Frost is terrific and a wonderful antidote to the po-faced detective shows around at the moment. Anyway, I can't retire. I have a wife and five chickens to feed.
Why should I say I will retire in three or four years? You retire the very moment you utter those words.
I have said many times that most people work all their life to retire to play golf, while I played golf all my life to retire to work. I enjoy working. It has kept me young and on the move, and I have had a good time with it.
I was able to retire from the sport with all my faculties and not let the sport retire me. — © Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I was able to retire from the sport with all my faculties and not let the sport retire me.
The biggest thing I learned is that when Dana says retire, you should retire. Otherwise, you will blow your knee out before your next fight.
There's nothing I would retire for, so I won't retire.
Boxing won’t retire me, I will retire from boxing.
People say, 'Oh, so you should retire.' Yeah, you want me to retire so you won't get knocked out. I won't retire.
Retire to what? I'm a golfer and a fisherman. I've got no place to retire to.
Retirement is a very subjective thing. There are guys I know who retire and they're very happy and they never miss work at all. I can't see myself retiring and fondling a dog every day. I like to get up and work and go out. I have too much energy or too much nervous anxiety or something. So I don't see myself retiring. Maybe I will suddenly get a stroke or a heart attack and I will be forced to retire, but if my health holds out I don't expect to retire.
If you are smart, you never retire. You may retire from that job you have had for many years, but you will pick up another career for yourself of some type.
You cannot let something deter you from giving someone a rematch unless you are going to retire. If you are going to retire, go ahead, but if not, you need to do what you are going to do. You do not have to keep playing with the game of boxing. If you are going to fight, fight.
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